Cri 174 Reviewer 1

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What medical evidence

Instruction. Encircle the BEST ANSWER from the given choices. No erasures can show that a gunshot
allowed. (100 Points) wound is suicidal?
1. The fundamentals responsibility of the officer in charge of protecting the A. Cadaveric spasm
crime scene is B. Firearm distant to the
A. Interrogating the witnesses victim
B. Engaging in the search for traces left by the search for traces left by C. No sign of struggle
the criminal from the victim
C. Removal of evidence which may prone important to the case D. All of the above
D. Preserving the site of the crime in the same physical condition as it 5. The written record made
was left by the perpetrator by the investigator upon
2. It is the official inquiry made by the police on the facts and arrival at the crime
circumstances surrounding the death of theperson which is expected to scene which contains
be criminal or unlawful is termed as observations ofthe crime
A. Criminal investigation scene results of the
B. Homicide investigation interview of witnesses,
C. Special crime investigation evidence collected and
D. Autopsy investigation others is called
3. Who among the following experts in crime detection can inform the A. Initial report
investigator regarding the exact causeof death? B. Investigation report
A. Toxicologist C. Report
B. Chemist
C. Pathologist
D. Cardiologist
D. Field note

6. It deals with the study of major crime based on the application of special investigative techniques. The study concentrates
more on physical evidences, its collection, handling, identification and preservation in coordination with the experts in the
crime laboratory.
A. Homicide investigation
B. Chain of custody
C. Special crime investigation
D. Criminal investigation
7. Ante-Mortem:
A. Before death
B. During death
C. After death
D. D. Hearsay
8. A corpse or a dead body refers to:
A. Corpus delicti
B. Cadaver
C. Victim
D. D. All of the above
9. It shall include, at the minimum, child prostitution, child pornography and other forms of sexual exploitation,child labor,
force labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude, removal and sale of organs, use in illicit/illegal
activities, and participation in armed conflict:
A. Child Abuse
B. Child Racketerring
C. Child Sexual Abuse
D. Exploitation
10. They are members of the police, military, fire, medical teams, and other volunteer organizations who areexpected to be
the first to respond to calls for assistance in cases of incidents involving explosives:
A. Patrol Officer
B. On-duty Police Officer
D. First Responder
11. Ipso Facto
A. By the fact or act itself
B. Both displayed negligence
C. Intentionally done
D. At the point of death
12. It is the cause that directly produces the effects without the intervention of any other cause:
A. Immediate Cause
B. Constant Cause
C. Secondary Cause
D. Proximate Cause
13. Change of Possession:
A. Transmittal of Evidence
B. Chain of Custody
C. Marking of Evidence
D. All of the above
14. Sketch is correctly describe as:
A. the sketch must be sponsored or verified
B. To establish admissibility, the investigator must have personal observation of the data in question
C. Sketches are not a substitute for notes or photos; they are but a supplement to them
D. All of the above

15. In Homicide investigation, the procedure in collecting soil sample in outdoor crime scene is:
A. Double handfuls at five foot intervals
B. Handful at five foot intervals
C. Double handful at ten foot intervals
D. Handful at five foot intervals

16. All but one is the importance of blood spatter analysis:

A. An aid in determining if the object or persons was in motion when the blood spattered.
B. Possible for an expert to tell you how the crime was committed as indicated by the blood spots.
C. Possible to trace every spot to its origin by observing its characteristics
D. None of the above

17. Dismembered or cut up parts of the human body such as hand, feet, torso, sex organ, and others whichare thrown to
different places to conceal a crime is called
A. Mutilation
B. Chop-Chop
C. Mutilated remains
D. Mutilated
18. The objective of criminal investigation is to determine the truth as far as it can be discovered in any post-factum inquiry.
Post-factum means
A. After investigation
B. After an incident
C. Before the facts
D. Facts of the case
19. It implies the deliberate planning of the criminal act before executing it.
A. Treachery
B. Evident premeditation
C. Criminal intent
D. Alevosia
20. What is the standard inner perimeter for roping off an outdoor crime scene?
A. Ten square feet
B. Twenty square feet
C. Forty square feet
D. D. Sixty square feet
21. What is empathy, a behavior which you should do when you are interviewing sex offenders?
A. Employing force towards the sex offenders for them to be guilty of the crime
B. Employing “face-saving” remarks so that the criminal will have conscience enough to admit the crime 2
C. Employing “excitement aids” so that the offender will feel the same about what he did to the victim
D. Employing yourself to be in the position just like the suspect especially in his actions, words and feelings
22. What is the most important thing you should do when you are to interview sex offenders?
A. Employing “face-saving” remarks
B. Employing empathy
C. Being prepared in your opening
D. Asking direct questions to the accused
23. In the interview of a rape victim, how many people is necessary inside the room aside from the victim andinvestigator?
A. The complete 10 members of the raiding team
B. The complete 10 members of the victim’s family
C. The complete witnesses of the crime
D. If necessary, no one, only the investigator and the victim
24. It refers to any act which results in the non-accidental and /or unreasonable infliction of physical injury which includes,
but is not limited to, lacerations, fractured bones, burns, internal injuries, severe injury or serious bodily harm:
A. Physical Abuse
B. Sexual Abuse
C. Neglected
D. Abandoned
25. The following are the salient features of sex crime EXCEPT:
A. It is triggered by emotion
B. Most sex offenders have peculiarities
C. Gratification of the sex drive is often accomplished in strange and disguised ways
D. Understand all the little overtones of sex offenses

26. Rhythmic pulsation of the vessel due to the blood flow can be determined through:
A. Auscultation of the heart beat
B. Application of melted wax in the breast
C. Palpation of the radial pulse or carotid pulse
D. Diaphanous test
27. A positive Icard’s test shows that the peripheral circulation is still present. This is manifested as
A. A rush of blood to the tip of a finger where ligature was previously applied.
B. Red coloration of the finger webs when spread and examined against strong light
C. Blister formation when heated material is dropped on the skin.
D. Greenish yellow discoloration of the body upon injection of fluorescein
28. The stage of muscle change where the muscles are completely relaxed after death is the
A. Stage of primary flaccidity
B. Stage of secondary flaccidity
C. Rigor mortis
D. State of post-mortem rigidity
29. Trauma or disease that kills quickly without development of complications is known as
A. Primary cause of death
B. Secondary cause of death
C. Manner of death
D. Mechanism of death
30. Blood remains fluid with in how many hours after death?A. 1-
B. 4-5
C. 6-8
D. 12
31. Sharp-edge instrument can cause:
A. Lacerated wound
B. Incised wound
C. Punctured wound
D. Stab wound
32. Sharp edged and sharp pointed instrument will result to:
A. Lacerated wound
B. Incised wound 3
C. Punctured wound
D. Stab wound
33. Punctured wound is due to:
A. Sharp edge instrument
B. Blunt instrument
C. Sharp edge and sharp pointed instrument
D. Sharp pointed instrument
34. Wound that is inflicted in downward motion is classified as:
A. Hit
B. Trust
C. Stab
D. Gaping
35. Wound that is inflicted in horizontal motion will result to:
A. Hit
B. Trust
C. Shrapnel
D. Gaping
36. Physical injury which is located at the site of the application of force is classified as:
A. Coup injury
B. Coup contre coup injury
C. Contre coup injury
D. Locus minors Resistencia
37. If the injury is located at the site of injury and on its opposite site, such injury is classified as:
A. Coup injury
B. Coup contre coup injury
C. Contre coup injury
D. Locus minors Resistencia

38. Which of the following statement correctly describe patterned wound?

A. Instinctive reaction of self-preservation
B. Wound produced on one-self
C. Wound on the nature of instrument used
D. Wound that causes laceration
39. It is a circumscribed extravasation of blood in the subcutaneous tissue or underneath the mucousmembrane:
A. Contusion
B. Hematoma
C. Concussion
D. Petechiae

40. One of the best method to establish the location and distances of evidence from other object is by:
A. Use of two reference point when measuring the location of evidence
B. Preservation to the mind of the investigator
C. Photograph every location of the evidence
D. Video recording is done to preserve the electronic crime scene
41. All of the following are the purposes and use of the 5 E’s and the H. Which of the four doesn’t belong to the group:
A. Aid the investigator in searching the crime scene or other places which may be sources of evidences.
B. It will guide the investigator in formulating questions towards the judge during court proceedings of the case.
C. Assist the investigator and the desk officer in making brief statements of facts in the logbook or policeblotter and in
the reports.
D. Help the investigator in preparing the modus operandi report on how the crime being committed
42. How important is means of transportation in a homicide investigation?
A. Considered as Places of Importance
B. Considered as Persons of Importance
C. Considered as Time of Importance
D. Considered as Things of Importance
43. Which of the following is considered as the most important place of importance?
A. Avenues of Approach 4
B. Avenues of Escape
C. The Crime scene
D. Both A and C
44. A place of importance which emphasize how the investigating team arrives at the crime scene.
A. Avenues of Approach
B. Avenues of Escape
C. The Crime Scene
D. Both A and C
45. It is directed toward the discovery of evidence accidentally or intentionally left by the suspects in the crime scene that can
provide the investigators with valuable investigative lead in solving a case:
A. Conduct of Ocular Inspection
B. Conduct of search and seizure
C. Conduct of Neighborhood Investigation
D. Conduct of Police Surveillance
46. The presence of unusual odor recorded at the crime and other items of evidence are under:
A. Place of Importance
B. Persons of Importance
C. Time of Importance
D. Things of importance
47. These are hints that suggest lines of investigative actions and information that is valuable in expanding the universe of
suspects, identifying prime suspects and finding the guilty person. These are called
A. Information
B. Investigative leads
C. Corpus delicti
D. Modus operandi
48. What are the chances of two people having the same DNA "fingerprint"?
A. 4 million to 1
B. 30 billion to 1
C. 3 billion to 1
D. 60 billion to 1
49. A Sexual interest in, or arousal to, teens/post-pubescent children is called:
A. Hebophilia
B. Necrophilia
C. Pedophilia
D. Both A and B
50. The impairment of either the desire for sexual gratification or inability to achieve it is known as:
A. Mental Disorders
B. Sexual Disorder
C. Physical Incapacity
D. Sexual Desire
51. The adverse psychological impact rape victims continue to suffer long after the incident is called
A. Insanity
B. Rape-trauma syndrome
C. Culture shock
D. Sexual anxiety
52. When a wounding agent produces communication between the inner and outer portion of the hollow organ,this wound is
known as:
A. Deep Wound
B. Penetrating Wound
C. Perforating Wound
D. Superficial Wound
53. When the wounding agent enters the body but did not come out, the wound is classified as:
A. Deep Wound
B. Perforating Wound
C. Penetrating Wound
D. Superficial Wound
54. Physical Injuries which develop on parts of the body when bone tissues is deep seated caused by forcible impact of hard
blunt objects are usually known as:
A. Abrasion
B. Contusion
C. Hematoma
D. Concussion
55. A post-mortem wound differs from ante-mortem whom in that:
A. The wound edges gape
B. The tissues around the wound are deeply situated
C. There are a lot of blood presentsD.
There is no clothing of blood
56. Which of the following findings most strongly points to drowning as a cause of death?
A. Heat stiffening
B. Cadaveric spasm
C. Cold stiffening
D. Rigor mortis
57. In deaths related to sexual acts, which is NOT correct?
A. Death from natural causes may occur due to increased demand on the cardiovasculary system
B. In rape, the death of the offender maybe due to the defense act of the woman victim
C. Death of the female partner is usually accidental
D. Female suffer death from natural causes more than males
58. When a deceased buried is raised or disinterred from the grave, this is known as:
A. Burial
B. Exhumation
C. Inhumation
D. Cremation
59. Accumulation of blood in the most dependent portions of the body is termed as:
A. Suggilation
B. Hematoma
C. Ecchymosis
D. Petechiae
60. From the condition of the cadaver, which of the following points is NOT valid in the determination of theduration of
A. Rigor mortis sets in from 12-24 hours and is fully developed after 48 hours
B. Post-mortem lividity developed in 3-6 hours
C. Decomposition in tropical countries is 24 to 48 hours
D. Blood clots inside the blood vessels in 6 to 8 hours
61. The type of defense wound that occurs when the victim raises the hands or arms for protection:
A. Active defense injuries
B. Self-instinct wound
C. Passive defense injuries
D. Reactive wound
62. Wounds inflicted in the palm or fingers and thumb is what type of defense wound?
A. Active defense injuries
B. Self-instinct wound
C. Passive defense injuries
D. Reactive wound
63. A disruption of the anatomic integrity of the tissues of the body is called:
A. Injury
B. Physical injury
C. Wound
D. Abrasions
64. It is the sum total of all reactions of tissue or organ to trauma, either observed micro or macroscopically istermed as:
A. Inflammation
B. Injury
C. Trauma
D. Vital reactions
65. It refers to the congestion of the area due to an increase of blood supply as a part of the reparativemechanism:
A. Dolor
B. Rubor
C. Calor
D. Tumor
66. Increase in temperature or heat is also known as:
A. Dolor
B. Rubor
C. Calor
D. Tumor
67. The type of wound that does not cause complications:
A. Mortal wound
B. Non-mortal wound
C. Either A or B
D. Neither A or B
68. When there is forcible contact of the cutting instrument with the body surface, this will result to:
A. Hacked wound
B. Slice cut
C. Chopped wound
D. Impact cut
69. When the wounding instrument is a heavy cutting instrument, this will cause:
A. Hacked wound
B. Slice cut
C. Gunshot wound
D. Impact cut
70. Small clean-cut wound is covered with lymph in:
A. 24 hours
B. 36 Hours
C. 48 hours
D. 72 hours
71. This type of healing takes place when there is minimal tissue loss, more approximation of the edges andwithout
significant bacterial contamination:
A. Primary intention
B. Secondary intention
C. Tertiary intention
D. Aberrated healing
72. An abnormal amount of collagen formed in the connective tissue thus producing a large bulging timorousscar:
A. Scar
B. B. Burn
C. Keloid
D. Proud flesh
73. Smudging may be seen with a distance of up to:
A. 8 inches
B. 10 inches
C. 12 inches
D. 14 inches
74. This consists of the unburned, burning and partially burned powder together with graphite which come outof the nozzle:
A. Gun powder
B. Smoke
C. Powder burns
D. Powder grains
75. It is a term commonly used by physicians whenever there is blackening of the margin of the gunshot wound of entrance:
A. Gun powder
B. Smoke
C. Powder burns
D. Powder grains
76. The presence of tattooing or stippling maybe seen around the wound of entrance up to a distance of: 7
A. 12 inches
B. 24 inches
C. 36 inches
D. 48 inches
77. Planned and coordinated legal search conducted to locate physical evidence at the locus criminis refers to
A. Crime scene search
B. Intelligence
C. Instrumentation
D. Covert operation
78. The sketch that gives the picture of the scene, the crime and its environment is called
A. Sketch of ground
B. Sketch of locality
C. Sketch of details
D. Sketch of surrounding
79. In searching the immediate and extended area of the crime scene, the appropriate search method is
A. Strip search
B. Double strip search
C. Grid method
D. Spiral method
80. It is a measured drawing of a scene showing the location of all-important items, particularly physicalevidence is
A. Crime scene search
B. Field note taking
C. Photography
D. Crime scene sketch
81. It is the complete cessation of all the vital functions without the possibility of resuscitation:
A. Death
B. Dying
C. Coma
D. All of the choices
82. No movements or breathing shall cover a period of how many hour/s to established irreversible coma?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
83. This is the state of the body in which there is complete, persistent and continuous cessation of the vital organs:
A. Clinical death
B. Molecular death
C. Cellular death
D. Apparent death
84. Involuntary suspension such as in still-birth is an example of:
A. Clinical death
B. Molecular death
C. Cellular death
D. Apparent death
85. Death of individual cells occurs at a period of:
A. 1-2 hours after death
B. 3-6 hours after death
C. 6-8 hours after death
D. D. Generally 12 hours
86. This is the transient loss of consciousness or temporary cessation of the vital functions of the body on account of
disease, catalepsy, or electric shock:
A. Clinical death
B. Molecular death
C. Cellular death
D. Apparent death
87. Application of a ligature around the base of a finger to determine peripheral circulation is known as: 8
A. Icards test
B. Magnus test
C. Diaphanous test
D. Heat application

88. The progressive fall of the body temperature is one of the most prominent signs of death commonly observed
A. Livor mortis
B. Algor mortis
C. Cadaveric lividity
D. Rigor mortis
89. When the whole body is rigid, the person may probably be dead for at least:
A. 3 hours
B. 6 hours
C. 9 hours
D. 12 hours
90. This is the cessation of the functions of the cell after death of the organs
A. Somatic death
B. Apparent death
C. Molecular death@
D. Clinical death
91. Death that occurs when there is deep irreversible coma and complete cessation of all the vital functionswithout
possibility of resuscitation
A. Somatic death
B. Respiratory death
C. Cardiac death
D. Brain death
92. The rise in the body temperature after death is known as:
A. Algor mortis
B. Post mortem caloricity
C. Rigor mortis
D. Livor mortis

93. This is a condition in which the fatty tissues of the body are transformed to soft brownish white substance
A. Saponification
B. Mummification
C. Exhumation
D. Maceration
94. The following are the general rules for sketching except;
A. Write down and control all measurements.
B. Fill in details on your sketch at the scene.
C. Indicate compass direction
D. Sketches are substitutes for note and photos.
95. A method of sketching used in indoor crime scenes. It is basically a top-down view of the crime scenewhere the walls
of the room have been folded down to reveal locations of evidence.
A. Coordinate
B. Cross projection
C. Triangulation
D. Bird’s eye view
96. That part of sketch that explains the essential items drawn in the sketch.
A. Title
B. Essential Items
C. Compass Direction
D. Legend
97. It is a method of sketching particularly useful for sketching outdoor crime scene where there are no identifiable
points of reference.
A. Coordinate
B. Cross projection
C. Triangulation
D. Bird’s eye view
98. If only the area where pieces of evidence is likely to be found is drawn in the sketch, it is known as
A. Sketch of Locality
B. Sketch of Ground
C. Rough Sketch
D. Sketch of Details
99. The lividity is said to have become “fixed” within:
A. 12 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 36 hours
D. 72 hours
100. After death, rigor mortis will start to appear within how many hours?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 36
D. Anytime


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