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Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.

Technical / Orchestrator

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x

For CNC Technical Administrators
By Tim McMurdo

Editor’s Note: Oracle continues to enhance and invest in Orchestrator Studio. A new version, was
released in December 2019 with the latest EnterpriseOne tool set. The latest version was overhauled by Oracle
resulting in a different installation process which has been significantly simplified. Thank you, Oracle! This article by Tim
McMurdo will help prepare a CNC person to install Orchestrator Studio 9.2.4.x.

Previous versions of Orchestrator Studio were delivered as a separate component and hence had their own
version specific to the component. The product has evolved from 5.x versions to 7.x versions, however,
moving forward with the latest release, Orchestrator Studio versions are now based on the EnterpriseOne
toolset for 9.2.4.x. This is due to Oracle overhauling the design of the software and now including the
product natively with the Application Interface Services (AIS) Server.
This welcome change has simplified the installation process – it’s never been easier!

Orchestrator Studio Versions

The versions have been updated significantly over the years, and Table 1 gives a breakdown of each
version and the corresponding Tools Release.
Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
Orchestrator Tools Release
Studio Version Release Date
2.0 Mar 2016 • Transformations
• Import / Export
• Orchestration Discovery
3.0 9.2.1 Dec 2016 • Orchestration Components as UDOs
5.0.1 Apr 2017 • Message Service
• Data Service
• Connector
• Nested Orchestrations
• Outbound Rest
• Groovy
5.0.1 9.2.2 Oct 2017 • Notifications
• Database Connectors
• Scheduler
• Iterate over Steps
6.1 Apr 2018 • Process Recorder
• Arrays as Inputs
• Report as a Step
• Assigned Subscriptions
7.0 9.2.3 Nov 2018 • Orchestration Monitor and Health Monitor
• Message Center
• Input from CSV
• Orchestrations launched from BSFNs
7.1 Jan 2019 • Multiple actions in messages
• Orchestration variables
• Application links to personal forms and queries
• Multiple JWT certificates
7.2 Apr 2019 • Call orchestrations from form extension
• Open standards support
• Orchestrations, URLs, and reports as actions in messages
• Subscription categories
7.3 Jul 2019 • Object as an orchestration input
• Enhanced Scheduler APIs
• Map orchestration output back to fields on a form extension
• Orchestrations for system administration
7.3.1 Sep 2019 • Bug fixes
9.0 Nov 2019 • Orchestrator Studio Usability Improvements & Interface
• New Scheduler User Interface,
• Simplified Deployment and Security of Orchestrator Studio
• Grid Support for Orchestrations on Form Extensions
• Import and Export of Nested Orchestrations Jan 2020 • Search and Export by Categories Apr 2020 • Orchestrator Debugger
• Orchestrator Steps can call BSFN
• Upload Multiple files
• Embed Orchestrations and Notifications without a Connector

Table 1: Orchestrator Studio Versions Table

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
For more information on differences, refer to Oracle’s Continuous Delivery of Orchestrator and Notification
Enhancements here:

Orchestrator Foundation
As mentioned earlier, the installation of Oracle Orchestrator Studio is simplified and no longer requires the
Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) components to be installed. This is because Oracle
redesigned the software, eliminating some dependencies resulting in a streamlined installation process.
Additionally, there is new functionality and based on our experience, better performance, and stability!
With this redesign, it has never been easier to get Orchestrator Studio up and running. Let’s take a look at the
details. Refer to Figure 1 for a flow diagram of Orchestrator Studio.

Figure 1: Normal flow of data with an Orchestration foundation

Figure 2: Typical Orchestrator Studio topology

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
Orchestrator Requirements
There are many components required to build a successful Orchestrator Studio infrastructure, this list

• E1 Tools version
• AIS Server
• Web Server
• ESUs
• Configurations
Be sure to check with Oracle Support through the Certifications tab to ensure all requirements are configured
for the specific versions of software that your environment is running.

Certified Platforms
It is critical to ensure you are running your AIS server on a supported platform. Be sure and check using the
Certifications search on Refer to Figure 3.

Figure 3: Certification Search Results on Oracle support

E1 Tools Version
Orchestrator Studio is now deployed with the AIS component beginning with the 9.2.4.x tool set. This article
will focus on the latest release, released in April 2020.
It is recommended that multi-foundation is configured for your JDE instance. Multi-foundation allows for
multiple tools releases to run on the same installation. This article will not cover setting up multi-foundation.
The JDE toolset can be downloaded via Oracle support (

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x

Figure 4: My Oracle Support – Patches and Updates

A new browser window will open, allowing you to search for the specific updates and tools for your
environment. Refer to Figures 5, 6, and 7.

Figure 5: My Oracle Support – EnterpriseOne Tools Release (Multi-Platform)

On the Search panel, enter the following:

• Type: select “EnterpriseOne Tools Releases”

• Platform: select “Multi-platform”
• Search for Name: Enter “*”

Ensure the checkbox is selected for the License Agreement, then click Search. This will display all the Tools
Releases for for each EnterpriseOne component as shown in Figure 5. Click on the + sign for each
corresponding component required.
Additionally, we need to download other components that are not “Multi-platform”, this includes the Enterprise
Server and Server Manager, Deployment Server.
In the JDEtips training lab, we are using a Windows Server architecture, so we will search and download the
components by using the same search criteria as above except we change the platform from “Multi-platform”
to “INTEL NT”. Refer to Figure 6.

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x

Figure 6: My Oracle Support - EnterpriseOne Tools Release (INTEL NT)

It is recommended that you update your deployment server to the latest release as well. This is available for
download by changing the platform to “CLIENT”, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: My Oracle Support - EnterpriseOne Tools Release (Client)

Distribute Software to Server

It is assumed that the server manager agent has been already installed and is running on the
Enterprise, AIS and Web servers.

Figure 8: AIS server with Server Manager Agent

Once you have downloaded the software from Oracle, it needs to be uploaded and distributed to the
corresponding servers within Server Manager. This is initiated from the Managed Software section in Server

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x

Figure 9: Manage Software

• Click on Manage Software.

The managed software components screen opens allowing you to upload and distribute the software to each

Upload Software Component

• Click on Choose File.
• Navigate and select each file downloaded previously from the previous steps (Figures 5, 6, and

Managed EnterpriseOne Software Components

All Oracle EnterpriseOne software must be distributed to the corresponding server that will be responsible for
running the software.
For example, you cannot create an AIS instance using if you have not distributed the AIS
server component to the server that will be hosting the web services.

• Select each component by clicking on the checkbox (see Figure 10).

Figure 10: Selected component

• Click Distribute.
• Select the server that will host the selected software.

Now that you have downloaded and distributed the Oracle software to each server component, you are ready
to create an AIS instance to utilize the new toolset and ultimately access Orchestrator Studio.

AIS Server
The AIS (Application Interfaces Server) is the foundation for Orchestrator. It stores all the orchestrations that
are developed and processes the orchestrations from a wide variety of data sources.
The AIS server converts the Orchestrations and Notifications into XML code, and then allows these XML
components to execute from the AIS server while utilizing the HTML server.

Certified Platforms
It is critical to ensure you are running your AIS server on a supported platform. Be sure to check using the
Certifications search on Refer to Figure 11.

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x

Figure 11: Certification search results on Oracle support

Certification for AIS Server 9.2.4.x

In our lab, we are using WebLogic for our AIS server as well. Ensure you have installed the supported
version of the middleware software (WebLogic in this case) on your AIS server, same process as what we just
completed for the Orchestrator Studio, however, when creating the domain, we created a new domain called

Creating an AIS Server Instance

The AIS server not only processes the Orchestrator Studio requests by submitting to the web server for
processing, it also now hosts the html pages for the Orchestrator Studio interface. Previous versions of
Orchestrator Studio required the interface to be hosted on a separate server running ADF.
Below we will create a new AIS instance running toolset

In our virtual lab, we will use a server called JDE92AIS2, in this case, installed with Oracle
WebLogic, running on Windows 2012 R2. For this exercise, it is assumed the
prerequisites, such as Java and visual studio runtimes, WebLogic server and the WebLogic domain are
already installed.

To install the AIS component, a Java Container needs to be created. This is accomplished by accessing the
WebLogic domain.

• Within Server Manager, click on the server that will host the new AIS instance.
• Select the Oracle WebLogic Server instance (see Figure 12).

Figure 12: Oracle WebLogic Server Instance

• Select the domain name for the WebLogic instance, in this case the domain name in our lab is
called e1_web (see Figure 13).

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x

Figure 13: Domain Name for the WebLogic Instance

• Enter the name of the server for the J2EE Server.

• Enter the port (must be unique and not in use).
• Click Create Server (see Figure 14).

Figure 14: Create a new J2EE Server

Now that the Java Container is created, we can create the AIS instance and associate it to the Java
Container, Orchestrator_AIS running on Port 9191.
Navigate back to the same server that contains the Java Container, in this case, JDE92AIS2.

• Click Create New Managed Instance (see Figure 15).

Figure 15: Create New Managed Instance

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
• Select EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services (see Figure 16).

Figure 16: Deploy a new web component to the E1 Application Interface Service

• Click Continue.
The Create/Register a Managed Instance screen opens requiring the configuration specifics for this AIS

• Server Group is used for categorizing instances.

• Enter an Instance name.

The name of the instance is utilized throughout Server Manager. It’s important to pick a
naming standard to help categorize and identify the instances in Server Manager. Pick a
naming standard that is scalable and works for your organization.

• Select the J2EE Server / Cluster.

 This will be the name of the Java Container created in the previous step.
• HTTP Port: 9191 (same as the Java Container).
• Software Component.
 EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services Server
 If you do not see the AIS component, refer to the section “Distribute Software to
Server” covered earlier in this article.

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x

Figure 17: Define the Managed Instance

• Click Continue.
Additional configuration fields are displayed to finalize the configuration. Figures 18 through 20 outline what
each of these fields represent. Refer to the screenshots for samples of the configuration values.

JAS Information
HTML Server End Point Host Name The JAS server associated with the AIS server
HTML Server End Point Port The JAS server port
HTML Server End Point Protocol JAS protocol (HTTP or HTTPS)
Default role to use in the login screen for this
Default Role
server. Default Value: *ALL
Default Environment Default login environment

Figure 18: JAS Configuration Values

Health Check UserName Username used for performing health check
Health Check Password Password associated to the username
Health Check Environment Login environment to use for health check

Figure 19: Miscellaneous Configuration Values

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
Security Information
Number of Security Servers 1
JDE92ENT1 <name of your enterprise security
Primary Security Server
6017 <references the port enterprise security
Outgoing JDENET port
server communicates on>
6017 <references the port enterprise security
Incoming JDENET Port
server communicates on>

Figure 20: Security Configuration Values

• Populate the fields above and click Create Instance.

Figure 21: Create the Managed Instance

AIS Configuration
Once the AIS instance is created, there are some additional configuration settings that need to be set for the
web instance to recognize the AIS system.
Let’s have a look at these settings now by accessing the AIS instance we created in the previous step.

AIS General Setup

• Through Server Manager, click on your AIS server.
• Under the Configuration section on the left-hand side, click on Advanced.
• Click on General.
• Enable Admin Service – check mark.
• Enter the path on the AIS server for Orchestration exceptions (helpful for diagnostics!).

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
• Exception Scenario List: FSR_Error, FSR_Warning
• Returns errors caused by a form request.
• Returns errors caused by a form request and the form request is configured with
"Stop on Warnings" option selected in the Orchestrator Studio.
• Click Apply.

Figure 22: AIS General Setup

AIS JAS Information

Under the Configuration section on the left, Click on JAS information. The Application Interface Services JAS
Settings screen opens, validate each field was populated correctly during the AIS creation.
Check to make sure the “Keep JAS Session Open” is selected (see Figure 23) – this will ensure the AIS
instance will reuse the existing JAS connections already established.

Figure 23: The Application Interface Services JAS Settings

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
JAS Configuration
There are additional settings required on the JAS instance to recognize the AIS instance.
Access the JAS instance in Server Manager.

• Click on Advanced from the drop-down list.

Figure 24: Additional Settings on the JAS Instance

• Click on Web Runtime.

The Form Service needs AIS configuration values.

Allowed Hosts IP Address of the AIS Server

AIS Protocol http or https (needs to match the setting used on the AIS instance)
AIS Host Server Name running AIS
AIS Port Port configured for the AIS Instance
Enable AIS Watchlist Execution Watchlist requests will be performed via the AIS Server
Maximum Concurrent Calls to
The number of AIS calls per user, default is 2

Figure 25: AIS Configuration Values

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
Web Runtime
Enable the Business View Info Display by checking the box (Figure 26).

Figure 26: Business View Info Display setting enabled

Although not necessary for Orchestrator Studio production, the Business View Info Display
setting is incredibly helpful and recommended when configuring your development

When enabled, Business View Info Display allows Orchestrator developers to reference helpful information
when designing the Orchestrations and Notifications. The AIS id and Business View is displayed in the Item
Help (Figure 27).

Figure 27: Item Help with AIS Id and Business View displayed

Start both the AIS and Web instances and review the log files created.

Figure 28: AIS Instance

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
AIS Log file should be clean with no errors (see Figure 29).

Figure 29: Clean Log File on AIS

Figure 30: WEB Instance

Web Log file should be clean with no errors (see Figure 31).

Figure 31: Clean Log File on WEB

When updating your tools release, be sure to search for the corresponding ESUs. Refer to Figure 32 for the
ESUs required to be downloaded and installed. Open Oracle Support and search for Bug 26711756.

Figure 32: Tools ESU Bug #

Tools ESU
When searching for bug 26711756, the corresponding ESU number will display that is required to be
downloaded and installed (Figure 33). In this case, at the time this article was written, ESU JN17919 is
required. This particular ESU adds functionality for new applications P98I0000 (Studio Security) and
P980059 (Orchestrator Studio Scheduler UI).
Please note, ESUs are released frequently and the ESU number will change.

Figure 33: ESU for Bug 26711756

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
Planner ESU
The Planner ESU is a second requirement that needs to be downloaded and installed in addition to the ESU
downloaded in the previous section. To search for the latest Planner ESU, enter 9.2 Planner ESU in the
Description field (see Figure 34).
ESU JN17892 is the current planner ESU required as of the time of this article was written.

Figure 34: Planner ESU

JDE Configuration
Now that your core components (Orchestrator Studio, AIS, Web) are setup and configured, we need to
configure a few features within JDE. Orchestrator Studio utilizes UDO objects, and these objects need to be
enabled within your environment.

Feature Security
• Log into E1 web.
• From fast path – enter P00950.
• Click on Form.
• Select Feature Security.
• Ensure all Features are enabled; refer to Figure 35.
• If the Feature is not enabled, single-click on the access radio button for the feature.
 Changing this setting will require you to purge security cache on the web server.

Figure 35: Feature Security

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
Orchestrator Security
The new toolset 9.2.4.x changed the process of securing Orchestrator Studio. This is now managed using
the standard JDE security workbench application, P00950. Thank you, Oracle!!
The P98I0000 application represents Orchestrator Studio. To grant users or roles access to the application,
simply add application security to RUN this application.
Multiple forms exist for application P98I0000, the table below explains the differences.

Form Name Form ID Function

Orchestrator Studio W98I0000A Log into Orchestrator Studio
Orchestrator Scheduler W98I0000B Run / View Orchestrator Scheduler
Admin Services W98I0000C Enable Refresh Cache button on Orchestrator page

Process Recorder
A very cool feature that Orchestrator Studio utilizes is the Process Recorder. This handy tool captures the
objects being accessed from the E1 web client and records them for Orchestrator Studio to process.
In the previous section, we enabled feature security for all the UDO types. This included “RECORDER”,
which is the Process Recorder functionality. In addition to feature security, we need to set up action security
for the Process Recorder.

• Fast path → P00950

• Click on Form → User Defined Object → Action

• Click ADD
• Object Type: RECORDER
• Select Radio Buttons—Create / Publish / Modify
• Enter in user or role that you want to have access to the Process Recorder
• Click OK
• Refer to Figure 36

You will notice that Process Recorder is released to *PUBLIC in the JDEtips lab, this is of
course due to the nature of our environment. In a production system, Process Recorder should
be released to only the power users that would be utilizing this tool.

Figure 36: Action Security for the Process Recorder

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
Orchestration Tables
There are many new tables created in the Central Objects Data source for Orchestrations. Ensure, your
OCM records are setup correctly. This is explicitly mentioned in the special instructions of the tools ESUs.
Orchestrations and associated components are UDOs. The individual UDO tables are in Central Objects Data

• F952400 - E1 Page and OneView Reports

• F952410 - Composed Pages
• F952415 - Images
• F952420 - Watchlist
• F952425 - Notification
• F952455 - Scheduler
• F952430 - Advanced Query
• F952435 - Form Personalization
• F952439 - Form Extensions
• F952440 - Grid Formats
• F952445 - EnterpriseOne Search Group
• F952450 - CafeOne
• F9524810 - Orchestrations
• F9524820 - Cross Reference
• F9524830 - Rule
• F9524840 - Service Request
• F9524850 - Whitelist

Accessing Orchestrator Studio

In a web browser, enter the URL to the Orchestrator Studio: http://AISSERVER:<port>/studio
JDEtips Lab: http://jde92ais2:9191/studio

Internet Explorer is NOT supported with Orchestrator Studio.

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x

Figure 37: JD Edwards E1 Orchestrator Studio Home Page

With the latest release of Orchestrator Studio, installation and configuration is simplified. If you haven’t
started working with the previous versions, now is a great time to jump on the band wagon. Orchestrator
Studio has matured due to Oracle’s heavy investment with this product.
The key to a successful installation is to do your homework and confirm all your checks and balances are in
order, meaning confirm your versions of E1 software, Java, WebLogic, E1 Tools, ESUs, etc. Document this
information and cross reference it with the requirements from Oracle for the version of Studio you are wishing
to install.
This information becomes the road map for a successful implementation. It will determine how much work it
will be. Do you need new servers? Do you need to upgrade WebLogic? Do you need to implement multi-
foundation? Are you up to date with ESUs?
The amount of ‘upgrades’ you need to perform will determine the blueprint for your implementation plan.
Once you have invested your precious CNC time building your Orchestrator Studio infrastructure you won’t
look back, as it opens up a whole new technical world into JDE.

Implementing Orchestrator 9.2.4.x
Oracle Documentation
Oracle JD Edwards Release 9.2 Documentation
Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation
Oracle Orchestrator Studio Guide
E1: ORCH: Orchestrator Studio 9.2.4.x New Security Feature and Scheduler UI
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide
REST API for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne AIS Server
Testing Orchestrator Studio
Managing 9.2.4.x Orchestrator Studio Security

About the Author

Tim McMurdo is a seasoned technology expert, currently specializing in Oracle applications, who has a
passion for technology-driven business. He has worked in a variety of technologies over the course of his
career, allowing him to develop a vast array of skillsets. Some of the many roles over Tim’s career include
SQL and Oracle DBA, JD Edwards CNC, CRM and ERP Administrator, System Administrator, System
Analyst, and Network Administrator to name a few. These roles have led to many rewarding and successful
projects including data migrations, system integrations, SAP to JDE migration, multi-language support, and
multi-international locations. Tim is the Chief Technology Officer at JDEtips and the primary architect of
Orchestrator Studio and EnterpriseOne.

JDEtips, Inc.

Visit for information on the JDEtips University schedule, private training and consulting,
and our Knowledge Express Document Library.
License Information: The use of JDE is granted to JDEtips, Inc. by permission from J.D. Edwards World
Source Company. The information on this website and in our publications is the copyrighted work of
JDEtips, Inc. and is owned by JDEtips, Inc.
NO WARRANTY: This documentation is delivered as is, and JDEtips, Inc. makes no warranty as to its
accuracy or use. Any use of this documentation is at the risk of the user. Although we make every good faith
effort to ensure accuracy, this document may include technical or other inaccuracies or typographical errors.
JDEtips, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.
Oracle and J.D. Edwards EnterpriseOne and World are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle
Corporation. All other trademarks and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2020 by JDEtips, Inc.


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