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Building and Environment 169 (2020) 106560

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A science-based approach to setting climate targets for buildings: The case

of a New Zealand detached house
Chanjief Chandrakumar a, b, *, Sarah J. McLaren a, b, David Dowdell a, c, Roman Jaques c
New Zealand Life Cycle Management Centre, C/o Massey University, Palmerston North, 4442, New Zealand
School of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University, Palmerston North, 4442, New Zealand
Building Research Association of New Zealand, Judgeford, Porirua, 5240, New Zealand


Keywords: Climate change mitigation requires the construction of low-carbon buildings. The use of Life Cycle Assessment
Absolute sustainability provides useful information to support eco-efficiency improvements and therefore, to reduce the climate impact
Climate change of buildings. However, it does not ascertain whether a proposed design aligns with achieving the global climate
target of limiting global warming to below 1.5 � C or 2 � C. This study, therefore, introduces a science-based
Residential building
Life cycle assessment
approach for setting climate targets for individual buildings using a whole-of-life cycle perspective. It involves
New Zealand assigning a share of the 2 � C global carbon budget for 2018-2050 to a country, its construction sector, and finally
to each life cycle stage of a building. A stock projection model is used to account for the projected growth in the
number of buildings and associated climate impact in a country up to 2050. The approach was applied to define a
climate target for a New Zealand new-built detached house of 198 m2 gross floor area, the most common resi­
dential building type in the country. The weighted average climate impact of three New Zealand new-built
detached houses was compared with the defined climate target. The results showed that the climate impact of
new-built detached housing exceeded the climate target by a factor of five. When the climate impact was
compared with the climate targets at each life cycle stage, exceedances were a factor three to five higher across
the different life cycle stages. The proposed approach has potential to guide designers and other interested
stakeholders to operate the construction sector within planetary boundaries.

1. Introduction performance, researchers are becoming more interested in opportunities

to reduce the so-called “embodied GHG emissions” [4,5]. These are the
The construction sector addresses several human needs (e.g. provi­ emissions associated with the manufacturing of construction materials,
sion of housing, hospitals, schools and transport infrastructure) but at and the construction, maintenance and replacement, and end-of-life of
the cost of a range of environmental impacts including climate change buildings [6,7]. This requires analysis of the climate impact associated
[1,2]. For example, globally, buildings account for 40% of all primary with buildings throughout their complete life cycles [8,9].
energy use and therefore contribute around 30% of global greenhouse Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) accounts for inputs and outputs in the
gas (GHG) emissions annually [2]. At the same time, due to growing life cycle of a building and can be used for this type of analysis [10,11].
populations and economies around the world, there is high demand for Evaluating the climate impact of a building using LCA is however not
construction, and this is expected to cause more climate impacts in sufficient to mitigate climate change globally [7,12,13], as it quantifies
future. It is therefore critical to consider the issue of climate change GHG emissions but does not provide information about the building’s
mitigation in buildings [3]. performance in terms of any global climate target (or threshold)
Efforts to mitigate the climate impact of buildings in the past have [14–16]. For example, building X may be considered better than
tended to focus on the use stage. However, as the operational GHG building Y if it emits less GHG emissions over its lifetime; however, it
emissions of buildings decline over time due to greater uptake of may be that neither of them can be considered sustainable if their GHG
renewable energy, use of more energy-efficient appliances, and instal­ emissions are more than their assigned shares of the global carbon
lation of windows, external walls, floors and roofs with better thermal budget. This insight has led researchers to focus on the development of

* Corresponding author. New Zealand Life Cycle Management Centre, c/o Massey University, Palmerston North, 4442, New Zealand.
E-mail address: (C. Chandrakumar).
Received 28 August 2019; Received in revised form 13 November 2019; Accepted 19 November 2019
Available online 23 November 2019
0360-1323/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Chandrakumar et al. Building and Environment 169 (2020) 106560

benchmarks using a top-down approach [7–9,17–19]. A top-down (19.8 kgCO2 eq⋅m 2 ⋅yr 1 ) and hotels (11.7 kgCO2 eq⋅m 2 ⋅yr 1 ).
benchmark, in general, aims to cascade global climate targets down to Although studies defining climate targets using a top-down approach
sub-global levels, enabling the quantification of individual building for both residential and commercial buildings in different countries
target values [7,8]. exist, no similar study is available for New Zealand. The climate targets
Some researchers have already calculated top-down benchmarks for proposed in other studies are not transferrable to New Zealand given the
buildings. For example, Zimmermann et al. [9] suggested that the GHG large variations in the construction materials, climate conditions and
emissions (of a global citizen) should be limited to 1 tonne carbon di­ energy mix in different parts of the world. Moreover, the existing studies
oxide equivalent per capita per annum [tCO2 eq⋅cap 1 ⋅yr 1 ] by 2050 to are limited in several aspects. In particular, while all the existing studies
stay within the 2 � C climate target, according to the “2000 Watt society have considered population growth when setting climate targets for
vision”.1 They subsequently set a climate target for a Swiss single-family buildings in 2050, none of them has modelled the growth in the number
house based on the relative share of household expenditure for housing and size (i.e. floor area) of buildings nationally and/or globally through
in Switzerland, applying the sharing principle of final consumption to 2050. However, temporal aspects such as the growth in the number
expenditure.2 Following this method, the climate target of a Swiss and size of buildings are critical in determining the available share of the
single-family house was 370 kg carbon dioxide equivalent per capita per global carbon budget of a building, and should be addressed when
year [kgCO2 eq⋅cap 1 ⋅yr 1 ]. Another similar top-down approach, also setting climate targets for future buildings. Furthermore, many of the
based on the 2000 Watt society vision [21], was recently developed for studies have proposed a single climate target value for the whole life
Switzerland [7]. When assigning a share of the carbon budget (of 1 cycle of a building, making it more challenging for building designers to
tCO2 eq⋅cap 1 ⋅yr 1 in 2050) to a residential building, Hollberg et al. [7] use the proposed target as a guide in the design process, given the lack of
used the grandfathering sharing principle [22], which assigned a carbon transparency regarding environmental hotspots at the different life cycle
budget share to the residential sector based on its relative contribution stages of a building.
to national GHG emissions. According to this approach, the climate In that context, building upon the previous work of top-down ap­
target of a Swiss single-family house was 360 kgCO2 eq⋅cap 1 ⋅yr 1 . Both proaches, this study developed an integrated LCA- and science-based
climate targets covered the whole life cycle of a Swiss single-family approach to calculate the climate target for both existing and future
house. buildings in any country over a specified time period, which also pro­
In another study, Brejnrod et al. defined climate targets for a single- vides a breakdown of this climate target into individual life cycle stages.
family house in Denmark (for the year 2010) [12]. They calculated the To illustrate use of this approach, it was applied to define a climate
carbon budget available for a global citizen in 2010 for both i) 2 � C Paris target for a new-built detached house in New Zealand of the type
climate target (985 kgCO2 eq⋅cap 1 ⋅yr 1 ) and ii) 1 Watt per square meter commonly built in the country: detached houses make up almost 80% of
[Wm 2 ] climate change planetary boundary3 (522 kgCO2 eq⋅ cap 1 ⋅ residential buildings in New Zealand [25]. Subsequently, a weighted
yr 1 ). They used the sharing principle of final consumption expenditure, average of the LCA climate impact of three detached houses4 designed to
as was previously used by Zimmermann et al. [9]. Following this achieve no more than New Zealand Building Code compliance, was
method, the climate targets of a Danish single-family house in 2010 were calculated and compared against the proposed climate target in order to
equal to 110 kgCO2 eq⋅cap 1 ⋅yr 1 for 2 � C and 58 kgCO2 eq⋅cap 1 ⋅yr 1 for address the question, “Are New Zealand new-built detached houses
aligned with achievement of the 2 � C Paris climate target?”
1 Wm 2 . However, given the aim of the study was only to calculate GHG
emission reduction targets for existing buildings (in the year 2010), no
climate targets were recommended for future buildings. 2. Methods and materials
Similar efforts to calculate climate targets for commercial buildings
exist [8,18]. For example, Russell-Smith et al. estimated a target of 2.29 Answering the question “Are New Zealand new-built detached
tCO2 eq⋅m 2 for the whole life cycle of a commercial building in the USA, houses aligned with achievement of the 2 � C Paris climate target?” re­
considering a 50-year lifetime [18]. The target was based on the GHG quires calculation of both the climate impact and the climate target of
emissions projections in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report [24], which the New Zealand new-built detached house. To that end, the following
recommended a 70-80% GHG emissions reduction below 1990 levels by sub-sections explain the procedure to calculate the climate impact
2050 in order for buildings to operate within the 2 � C climate target. (Sections 2.1 and 2.2) and climate target (Section 2.3) of the New Zea­
Likewise, using a similar approach of Zimmermann et al. [9], Hoxha land new-built detached house.
et al. [8] proposed climate targets for a set of commercial buildings in
2050, including offices (14 kgCO2 eq per square metre floor area per year 2.1. Climate impact of New Zealand detached houses
[kgCO2 eq⋅m 2 ⋅yr 1 ]), restaurants (20.3 kgCO2 eq⋅m 2 ⋅yr 1 ), food stores
The weighted average climate impact of three New Zealand detached
houses, built recently to meet the New Zealand Building Code, was first
calculated using LCA methodology, following the EN 15978:2011
The vision suggests a global per capita energy use of 2000 Watt [W] in
standard5 [28]. The pre-existing (taken as built before 2018) New Zea­
2050, which is considered sufficient for all societies to develop and achieve an
land detached house (hereafter, referred to ‘pre-existing detached
appropriate level of prosperity. If global warming is to be stabilised and natural
house’) is a single storey building with an average gross floor area6 of
resources are conserved, only 500 W can be generated by fossils, and the bal­
ance would be met by renewables. Hence, the vision complies with the Inter­ 166 m2. It has an entrance directly to a living-room area, three bed­
governmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) target of approximately 10 rooms, 1.5 bathrooms, a kitchen, and a garage. Table 1 provides a
GtCO2 eq in 2050 for the 2 � C temperature increase [20]. If the global popula­
tion is assumed to be 10 billion by 2050, the per capita carbon budget would be
1 tCO2 eq⋅cap 1 ⋅yr 1 in 2050 [7,9,21]. Note that while the average New Zealand household size is 2.7 people [26],
This principle suggests that a share of the per-capita carbon budget should the number of people living in the chosen case study detached houses were four
be assigned to housing based on the expense of housing, relative to a person’s or five.
total expenses [12]. EN 15978:2011 is the standard that is being currently used in the BRANZ’s
Two climate change thresholds were proposed in the planetary boundaries New Zealand whole-building whole-of-life framework research [27]. At the
framework: a global average atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration same time, the ISO21931-1:2010 standard was not used in this study, given it
of 350 parts per million (ppm) CO2 and a radiative forcing of 1 Wm 2 . These has not been updated since it was published.
thresholds are sufficient to limit the atmospheric global average temperature to The gross floor area, in general, includes habitable areas (called treated
below 1.5 � C above pre-industrial levels [23]. floor area) as well as non-habitable areas (e.g. garages or car ports).

C. Chandrakumar et al. Building and Environment 169 (2020) 106560

summary of the characteristics of this detached house. calculated at the operational energy use stage10 Likewise, for the opera­
The climate impact of the new-built detached house (built between tional water use stage, the GHG emissions associated with energy con­
2018 and 2050) was assumed to be the same as the pre-existing detached sumption for getting water in/out of the building (pumping and
house but scaled up to account for a larger gross floor area (198 m2 treatment) were considered.11 New Zealand detached houses utilise
[29]). electricity as their main energy source but also use wood, natural gas
The functional unit (aka ‘functional equivalent’) was defined as the and liquefied petroleum gas [32]. However, factors such as government
‘construction and occupation of a detached house over its reference policy on climate change, energy efficiency regulations, housing policy
service life’. For this study, an estimated service life of 90 years was and building code requirements on insulation, transition to electric ve­
considered, as previously estimated in Refs. [25,30]. hicles and environmentally conscious consumers are likely to lead to
Inventory data were categorised according to a modular structure greater uptake of electricity to meet the operational energy demand of
into the following life cycle stages: product (A1-A3), construction pro­ New Zealand houses in future [33,34]. Therefore, for this study, the
cess (A4-A5), maintenance (B2) and replacement (B4), operational en­ GHG emissions related to the operational energy use were quantified
ergy use (B6), operational water use (B7), end-of-life (C1-C4), and assuming 100% electricity as the energy source, and using an annual
benefits and loads beyond the system boundary (D). In this study, it was New Zealand grid GHG intensity calculated based on MBIE’s Mixed
assumed that the New Zealand detached house is properly maintained Renewables Scenario [35] for each year during the period 2018-2050.12
over its lifetime; hence, the life cycle stage repair (B3) was not The influence of this modelling assumption was quantified by calcu­
considered. lating the GHG emissions associated with the annual operational energy
For the product stage, the embodied GHG emissions of materials used use of a pre-existing detached house using a mix of energy sources (see
in the detached house were considered.7 For the construction process Table ESM 1.12 in the Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) 1).
stage, the GHG emissions associated with activities such as trans­ For the end-of-life stage, the GHG emissions of the demolition activ­
portation, assembly and energy for the construction machinery8 were ities of the building were considered.
estimated. Similarly, for the maintenance and replacement stages, the Finally, the GHG emissions (or benefits) associated with reuse, re­
GHG emissions associated with activities such as painting and replace­ covery or recycling of construction materials which substitute for pri­
ment were considered. mary production were considered in benefits and loads beyond the system
The GHG emissions related to the energy consumption9 (appliances, boundary.
cooking, lighting, water heating and space conditioning) were A complete description of activities considered in this study is
available in ESM 1. The calculation of climate impact was undertaken in
Table 1 LCAQuick v3.3 [27] using characterisation factors set out in EN 15804:
Construction elements in a pre-existing detached house in New Zealand. 2012 þ A1 [36].13
Element Characteristics/details

Structure Softwood timber frame 2.2. Climate impact of New Zealand detached housing sector
Floor(s) 100 mm thick concrete slab with expanded polystyrene (25 mm)
around the perimeter
External Weatherboard on a 90 mm timber frame with fibreglass batt To estimate the climate impact of the New Zealand detached housing
walls insulation and plasterboard lining sector,14 a stock projection developed by BRANZ was used, which was
Internal 90 mm wall no insulation and plasterboard lining based on several assumptions including socio-economic growth in
different regions of New Zealand, gross floor area of a new-built de­
Windows Aluminium double glazed (thermally unbroken)
Roof Concrete tile with fibreglass batt insulation and timber frame trusses
tached house, and demolition rate (see ESM 1). The model consisted of
two components: one projected the growth in the number and total gross
floor area15 of detached houses up to 2050, and the other calculated the
associated climate impact.
First, the total number and the total gross floor area of detached
Note that the current LCA model does not include the following in the houses that existed at the end of 2017 (‘pre-existing detached houses’)
product stage: flashings, spouting, fitted kitchen units, cooker, dishwasher,
refrigerator, fitted bathroom units, bath, electricals (including wiring, switches,
plug points, fuse box and meter), plumbing (including pipes, taps and hot water Note that the plug loads were the largest contributor (37%) of total energy
cylinder) and fixings (such as nails, screws and nail plates). Note that the effect use of a New Zealand new-built/pre-existing detached house (for results, see
on manufacturing of construction materials arising from changes in the New Electronic Supplementary Material 1); hence, excluding the plug loads would
Zealand grid GHG intensity over the period 2018–2050 were not included. result in an underestimate of the LCA climate impact of the detached house,
Although the annual New Zealand grid GHG intensity reduces over the which has implications on the procedure for calculating a climate target for the
period 2018-2050, this aspect was not considered when calculating the GHG whole life cycle of the detached house.
emissions related to the energy used for construction machinery, given their These emissions were calculated based on the metered water consumption
low contribution to the total climate impacts of the detached house over its and the energy requirement for getting the water in/out of the building, using
lifetime. However, note that the annual change in GHG intensity was taken into the Ecoinvent database [31].
consideration in the operational energy stage. The annual New Zealand grid GHG intensity after 2050 was assumed to be
The operational energy demand was based on the simulated energy use in the same as the intensity of the year 2050.
the detached house, so that the detached house is operated to maintain an in­ This version of the standards was chosen given it has been commonly
ternal temperature of between 18 and 25 � C (for health reasons) as well as to adopted for environmental product declarations of construction products in
provide hot water, lighting and plug loads (e.g. refrigerators, televisions, New Zealand [27], although a latest version of the EN 15804 standard was
computers etc.). This simulation provides energy demand that is the same available at the time of undertaking this study.
annually, but its climate impact changes due to variations in the sources of The term ‘detached housing sector’ refers to the total number of detached
electricity in future. houses (including pre-existing and new-built) in New Zealand. Note that the
New Zealand detached housing sector is a subset of the New Zealand con­
struction sector, which also includes other types of residential buildings (e.g.
medium-density houses and apartments) as well as commercial buildings.
Here, the term “total gross floor area” refers to the total gross floor area of
detached houses (both pre-exist and new-built) in a particular year minus the
total gross floor area (of detached houses) demolished in the given year.

C. Chandrakumar et al. Building and Environment 169 (2020) 106560

were modelled, and projected up to 2050 based on their ages and who may emit less GHG emissions today than the global average per
assuming a 90-year service life. Next, the total number and total gross capita, will be entitled to emit a higher proportion of GHG emissions in
floor area of new-built detached houses for 2018-2050 were projected future based on the global carbon budget. The cumulative carbon budget
based on the long-term trend in building consents. Finally, the climate available for New Zealand for 2018-2050 was calculated as follows:
impact of the New Zealand detached houses for each year during
2018–2050 was estimated based on the calculated climate impact of the (1)
CBNZ;2018 2050 ¼ � CBGlo;2018 2050
pre-existing and new-built detached houses, and the projected number

of pre-existing and new-built detached houses for each year from 2018 where:
to 2050.
CBNZ;2018 2050 - the share of the global carbon budget available for
2.3. Climate target of New Zealand new-built detached house New Zealand for 2018–2050
POPNZ;2018 2050 - the cumulative population of New Zealand for
2.3.1. Overview of the top-down approach 2018–2050
The procedure for calculating the climate target for a building was: POPGlo;2018 2050 - the cumulative population of the world for
a. Determine the maximum acceptable amount of GHG emissions that CBGlo;2018 2050 - the global carbon budget for 2018-2050.
can be emitted globally while respecting the chosen global climate
target during a specific time period (referred to as the global carbon 2.3.4. Carbon budget of New Zealand detached housing sector
budget) (Section 2.3.2). The grandfathering sharing principle was used to assign a share of
b. Assign a share of the global carbon budget to a country based on New Zealand’s carbon budget to the New Zealand detached housing
population projections (Section 2.3.3). sector (as applied by Hollberg et al. [7]). The grandfathering principle
c. Assign a share of the country’s carbon budget to the country’s con­ [41] assigns a carbon budget share to the chosen sector based on its
struction sector16 based on the relative contribution of the sector to relative contribution to New Zealand’s consumption-based climate
the country’s total climate impact in a chosen reference year (or impact in a reference year, as previously calculated in Ref. [42], rep­
period) (Section 2.3.4). resented in Equation (2). Ideally, this year should have been 2017,
d. Calculate the climate target for different building categories by which is the year prior to the period under analysis. However, due to
assigning the construction sector’s carbon budget to the different data limitations,17 the year 2012 was selected, effectively assuming that
building types based on the LCA climate impact of each building type the relative contribution of the detached housing sector to New Zea­
and the projected number of those buildings, both pre-existing and land’s consumption-based climate impact remained unchanged during
new-built stock, in the chosen time period. Note that this means that, the period from 2012 to 2050.
for example, buildings constructed in 2030 will only include 20 years
of utilisation if the chosen time period extends to 2050 (Section CBNZ;DH;2018 ¼
� CBNZ;2018 (2)
2050 2050
2.3.5). GHGNZ;2012

The following sub-sections describe the proposed top-down where:

approach in detail, applied to the New Zealand detached housing
sector (see Fig. 1). CBNZ;DH;2018 2050 - the share of the global carbon budget available for
the New Zealand detached housing sector for 2018–2050
2.3.2. Global climate target and carbon budget GHGNZ;DH;2012 - the GHG emissions of the New Zealand detached
In this study, 2 � C was chosen as the global climate target i.e. the housing sector in 2012
maximum amount of GHG emissions that can be emitted and still limit GHGNZ;2012 - the consumption-based GHG emissions of New Zealand
average global warming to below 2 � C above pre-industrial levels [37]. in 2012
The chosen global climate target was subsequently translated into a CBNZ;2018 2050 - the share of the global carbon budget available for
global carbon budget of 1110 GtCO2 eq for the period of 2018–2050 New Zealand for 2018-2050.
(CBGlo;2018 2050 ), using the approach proposed by Rogelj et al. [37]. The
year 2018 was chosen as the starting point due to the accessibility of 2.3.5. Climate target of New Zealand detached house
better quality data developed as part of BRANZ’s New Zealand The share of the carbon budget available for the New Zealand de­
whole-building whole-of-life framework research [27]. Data were tached housing sector for 2018-2050 (CBNZ;DH;2018 2050 ) was divided
modelled up to 2050, the year chosen for the target year of many between the pre-existing (CBNZ;DH PRE;2018 2050 ) and new-built
on-going climate change negotiations, including the recently proposed (CBNZ;DH NEW;2018 2050 ) stocks, using the grandfathering principle i.e.
New Zealand Zero Carbon Act [38]. based on their relative contributions to the climate impact of the New
Zealand detached building sector in 2018–2050 (see Section 2.2).
2.3.3. Carbon budget of New Zealand Using the same grandfathering principle, a share of
To assign a share of the 2 � C global carbon budget to New Zealand, CBNZ;DH PRE;2018 2050 was then assigned to each life cycle stage based on
the so-called sharing principle of cumulative impacts per capita was its relative contribution to the climate impact of the pre-existing New
applied. This principle focuses on achieving equality in terms of the Zealand detached housing sector. The same approach was applied to
cumulative climate impact of different populations [39,40]. This means assign a share of CBNZ;DH NEW;2018 2050 to each life cycle stage of the new-
that, if the people of New Zealand emit more GHG emissions today than built detached housing sector.
the global average per capita, future people of New Zealand should be Subsequently, the climate targets for 1 m2 floor area for individual
restricted to emit a smaller proportion of GHG emissions in future based life cycle stages were determined (separately for pre-existing and new-
on the global carbon budget. Therefore, people in less-developed regions built) by dividing the available carbon budget for each life cycle stage

16 17
Note that the term construction sector includes the operation and end-of-life At the time of undertaking this study, Chandrakumar et al. was the only
of different types of buildings already constructed, and the construction and peer-reviewed study that had estimated the consumption-based climate impact
operation of buildings in the future. of New Zealand and it was for the year 2012 [42].

C. Chandrakumar et al. Building and Environment 169 (2020) 106560

Fig. 1. Proposed top-down approach to calculate a climate target for a detached house in New Zealand (NZ). GCB ¼ global carbon budget; and DH ¼ detached
housing. This figure is developed based on the figure presented in [19].

by the associated total gross floor area18 of the pre-existing or new-built building (see ESM 2 for a description of the method used in this study to
detached housing sector. calculate biogenic emissions), the climate impact of the new-built de­
Finally, the climate targets for individual pre-existing and new-built tached house reduced by 7.4% (to 262,587 kgCO2 eq). Note that the
detached houses were derived by multiplying the climate targets for avoided burden due to the reuse, recovery, recycling of construction
individual life cycle stages with the respective gross floor areas (166 m2 materials (‘recycling potential’ henceforth) is 1446 kgCO2 eq.
and 198 m2 for pre-existing and new-built, respectively) at each of those The climate impact of the New Zealand new-built detached house
stages. The results were summed to give the total climate targets for calculated in this study (16 kgCO2 eq⋅m 2 ⋅yr 1 ) is comparable to the
individual pre-existing and new-built detached houses. climate impact of residential buildings in other countries but is at the
lower end of the range (10-90 kgCO2 eq⋅m 2 ⋅yr 1 [6]) presented in a
3. Results recent review. The review considered 95 case study residential buildings
around the world but none of them were located in New Zealand.
3.1. Climate impact of New Zealand new-built detached house
3.2. Climate impact of New Zealand detached housing sector
Fig. 2 presents the climate impact of the new-built detached house
over a 90-year lifetime and a breakdown of this impact in terms of in­ The climate impact of the New Zealand detached housing sector in
dividual life cycle stages. The climate impact of the new-built detached 2018–2050 is estimated as 138,130 ktCO2 eq by scaling up the climate
house over its lifetime is 283,429 kgCO2 eq, which is equivalent to 16 impact of both pre-existing and new-built detached houses based on the
kgCO2 eq⋅m 2 ⋅yr 1 . Note that the calculated climate impact of the new- proposed stock projection (see Table 2). According to Table 2, 66% of
built detached house does not account for the biogenic carbon in the the climate impact is related to the pre-existing detached houses, and
building (particularly from the product stage, and replacement module 34% is related to the new-built21 detached houses. The largest contrib­
in the use stage) and the avoided burden due to the reuse, recovery, utor to the sector’s climate impact during the period (2018-2050) is the
recycling of construction materials. As shown in Fig. 2, the embodied19 operational energy use (62%), followed by the product (13%), mainte­
and operational GHG emissions of the detached house over its lifetime nance and replacement (13%), operational water use (8.9%), construc­
are 88,255 kgCO2 eq and 195,174 kgCO2 eq, respectively. The activity tion process (2.9%), and end-of-life stages (0.31%).22
making the largest contribution to the climate impact of the new-built These results can be partly explained by the relative numbers of pre-
detached house is the operational energy use (60%), followed by existing and new-built detached houses that exist in 2018–2050. A small
maintenance and replacement (13%), product (12%), operational water number of new-built detached houses are constructed in the given
use (8.7%), end-of-life (3.5%), and construction process stages (2.7%)20 period (¼527,609) compared with the pre-existing stock, and this means
When the detached house was credited for the biogenic carbon in the that the total climate impact of the construction and product stages is
relatively low. Also, the small number of demolished detached houses
(¼50,820) during the given period means that the end-of-life stage
18 contributes a small proportion of the total climate impact compared
See Section 2.2 for description about the calculation of total gross floor
with other life cycle stages. At the same time, the large proportion of
These are the emissions associated with manufacturing of construction climate impact associated with the operational use stage at the sector
materials (i.e. product stage), and the construction, maintenance and end-of-life
of buildings.
20 21
Note that while the operational emissions are the largest, they are spread That is, those built post 2018.
over 90 years, whereas the large proportion of the embodied emissions occur Note that the biogenic carbon in the construction materials and recycling
before the building is occupied. potential were not considered here.

C. Chandrakumar et al. Building and Environment 169 (2020) 106560

Fig. 2. Climate impact and targets of the New Zea­

land new-built detached 198 m2 house over a 90-
year lifetime. The first and second columns repre­
sent climate impact of the new-built detached house,
excluding (ExcBIO scenario) and including (IncBIO
scenario) the biogenic carbon in the building,
whereas the third column represents the climate
target of the new-built detached house for each life
cycle stage. Note that no climate target is proposed
for the recycling potential, which is the avoided
burden due to the reuse, recovery, recycling of con­
struction materials.

Table 2
Climate impact and total gross floor area of New Zealand detached housing (DH) sector, and the proposed climate target for the reference New Zealand detached house.
Life Climate impact- DH sector for Carbon budget - DH sector for Total gross floor area- DH sector for 2018-2050 (m2) Climate Climate target:
cycle 2018-2050a (ktCO2eq) 2018-2050 (ktCO2eq) target per new-built
stagea unit gross detached house
Pre- New- Total Pre- New- Total Pre-existing Future Total
floor area over 90-year
existing built existing built
(kgCO2eq/ lifetimeb
m2) (kgCO2eq)

A1-A3 – 18,155 18,155 – 3,541 3,541 – 108,987,284 108,987,284 34 6711 (12%)

(13%) (13%)
A4-A5 – 3,977 3,977 – 776 776 – 108,987,284 108,987,284 7.4 1470 (2.7%)
(2.9%) (2.9%)
B2 & 14,251 3,865 18,116 2780 754 3,533 6,999,735,240 1,898,264,115 8,897,999,355 0.40 7076 (13%)
c c b
B4 (13%) (13%)
B6 67,030 18,178 85,207 13,074 3,545 16,619 6,999,735,240 1,898,264,115 8,897,999,355 1.9 33,283 (60%)
c c b
(62%) (62%)
B7 9,635 2,613 12,248 1,879 510 2,389 6,999,735,240 1,898,264,115 8,897,999,355 0.27 d 4784 (8.7%)
c c b
(8.9%) (8.9%)
C1-C4 427 – 427 83 – 83 7,572,180 – 7,572,180 10 1956 (3.5%)
(0.31%) (0.31%)
Whole 91,343 46,787 138,130 17,816 9,126 26,941 - - - - 55,280
life (66%) e (34%) e (100%) (66%)f (34%) (100%) (100%)
Life cycle stages: product (A1-A3), construction process (A4-A5), maintenance (B2) and replacement (B4), operational energy use (B6), operational water use (B7),
end-of-life (C1-C4).
The climate impact values of pre-existing and new-built detached houses were the same for the product, construction process, and end-of-life stages, since it was
assumed that the future building would have similar construction materials and activities. However, the projected average floor area of a new-built detached house was
modelled as 198 m2, whereas the average floor area of a pre-existing detached was modelled as 166 m2.
Since the net floor area of this life cycle stage is a function of area and time the unit is square meter annum (m2∙a). For example, the number approved consents for
the construction of detached houses in 2018 were 21,009 (representing 4,339,793 m2 of total gross floor area), with a 32.5-year utilisation period (by the end of 2050).
The total gross floor area and the utilisation period were first multiplied. This procedure was repeated for subsequent years and summed.
The unit is kgCO2eq⋅m 2⋅yr 1.
The climate impact shown as percentages of the total climate impact of the New Zealand detached housing sector during 2018–2050.
The carbon budgets shown as percentages of the total carbon budget share available for the New Zealand detached housing sector during 2018–2050.

level can be explained by the fact that this stage contributes the highest life cycle stages occurring at one point in time, and as total kgCO2 eq⋅m 2 ⋅
proportion of the climate impact of the detached house over its lifetime yr 1 for the activities occurring repeatedly over a number of years. In the
(see Fig. 2). former category, the climate targets for the product (i.e. materials),
construction process, and end-of-life stages are 34, 7.4 and 10 kgCO2 eq⋅
3.3. Climate target for New Zealand detached house

The climate targets for a detached house were first calculated in

terms of individual life cycle stages (see Table 2). As presented in
Table 2, the climate targets were calculated as total kgCO2 eq⋅ m 2 for the

C. Chandrakumar et al. Building and Environment 169 (2020) 106560

m 2 respectively.23 In the latter category, the climate targets for the assigned share of the global carbon budget (26,941 ktCO2 eq) in
maintenance and replacement, operational energy use, and operational 2018–2050, the sector exceeded its climate target by the same factor of
water use stages are 0.40, 1.9 and 0.27 kgCO2 eq⋅m 2 ⋅yr 1 , respectively. 5.1. It may seem surprising that the exceedance factor is the same as for
Using the targets proposed for individual life cycle stages, the climate the life cycle of a new built detached house; note that given the pre-
target for the whole life cycle of a typically sized New Zealand new-built existing detached houses were already built, the climate impact of
detached house of 198 m2 over a 90-year reference service life was their product and construction stages were not included in the studied
calculated as 55,280 kgCO2 eq (see Fig. 3). time period. The explanation is found in the additional requirements for
maintenance and replacement, and end-of-life for the pre-existing de­
3.4. Climate performance of New Zealand new-built detached house and tached houses (see Table 2).
detached housing sector
4. Discussion
When the climate impact of the new-built detached house was
compared with the proposed climate target, it was found that the new- The climate impact of the New Zealand new-built detached house
built detached house exceeded its climate target by a factor of 5.1 (see calculated in this study was noticeably lower than the climate impact of
Fig. 2). detached houses in most other countries. These large variations in
At the same time, when the climate impact was compared with the climate impact between houses in different countries arise from the
climate targets of individual life cycle stages, the largest exceedance (a significant differences in the construction materials, climate conditions
factor of 5.1) was observed in the product (A1-A3), construction process and sources of energy supplying grid electricity. In New Zealand, timber
(A4-A5) and end-of-life (C1-C4) stages. The exceedance in the mainte­ is a common construction material for detached houses, whereas, in
nance and replacement (B2-B4), operational energy use (B6) and oper­ many other countries, bricks and concrete are commonly used [6,43,
ational water use (B7) stages was 2.78 (see ExcBIO scenario24 in Fig. 3), 44]. Furthermore, compared with other countries, approximately 40%
measured as exceedance on a m 2 ⋅yr 1 basis. of New Zealand’s primary energy and around 85% of New Zealand’s
When the new-built detached house was credited for the biogenic electricity are supplied from renewable energy sources [45,46].
carbon in the construction materials, the exceedances in the product Although similar research to define climate targets for residential
(A1-A3) and construction process (A4-A5) stages reduced from 5.1 to 2.3 buildings exists [7,9,12], direct comparisons were not possible for three
and from 5.1 to 3.9, respectively, and the exceedance in the mainte­ major reasons. Firstly, no study to date defined a climate target for a
nance and replacement (B2-B4) stage reduced from 2.78 to 2.76 (see New Zealand detached house (or any other type of New Zealand resi­
IncBIO scenario25 in Fig. 3). dential building). Secondly, as described in Section 1, the existing
Furthermore, when the climate impact (138,130 ktCO2 eq) of the studies have not accounted for any projected future growth in the
entire New Zealand detached housing sector was compared with the number (and size) of buildings when calculating climate targets for
buildings. Thirdly, all the existing studies propose a single climate target
for the whole life cycle of a building, and not in terms of individual life
cycle stages.
When the climate impact of the New Zealand new-built detached
house was compared against the proposed climate target, the results
showed that the new-built detached house exceeded its climate target by
a factor of five. At the same time, when the climate impact was
compared with the climate targets for individual life cycle stages,
exceedances were a factor three (in maintenance and replacement,
operational energy use and operational water use) to five (in product
and construction process) higher across the different life cycle stages.
These results, therefore, suggest that substantial efforts (i.e. a reduction
of approximately 80%) are necessary to align the climate performance of
the New Zealand new-built detached house with achieving the 2 � C Paris
climate target.
The New Zealand detached housing sector also exceeded its climate
target by a factor of five (see Table 2). Out of the total climate impact of
Fig. 3. Climate impact of the New Zealand new-built detached house over a 90- this sector during 2018–2050, 66% was associated with the pre-existing
year lifetime compared with the proposed climate targets for individual life detached houses, and the remaining (34%) was related to the new-built
cycle stages. The ExcBIO scenario does not account for the biogenic carbon in
detached houses. The largest contributors to the new-built detached
the building, whereas the IncBIO scenario considers those emissions. The values
housing sector during this period were the product (39%) and opera­
shown in the diagram indicate the exceedances (i.e. ratios between climate
impact and targets); for example, the value five (in ExcBIO scenario for A1-A3) tional energy use (39%) life cycle stages. Most of the climate mitigation
indicates that the climate impact of this life cycle stage were five times greater efforts should therefore focus on mitigating the climate impact associ­
than the proposed climate target. Note that no climate target is proposed for the ated with these two life cycle stages given they together contribute 78%
recycling potential, which is the avoided burden due to the reuse, recovery, of the climate impact of the new-built detached housing sector. Like­
recycling of construction materials. wise, for the pre-existing detached housing sector, mitigation efforts
should mainly focus on the operational energy use stage as it contributes
73% of the climate impact of the pre-existing detached housing sector
during 2018–2050.
23 The embodied emissions of the new-built detached housing sector
The targets for the product and construction stages are only applicable to a
can be reduced by utilising carbon sink and low carbon construction
new-built detached house, whereas the target for the end-of-life stages is only
applicable to a pre-existing detached house. materials and products [47,48]. Biogenic carbon storage in construction
ExcBIO scenario does not account for the biogenic carbon in the construc­ materials has the potential to play a prominent role in mitigating the
tion materials used in the detached house. embodied emissions of buildings, in terms of avoiding or postponing the
IncBIO scenario does account for the biogenic carbon in the construction transgression of a climate target [48,49]. The results of this study also
materials. confirmed that the use of timber from sustainable forestry management

C. Chandrakumar et al. Building and Environment 169 (2020) 106560

practices could lower the embodied emissions of the New Zealand significant amount of uncertainty (whose quantification was outside the
new-built detached housing sector by up to 7.4% (see ESM 1). However, scope of this study). But they all are best estimates, made by experts in
it should be noted that the potential mitigation is largely dependent on the field.
the timing of GHG uptake and re-emission relative to approaching a
chosen climate target [48,49]. 5. Conclusion
Achieving a notable reduction in the operational use stage requires
technological and systemic changes supported by policy and regula­ This research, for the first time, proposes a top-down approach for
tions. Opportunities already exist around improving the energy effi­ setting climate targets for future buildings that uses a national stock
ciency of new-built buildings and reducing house sizes, and their uptake projection to account for the forecasted growth in the number (and size)
could be further supported by government policy. Similarly, the rede­ of buildings and their associated climate impact up to the year 2050.
sign, retrofitting and refurbishment of pre-built detached houses, in When the approach was applied to a New Zealand new-built detached
particular to reduce operational energy use, should be an important house, it was found that aligning the climate impact of this building with
focus for policy development. In support of national climate policy­ the 2 � C Paris climate target would require at least a factor five reduction
making, the proposed climate targets for buildings could be used to in GHG emissions. In particular, based on the impacts at each life cycle
develop national building regulations that enable the buildings of a stage, designers and other interested stakeholders should focus on the
country to operate within a selected global climate target. And, in a development of zero/low carbon building designs, adaptation of
wider context, the New Zealand government is currently investigating advanced technologies to develop carbon sink and low carbon building
the potential to transition from 85% renewable electricity [45] to 100% materials, and increase the share of renewables in electricity generation,
renewable electricity by 2035 [34]. to leapfrog the gap between the performance of the current new-built
There are limitations in the proposed methodology. First, the climate detached house and its climate target. As new-built detached houses
target for a 198 m2 New Zealand new-built detached house presented in contribute 34% of the projected climate impact of the New Zealand
this study were calculated based on the weighted average of LCA climate detached housing sector for 2018-2050, this is an appropriate focus.
impact of three (New Zealand Building Code compliant) detached However, as pre-existing detached houses contribute 66% of the pro­
houses. In reality, however, there are notable differences between de­ jected climate impact of this sector over the same time period, and as
tached houses across New Zealand, in terms of building designs, allo­ almost three-quarters of that impact is due to operational energy use,
cation of spaces (heated or non-heated, usable or non-usable), then retrofitting and refurbishment of these pre-existing houses should
construction methods, construction materials, household size, opera­ also be a high priority.
tional energy use, and operational water use. For example, in an initial The proposed approach can also be applied to other residential
application of this carbon budget methodology tested on a case study of building types (e.g. townhouse and apartment) as well as non-residential
a high-performance26 house in New Zealand, a climate target of 68,934 buildings (e.g. offices, schools and hospitals). Indeed, it is a generic
kgCO2 eq was calculated [19] as opposed to 55,280 kgCO2 eq calculated in method for calculating climate targets that accounts for the building
this work. This indicates the sensitivity of the calculated climate target requirements of future as well as current generations, and thus is aligned
to the underlying data used to represent the carbon footprint of houses with the principle of sustainable development. The integration of these
being built. Likewise, there are uncertainties associated with other as­ climate targets into LCA tools (such as LCAQuick in New Zealand,
pects, for example, forecast build and demolition rates. Future research available at [27]) that are beginning to be used by architects, designers,
should investigate these uncertainties. structural engineers and their clients, has potential to catalyse innova­
Second, the calculated GHG emissions associated with the opera­ tion on a more ambitious scale than has been common to date, and
tional energy use and operational water use stages of the pre-existing which is required to enable countries to live within the planetary
New Zealand detached houses were based on the assumption that the boundary for climate change.
energy requirement was completely met by electricity. However, in re­
ality, some pre-existing detached houses use other energy sources such
as wood, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas in addition to elec­ Declaration of competing interest
tricity (as discussed in Section 2.1). The uncertainty associated with this
modelling assumption was analysed by calculating the GHG emissions The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
associated with the annual operational energy use of a pre-existing de­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
tached house using a mix of energy sources (see Table ESM 1.12). the work reported in this paper.
Third, when assigning a share of the total New Zealand carbon
budget to the detached housing sector, the grandfathering principle was
applied but other sharing principles could have been used instead, such
as the final consumption expenditure principle (as previously used by
This work was supported by the Building Research Association of
Hollberg et al. [7]). In the absence of any consensus to date on choice of
New Zealand (BRANZ) grant number 28942. The authors acknowledge
a preferred sharing principle, the effects of the choice of alternative
Brian Berg and Matt Curtis of BRANZ for undertaking the LCA of three
sharing principles on the outcomes should be studied.
typical New Zealand detached houses and developing the stock projec­
Finally, when estimating the climate impact of the New Zealand
tion, respectively.
detached housing sector, the stock projection proposed by BRANZ was
used. Assumptions in this model include: the construction materials used
for new construction, the rates of socio-economic growth in different Appendix A. Supplementary data
regions of New Zealand, the gross floor area of a newly built house (198
m2), and a 0.1% rate of demolition of the total pre-existing detached Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
house stock. These assumptions are, of course, associated with a org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106560.

High-performance here means a house designed to achieve a higher thermal
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