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TV & Video Production

Student Name: ______________________________________ Assignment: Fun Day Edit

Teacher: Mr. Elsie
Learning Goals - by the end of this activity, students will be expected to:
• Demonstrate their understanding of the video editing process/work ow
• Apply their knowledge of editing techniques and key concepts in the nal video
• Export their project le as a nished video le
Assignment Objective: Students will work independently to re-create a video production item - Fun Day. Students will demonstrate their basic editing skills using Premiere Pro CC. Students will combine Video, B Roll, Voiceover, Graphics and Music to mirror the original
video item.

Fun Day Video Rubric

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Overall Descriptive Feedback
Exceeds Met Approaching In Development

Work ow
Projects “Bins” have been created and named effectively to keep project assets organized
“Sequences” are organized with: necessary tracks and effective track names
All audio and video clips are organized in the appropriate tracks


B Roll is included to visually support the story of the day

B Roll clip duration allows for visual ow and interest - edits aren’t noticeable

Audio Levels
Audio levels are effectively set to consistent levels as required:
• O/C Interview clips and V/O, peak at -3db
• B-Roll/NAT Sound levels are set between O/C; V/O and music
• Music adjusted to compliment O/C Interviews and V/O voices
Audio fades up and down at the end of the video using keyframes

Titles & Graphics (GFX)

Graphics (supplied video GFX) enter and leave frame while the subject is on screen
Duration of graphics is long enough to read all information

Video Transitions

Effective use of the three basic video transitions: Cross Dissolve, Fade (Dip to Black), and Cut

Overall Visual Flow

Visual Flow of item - In/Out points of clips are trimmed at appropriate points in time
Video and audio edits are not noticeable or a distraction
Final video is a fair re-creation of the exemplar provided

Levels: 1 = criteria not met; 2 = criteria partially met; 3 = criteria met; 4 = exceeds expectations

Student’s Assessment: Checkmark box beside criteria - when marking use a checkmark from each criteria line if met, + if exceed, - if partially met, I if Incomplete i.e.. not satisfactory?

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