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Job is a piece of work to be done that becomes the primary source of income for the
people so that they can pay their expenses and obtain their basic needs in their daily lives. Job is
the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money (Job Definition & Meaning |
Britannica Dictionary, n.d.). It is important because with the help of jobs, people can have the
things that are necessary for them, and it can lower the poverty rate in one country. If people are
jobless it can result to some illegal activities such as robberies and hold upping. There are some
cases where homeless tends to do bad things to catch and get caught and imprisoned because
they can be given food in the prison. Also, there are cases that parents use their children to illegal
activities such as child pornography to earn money. This how important job is, especially to the
people who do not have sources of money. These cases usually happen to the rural areas where it
is hard to find work and earn money.

Manila is an urbanized area where companies and businesses are located. According to
Garcia 2019, people from provinces flock to look for jobs and opportunities because Manila is
the Capital of the country, the center of trade and commerce, and most of the investors and
business owners put their companies in Manila. Job opportunities have a broader range in
Manila, which attracts people from provinces to find work in rural areas because the income in
Manila is much higher than in provinces. Manila offers a lot of jobs since there are many
businesses and company that seeks a labor force especially since Manila is much more advanced
than provinces which only rely on fewer diversified job sectors, mainly the agricultural sector.
This is the reason why people want to work in Manila since it can provide potential jobs than
provinces. However, due to the high standard of requirements, some people from provinces
become underemployed because they still want to work for their families rather than have no
work. Despite contributing to the needs of their family, they find themselves working in positions
that are not equal to their skills.

According to Lee 2020, due to the high rate of population growth, it can result in a high
rate of unemployment and even higher underemployment. Businesses are not enough for the
population of the Philippines which is why many Filipinos do not have work. Sometimes due to
the high standard of qualifications of the companies, people are forced to find work even if they
become underemployed, or worse they leave their family here in the Philippines to work outside
the country.


Garcia, L. (2019, June 23). Manila: The Land of Many Opportunities | Leony Garcia.
BusinessMirror. Retrieved November 19, 2023, from

Job Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary. (n.d.).

Lee. (2020). The Manila Metropolitan Are the Center of Employment. . . | Bartleby. The Manila
Metropolitan Are The Center Of Employment. Retrieved November 19, 2023, from
Income Disparities

Income is the main thing that helps people to pay for their daily expenses. According to
Torpey 2015, there are factors that result in large differences in incomes such as credentials,
experience and skills, industry, and geographical location. People who are having a high
education attainment often to have a high income than those people that undergraduate. There
are lots of f hob opportunities especially to those rural areas, but their qualifications and their
standard is high which result to unemployment. When it comes to experience and skills,
businesses used to hire people who have experiences which becomes the reason why people want
to go outside the country to find work to provide the needs and support their family. Location is
also one factors that have an impact to income disparities because those places that are urbanized
offers lots of opportunities and gives high income than provinces.


Torpey, E. (2015, May 20). Same occupation, different pay: How wages vary : Career Outlook:
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Government Policies

Government taxation policy can influence the high cost living in Manila in a way that if
the government increase the rate of tax it can affect the prices of goods and services. This policy
not only affect the Manila but also it will have a huge impact to the poor people who do not have
enough income or money to buy and pay for their necessity. Value added tax is much higher this
day that is why the prices of all the goods and services increased. The equal taxation become the
reason why the rich people become richer and poor people become poorer because those people
that afford to buy their wants and needs are slightly affect by the increase in tax unlike those
poor people who can barely afford their basic needs.

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