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Std. X (SSC)
Time : 2 Hours Preliminary Paper - 3 (2022-23) Total Marks : 40

Note : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. For Q. No. 4 (A) use supplied outline map and tie it to your answer-book.
4. For Q. No. 6 (A) use the graph paper supplied to you and attach it to the main
answer book.
5. Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
6. Answers should be written in Black and Blue ink only.

Q.1 Choose the correct option and re-write the sentence : 4

1) Brazil is famous for ............... dance.
a) Samba b) Bihu c) Bhangra d) Bharatnatyam

2) In the north most region of India ............... forests are found.

a) thorny b) deciduous c) Himalayan d) evergreen

3) ..............., we find dispersed settlements in India.

a) Near the transport routes b) industrial regions c) Near the rivers d) Hilly areas

4) Amazon basin is mainly .............. .

a) drought prone b) unfavorable for human settlements c) swampy d) fertile

Q.2 State whether the sentences are True or False : 4

1) Brazil has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean.
2) India’s per capita income is less than Brazil.
3) Concentrated settlements are found in Narmada Valley.
4) Tropic of Capricorn passes through the northen part of Brazil.

Q. 3 Answer in one sentence : (Any FOUR) 4

1) Which is the southernmost point of India?
2) Which is the costliest mode of transportation?
3) What is the sex ratio?
4) Which is the most urbanised state in Brazil?
5) Which is the highest peak in Brazil?

Q. 4 (A) Mark the following in the outline map of India. Write the names and give
index. (Any FOUR) 4
(1) Chennai airport (2) Tea growing areas
(3) Any two states with Urban Population between 41 - 60%
(4) Western Coastal Plains (5) Tropic of Cancer
(6) Jim Corbett National Park
(B) Observe the map of Brazil and answer the following questions : (Any FOUR) 4

1) What does the map exhibit?
2) Name any two species of birds shown on the map.
3) Name any two animals found in Amazon basin.
4) Name the region where huge anacondas are found.
5) Name the tropical grasslands found in central Brazil

Q. 5 Give geographical reasons : (Any TWO) 6

1) We rely on the sea route for international trade.
2) There are no west-flowing rivers in Brazil.
3) Snowfall doesn’t always occur in Brazil.
4) Urbanization is increasing rapidly in India.

Q. 6 (A) Prepare a simple bar graph with the help of given data and write the
answers : 6
Literacy Rate %
Country/Year 1991 2001 2011 2016
Brazil 80.0 86.4 91.4 92.6

Questions :
1) What does the bar graph show?
2) Which decade shows the highest increase in literacy rate in Brazil?
3) How much does the literacy rate increase in 2001 as compared to 1991?
(B) Read the given graph and answer the following questions :

Questions :
1) In which month is the highest temperature found in all the four cities?
2) When does Brazil have its rainy season ?
3) Which city has the maximum range of temperature? How much is it?
4) What kind of climate is found in Rio de Janeiro?
5) In which month does it rain the most in Rio de Janeiro?
6) In which month does it minimum temperature in Porto Alegre?

Q. 7 Answer the following in details : (Any TWO) 8

1) How will you manage the litter during the field visit?
2) Explain the characteristics of North Indian Plains.
3) Describe in brief the changes occurring in the climatic conditions of India while going
from south to north.


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