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itp Employinent. REPUBLIC OF SOU" OR 22. 2608 Kecli bictse (emetaio Re.No fou bla—sers Tg Bes iity _ Managem ent SAPS, Telkom Towers”. rlorth [ | ottie game 162 Sohannes.. Ramokhose | 1074.02) 27) Ben Central 5 Fretoria IES “ona eRel ABBOT, abalone Sey (= atest inspection 2. Februrry 2 ZORA. rccompanied vy se Ol Govendo- | DIRECTION NOTICE: COHPRAVENTHON/ IMPROVEMENT ‘OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, ACT 8S OF 1909 AS AMENDED nol your prom terms of sation 290! ho above-mentioned Ac 6 lorosakt ct you ae heey directed to ake the slope specie below wihin 6D days from tho dat thie notice, Shaul yaub tie mat a Ged, you nay wake rereaatatons oe ce dag a am you propose Yconpy here ‘ovarian extern line maybe coniered. Atematyely, you may wich 0 Appeal he deen oe to secton 35 Qui PROVISIONS OF THE REGULATIONS, CONSTI: Enware... Keck. Wamoewian Susyey. IS ee 40 ENR compliane. to for Wore piece: viv EEC oon 0-1 [oe [2024 won Papel et Be Environmental Regutedions employment &.leRpur Bepertm Employment ang Labour REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA seuptone. AR. BD... 2EC2. noe Keslthioese Memeo wm Meehia~sars 7-7 Fercitity.. Y lenagement SPPS fone Uinsticcse ct | | Office stamp i299 Talker Tewers.. oth Fetona Central » Retona. E DIRECTION NOTICE: PROHIBITION OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, ACT 85 OF 1993 AS AMENDED \ am ot the opinion thot the circumstances specifi bolow threaten, or ae likely to threaten, the health andlor safely of persons. ln torns of section 80 of the aforesaid Act, hereby prohibil you from continuing orwemsakeien vith the folowing, effective immediately: Tlloniing.. emplmayees to. OPFICas... wath. hove * ae £0... isl etbion Rther..PY... notura).....or....mechaniCet).... UAB Labon SY Sten = ze tomy calisfaction havo been made to dispose of oF nsidor revoking or amending this prohibition notice only afer axrongem lly raduca tho Chal which gave rg0 to the imposton ofthis probit "Noto: An Appeal in terms of section 36, wit not euspend thts notice wm GEIED 52101204. one er REVOCATION OF A PROHIBITION NOTICE lin tems of saction 80 (1) of the aforosald Act, the prohibiion notes sorved on you on hereby rovoked, Inspector employment & labour Department. iz mplayer ani Labour ATE rece retro OI... 133... 2602 4 cum Kegihiotse Marmobcyo num Hoah |a—sepsr 7” Faeitrty Management SAPs ae “Telteore Towers ~ Voth i Office stamp 182 Weharnes. Kartehoase st | sea ee fos eto Central, {Btetong | IES DIRECTION NOTICE: PROHIBITION OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, ACT 85 OF 1993 AS AMENDED {am ofthe oprion hat th cumstances spied bolo eaten, oar key fo iveaten the heath andlor Safety f persone. ‘tems of sacten 30 ofthe aforesaid Act | hore prt you rom continuing omcammanng Wi the flowing, eecve mediately. ALLOW ig. .enajPloyees..... to OSG MY... ADR... QEELSES.. vats, OK... SON. = aye {wal conser revoking o¢ amending tis protibton nic ony ser srtangernons tomy saustocton have been ma Wo depose ofr Substantial reduce tho threat which gave rise lo the imposition of tis rohit, "Note: An Appeal infers of section 35, wit not suspend this notice we GED om 1212004 ann read opps REVOCATION OF A PROHIBITION NOTICE {teem of section 20 (1 of th aforesaid Act, the prohibition notice served on you on : Tovoked. trspacter Date | employment & labour aati Fiske Seatac tomers OR. '23. 2662. cman Kecthiotse ennaboio win Mpadile-cars TT | Focatiay Monagenent SAPS ' TFeiKon TonerS...Vorth i 152 Jehanves Remechoase |scov [olen Petona..Goctreal) Fetorie- (a DIRECTION NOTICE: PROHIBITION OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, ACT 65 OF 1993 AS AMENDED | am ofthe opinion thatthe circumstances specified below threaten, or are likely to threaten, the health andior safety of persons, ti tsane of secton 20 of the sforesaid Act. | hereby profit you rom continuing omeassauageg with the folotting, aflectiveimmodiatoy Whe sore must....get. eee gee See ee oe deport oath: tae | wit consider tovoklng or emending this prohibition notioe ony afer arrangements to my seisfacion have been mado to GispoNe o substantlly reduce he threat whion gave rise fo the Imposition of iis prohibition Note: An Appeal in terms of section 35, wl nt suspend this notice ae REVOCATION OF A PROHIBITION NOTICE Intorms of section 30 (1) ofthe aforesaid Act the prohibition notice served on you on horoby revoked. employment & labour Deeiment SSS ent end Labour AC OF SOUTH AFRICA reeorone OTF (SD. 2eD2 owas Keelijotse. \Warraboio naive BAI JS-sAPS TT Facility Management SPs i i Telkom Twers forth | 162 Bhannes Karwkhoase st | 202% en /o7 Fetoria Grtral) Pretoria DIRECTION NOTICE: PROHIBITION OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, ACT 85 OF 1893 ASAMENDED ‘am of the opinion that the ciroumstances specified below threaten, health andior safety ot Inte ot echo 20 ofthe fread Ac heey pel you tom conn ox the folowing, etecive rmodiaehy fo allow loyeeS to. USE the. Teiken. ToKeS,.. orth. te oe in. Shak... , are... jeed. armel operationa!..onch.. des. not have. a buie 109... Valid. Certigicate.. CF 26Cupe 64.5 FOr..ARE... Cleawane+ ‘i consier revoking oF amending this prohibition notice only «ter arrangements to my satistaction have been made to dispose of cr ally redco the thraat which gave rsa fo tho impostion of ths prohtion Nol An Appoa!in terms of section 35. va not suspand this noice > ome 22. /ea/20u, neni i REVOCATION OF A PROHIBITION NOTICE {n terms of section 30 (1 ofthe aforesald Act, tho prohibition notice served on you on hey revoked, Inspector Dates... | conde revoking of amending tis to my ealistcton nave bogn mace to depose o ‘substantially reduce the threat which gave % - Note: An Appeal in terms of section 35, wil not suspnd His notion | weer ERD. om 2310212008. cree Ger REVOCATION OF A PROHIBITION NOTICE In terms of section 20 (1) of tho aforosaid Act, the prohibition notice served on you on. aaa ee eng bs horeby revoked. nso tne na Fal.URE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF TH NOTICE. ON WITHTHE PROVISIONS OF THE REGULATIONS, CONST [UTES & GRIINAL OFFENCE ANO WILL RENDEA YOU LIABLE TO PROSECUTION. LFetleedtentsis tee Fegulation s. GAR 60) (0); Consutt in. good... Faith ..ane|..nominate {2 heatth..ancl. cagety...1epresentoties: sFovde.. draining... 00d... keietance...£0. sthe nomiinarted...of .elected)..heatth.. and. Sefery ePresentative. vont GEE 0am. 7 eal I004- ep ron SE gs

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