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This handout contains details pertaining to various aspects of the online examination you are going to undertake
and important instructions about related matters. You are advised to study the handout carefully as it will help
you in preparing for the examination.

The on-line examination will comprise the following objective type multiple choice tests as stated below :

Sr. Name of the Test Number of Maximum Duration

No. Questions Marks
1. General English/General Hindi★ 40 20 1 hour
30 minutes
2. General Banking Knowledge 60 30

★ Candidates can answer questions either in General English or General Hindi test.
The time for the test is 90 minutes; however you may have to be at the venue for approximately
120 minutes including the time required for logging in, collection of the call letters, going through the instructions
etc. You can attempt any question at any point of time within 90 minutes. All the questions will have multiple
choices. Out of the five answers to a question only one will be the correct answer. You have to select the
most appropriate answer and ‘mouse click’ that alternative which you feel is appropriate/ correct.
The alternative/ option that you have clicked on will be treated as your answer to that question.
There will be no penalty for wrong answers marked by you. However, you are advised, not to mark
answers by random guessing.

Please note that the types of questions in this handout are only illustrative and not exhaustive. In
the actual examination you will find questions of a higher difficulty level on some or all of these
types and also questions on the types not mentioned here.



Q.1-3. Directions : Pick out the most appropriate word from amongst the words given below each
sentence to complete it meaningfully.

Q.1. He quickly glanced____________the book to find what it said about the Indian economy.
(1) at (2) through (3) in (4) to (5) over

Q.2. The counsel urged the court to____________down the obnoxious law.
(1) enact (2) enforce (3) cancel (4) strike (5) declare

Q.3. The local official___________the Minister of the situation.

(1) explained (2) warned (3) apprised (4) told (5) intimated

Q.4-5. Direction: Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if
any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part of the sentence is your answer. If
there is no error, the answer is (5) i.e. “No error”.

Q.4. I am twenty / two years old / when I first / joined the bank. No error.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Q.5. To the Hindus / the Ganga is / holier than / any other river. No error
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
gm_mÝ` qhXr
à.1-3. ZrMo {X`o J`o àíZm| _o go haoH$ _| EH$ dmŠ` {X`m J`m h¡ {Ogo (1), (2), (3) Am¡a (4) ^mJm| _| ~m§Q>m J`m h¡ & dmŠ` H$mo nT> H$a kmV
H$s{O`o {H$ dmŠ` _| eãXm| Ho$ JbV à`moJ, dV>Z© r `m ì`mH$aU H$s H$moB© Ìw{Q> Vmo Zht h¡ & Ìw{Q> AJa hmoJr Vmo dmŠ` Ho$ {H$gr EH$ hr ^mJ
_o hmoJr & Bg ^mJ H$m H«$_m§H$ hr AmnH$m CÎma h¡ & AJa dmŠ` Ìw{Q>hrZ h¡ Vmo CÎma (5) Xr{O`o AWm©V Ìw{Q> Zht &
à.1. Mmbrg bS>H$m| H$m EH$ {_bm Owbm / R>hmH$m CR>m Wm Am¡a Ÿ/ H$jm H$s N>V no Q>H$am H$a / g~ H$m g~ EH$X_ _oao ^rVa CVa J`m Wm / Ìw{Q> Zht
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
à.2. goR> nwê$fmoÎm_ Xmg nyZm H$s gañdVr nmR>embm / H$m _wAm`Zm H$aZo Ho$ ~mX _| / ~mha {ZH$bo Vmo EH$ b‹S> H$s Zo/
(1) (2) (3)
Xm¡S> H$a CZH$m Xm_Z nH$‹S> {b`m / Ìw{Q> Zht
(4) (5)
à.3. dh PnQ> H$a Hw$agr go CR>r / Am¡a ~‹S> o doJ go H$B© H$_amo / Am¡a ~am_Xmo H$mo nma H$aVr / _¡ZO
o a Ho$ gm_Zo H$mo AmH$a I‹S> r hmo JB©Ÿ/ Ìw{Q> Zht
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
à.4-5. ZrMo {XE JE àíZm| _| go EH$ eãX g_yh `m dmŠ`m§e {X`m J`m h¡ Am¡a {\$a CgHo$ ~mX nm±M Eogo eãX gwPmE JE h¡ Omo {H$ Bg nyao dmŠ`m§e
`m eãX g_yh H$m AW© EH$ eãX _| ñnîQ> H$a XoVo h¡Ÿ& AmnH$mo dh eãX kmV H$a CgH$mo CÎma Ho$ H«$_ _o Xem©Zm h¡Ÿ&
à.4. {OgH$m H$^r Zme Z hmŸo&
(1) AnZme (2) {Zam{_f (3) AQ>b (4) A{dZmer (5) gd© ì`mnH$
à.5. H$_ ~mobZo dmbm
(1) {_R>~mobm (2) g_Xeu (3) _¥X^w mfr (4) g§`{_V (5) {_V^mfr
Q.1. How is an Equitable Mortgage created ?
(1) By registering mortgage deed with Registrar of Assurances.
(2) By executing Deed of Mortgage on a stamped paper in notified towns.
(3) By filing copies of mortgage deed for registration with Registrar in notified towns.
(4) By depositing title deeds with the creditor in notified towns.
(5) Other than those given as options

Q.2. A bill dated 31st December 2009 payable 2 months after date will be due for payment on-
(1) 02.03.2010 (2) 03.03.2010 (3) 28.02.2010
(4) 01.03.2010 (5) 31.03.2010

Q.3. What is the effect of ‘Not Negotiable’ crossing on a cheque?

(1) Cheque becomes non transferable.
(2) A holder can not get a better title than the transferor.
(3) Cheque becomes payable only through a specified bank.
(4) It has no effect whatsoever.
(5) Other than those given as options

Q.4. Which one of the following items is an ‘Intangible Asset’?

(1) Prepaid Expenses (2) Sundry Debtors (3) Stocks
(4) Goodwill (5) Current Assets

General Instructions:

1. Total duration of examination is 90 minutes. [20 minutes extra for every 60 minutes (1 hour) of the
examination time for candidates with disability eligible for compensatory time.]

2. The clock will be set at the server. The countdown timer in the top right corner of screen will display the
remaining time available for you to complete the examination. When the timer reaches zero, the
examination will end by itself. You will not be required to end or submit your examination.

3. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question using
one of the following symbols:

You have not visited the question yet.

You have not answered the question

You have answered the question

You have NOT answered the question, but have marked the question for review

The question(s) “Answered and Marked for Review” will be considered for evaluation.

The question(s) “Marked for Review” will not be considered for evaluation. Hence, no marks will
be allocated for the same.

The Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to look at that
question again. If a question is answered and Marked for Review, your answer for that question will be
considered in the evaluation.

4. You can click on the “>” arrow which appears to the left of question palette to collapse the question
palette thereby maximizing the question window. To view the question palette again, you can click on
“<“ which appears on the right side of question window.

5. You can click on your “Profile” image on top right corner of your screen to change the language during
the examination for entire question paper. On clicking of Profile image you will get a drop-down to
change the question content to the desired language.

6. You can click on to navigate to the bottom and to navigate to the top of the question area,
without scrolling.

Navigating to a Question:

7. To answer a question, do the following:

a. Click on the question number in the Question Palette at the right of your screen to go to that numbered
question directly. Note that using this option does NOT save your answer to the current question.

b. Click on Save &Next to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question.

c. Click on Mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the current question, mark it for review, and
then go to the next question.

Answering a Question :
8. Procedure for answering a multiple choice type question:
a. To select your answer, click on the button of one of the options
b. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the
Clear Response button
c. To change your chosen answer, click on the button of another option
d. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next button
e. To mark the question for review, click on the Mark for Review & Next button. If an answer is
selected for a question that is Marked for Review, that answer will be considered in the evaluation.

9. To change your answer to a question that has already been answered, first select that question for
answering and then follow the procedure for answering that type of question.
10. Note that ONLY Questions for which answers are saved or marked for review after answering will be
considered for evaluation.
Navigating through sections:
11. Sections in this question paper are displayed on the top bar of the screen. Questions in a section can
be viewed by clicking on the section name. The section you are currently viewing is highlighted.
12. After clicking the Save & Next button on the last question for a section, you will automatically be taken
to the first question of the next section.
13. You can shuffle between tests and questions anytime during the examination as per your convenience
only during the time stipulated
14. Candidate can view the corresponding section summary as part of the legend that appears in every
section above the question palette.
General Instructions:
(1) Please note the Login ID, date, time and venue address of the examination given in the call letter.
(2) You may visit the venue one day before the Online Examination to confirm the location so that you are
able to report on time (as printed on the call letter) on the day of the examination. Late comers will not
be allowed.
(3) The call letter should be brought with you to the examination venue. You must carry with you, your
employee identity bearing your photograph while coming for test. In case it is not available with you for
any reason, you may bring with you any other photo identity proof (original) i.e. PAN Card/Passport/
Driving licence/ Voter-ID.
(4) You must scrupulously follow the instructions of the Test Administrator and Bank Representative at the
examination venue. If you violate the instructions you will be disqualified and will be asked to leave the
examination venue.
(5) No use of calculators (separate or with watch), books, note books or written notes, cell phones (with or
without camera facility), or any other electronic device will be allowed during the examination.
(6) You should bring with you a ball-point pen. A sheet of paper will be provided which can be used for rough
work or taking down the question number you would like to review at the end of the test before submitting
your answers. After the test is over you MUST hand over this sheet of paper to the Test Administrator
before leaving the venue.
You are advised to bring with you the following:
(i) Call letter and photo ID card in Original as mentioned in point 3.

(ii) One Ball point pen.

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