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LESSON 1 sharing knowledge and experience from both

EVENT - An event is a general term indicating the parties. (Small groups)

coming together of a number of people in one RETREATS – Training activities, usually sports activities.
place, to confer or carry out a particular activity. It presents drills and instructions on specific topics.
Frequency can be on an ad hoc or according to a CLINIC – Generally spiritual in nature. Usually
set pattern. conducted in a location away from the city.
SPECIAL EVENT - A gathering of human beings,
generally lasting from a few hours to a few days, INCENTIVE TRAVEL - A global management tool that
and designed to celebrate, honor, teach about, or uses exceptional travel experience to motivate
observe human endeavors. A unique moment in and/or recognize participants for increased levels
time celebrated with ceremony and ritual to satisfy of performance in support of organized goals.
specific needs. Ex. Experienced Korea

EVENTS BASED ON TYPES: CONVENTIONS - A meeting with exhibit. Its strength

MEGA EVENTS - Largest events generally targeted comes from combines attractions of having
at international markets. These are events so large multiple, simultaneous activities.
they affect whole economies and reverberance in • Gathering of delegates.
the global media. • Common features include
HALLMARK EVENTS - Designed to increase appeal of educational sessions, committee
a specific tourist destination or meetings, social functions, and
region. meetings to conduct the
governance business of the
M.I.C.E. organization.
MEETINGS – When 2 or more people come together • Commonly recurring.
with a common agenda. People attend meetings
for education, training, decision making, research, EXHIBITIONS- Event at which products, services, or
sale, exchange, networking, strategic planning, promotional materials are displayed to attendees
teambuilding and problem solving. visiting exhibits on the show floor.
CONFERENCE – Event used by any organization to TYPES OF EXHIBITIONS:
meet and exchange views, convey a message, PUBLIC/CONSUMER SHOW - Exhibition that is open
conduct a debate, or give publicity to some area to the public, usually requiring an entrance fee.
of opinion on a specific issue. • Manila International Book Fair
Ex. Medical Conference. • Hotel and Food Service Supplier
CONGRESS – The regular coming together of large Show
groups of individuals, generally to discuss a • Job Fairs
particular subject. A congress will often last TRADE SHOW - This generally refers to exhibits that
several days and have several simultaneous are not open to the public. It is considered a B2B
sessions. Larger scale than conference. event, where products are not sold directly during
SYMPOSIUM – Formal presentation where there is • Initiate contacts with new customers
limited interaction between presenters and • Develop new trade leads
audience. • Maintain and renew contracts with
LECTURE – An individual presentation, often by one valued clients
expert where the audience can ask questions after • Launch new products and services
the discussion. thru live presentations and
PANEL – Two or more resource persons offer their demonstrations
opinions on a specific topic. • Enhance corporate profile and
WORKSHOPS – Require hands-on activities to image.
facilitate learning. These deal with specific COMBINED EVENTS - These are exhibits that are
problems, issues or assignments. Requires the open to the trade for the first couple of days. Can
presence of a moderator or facilitator to manage be classified by industry, date, host country, and by
the discussions. organizer.
FORUM – An interactive discussion led by invited • Exposition - Large-scale industrial,
speakers. Requires the presence of a moderator or regional exhibition scheduled longer
facilitator to manage the discussions. period of time in the same venue
SEMINARS – Provide room for interaction between • Fair - Occasional meeting of buyers
attendees and resource speakers. There is a lot of and sellers specifically for trade.
- Events can be categorized based on - process by which an event is planned,
purpose and content. These are either prepared, and produced.
marketing activivties, festivals, fandom, - Like any management, Encompasses the
sports competition or those promoting an assessment, definition, acquisition,
advocacy. allocation, direction, control, and analysis of
MARKETING EVENTS time, finances, personnel, product services,
- Open House and other resources to achieve objective.
- Product Launch - Like business activity, overlapping nature of
FESTIVALS managerial functions. It has strategy &
- Religious Fiestas resources to achieve its mission & objectives.
- Cultural Events EVENT MANAGER
- Social Events - A professional responsible for planning,
- Historical Celebrations organizing, and executing various types of
FANDOM events.
- Refers to "people who are fans of a fiction - Their primary goal is to ensure that the event
genre, of a submerge, who have their own runs smoothly, meets the objectives of the
clubs, conventions, and amateur client or organization, and provides a
magazines. positive experience for attendees.
- The social groups that organizes events for
their member only. PHASES OF EVENT MANAGEMENT:
- A spectator or participatory event involving EVENT PROPER - Refers to the tasks and deliverables
recreational or competitive sport activities, during the actual event. Coordination, Managing,
scheduled alone or in conjuction with other Overseeing all the resources needed to successfully
events. execute the event.
• Olympic Games • Set-Up/ Décor
• Tour de France • Guest Registration
• FIFA World Cup • Schedule Management
• Boxing, Chess, Polo, Dragon Boat, • Logistics
Martial Art • Attendee Assistance
ADVOCACY • Crowd Control
- Events caused by charitable or caused • Technical Support
related group for the purpose of attracting • Food Service
revenue, support, and/or awareness, • Media Coordination
scheduled alone or in conjunction with • Payments/ Settlements
other events. POST EVENT – Refers to the evaluation of the event.
• Medical-Dental Missions • Submission of financial statement,
• Fund-Raising Gala audit reports, survey results
• Post-Event Report
- These are events that focus on natural • Inventory and Equipment Returns
wonders, flora, fauna.
• Northern Lights SECRETARIAT
• Wildbeest Migration The main team heading all committees managing
• Killer Whale Safari (Norway) event arrangements.
• Cherry Bloosom Festival 1. Finalizing the event concept
2. Setting the objectives
TRENDS 3. Enlisting the support of the stakeholders
- VIRTUAL AND HYBRID EVENTS 4. Creating the committees
• Affordable - Can reduce spending 5. Detailing contract terms and conditions
• Practical 6. Overseeing the timetable for all deliverables
• Lead generations
• Upskilling - Officer in any Department of Tourism
- Officer in any of the DOT Attached
LESSON 2 Agencies and related officers such as
Center for International Trade, Expositions impact on the success of an event, so their ability to
and Missions catch and correct details is vital.
- Director in a Local/Regional Tourism Office 3. Excellent Communication Skills - Effective
ACADEMIC & TRAINING communication is a cornerstone of event
- Instructor, Lecturer and Professor in a management. Event managers regularly interact
College or University with clients, vendors, sponsors, and team members.
- Trainor for specific tourism and hospitality They need to convey their ideas clearly, listen
courses actively to feedback, negotiate contracts, and
- ASEAN Master Trainor provide instructions to ensure everyone is on the
- Academic Manager same page.
CORPORATE 4. Time Management - Time management is a
- Consultant critical skill for event managers. They often work
- Trade Show Organizer under tight deadlines, and multiple tasks and
- Meeting Planner responsibilities must be juggled simultaneously.
- Event Promotion Prioritizing tasks, creating timelines, and adhering to
- Media Buyer schedules are essential to ensure that events run
- Accounts Executive smoothly and meet deadlines.
- Convention Bureau Director 5. Creativity - Event managers need to be creative
- Wedding Planner thinkers. They come up with innovative ideas for
- Production Assistant event themes, decor, entertainment, and activities
- Party Host to make each event unique and memorable.
- Festival Promotions Manager Creativity also extends to problem-solving, where
- Sponsorship Executive they find creative solutions when faced with
- Tournament Coordinator unexpected challenges.
- Entertainment Executive 6. Problem Solving - Events can be unpredictable,
- Fashion Show Producer and problems can arise at any moment. Event
- Stage Manager managers must be quick thinkers and effective
- Technical Assistant problem solvers. They need to analyze issues, make
- Videographer/Photographer decisions on the spot, and implement solutions to
- Creative Director ensure that the event continues without disruptions.
INDUSTRY SECTORS 7. Flexibility - Flexibility is essential in event
- Tourism and Hospitality management. Events rarely go exactly as planned,
- Medical and event managers must adapt to changing
- Agriculture circumstances. This could involve adjusting
- Advocacy/ Community-Based schedules, accommodating last-minute requests, or
Organizations handling unforeseen issues gracefully.
- Sports and Athletic Organizations 8. Budget Management - Managing budgets is a
- Destination Management Companies fundamental aspect of event management. Event
- Non-Government Ogranizations managers are responsible for creating and sticking
- Radio and Television Stations to budgets, allocating resources wisely, and finding
- Volunteer Groups cost-effective solutions to stay within financial
LESSON 3 9. Negotiation Skills - Event managers often
CHARACTERISTICS OF EVENT MANAGER negotiate contracts with vendors, venues, and
1.Organized - Event managers must be highly service providers. Strong negotiation skills help them
organized individuals. They maintain meticulous secure favorable terms, pricing, and agreements,
records and documents to ensure that every which can significantly impact the overall success
aspect of an event is well- structured and on track. and cost-effectiveness of an event.
They use tools such as event planning software, 10. Leadership - Event managers are leaders in their
calendars, and checklists to keep everything in teams. They must inspire and guide their event
order. Their organizational skills help them manage planning and execution teams to work cohesively
timelines, budgets, and resources effectively. and efficiently. Effective leadership ensures that
2. Detail-Oriented - Paying close attention to detail everyone is aligned with the event's goals and
is crucial for event managers. They scrutinize objectives.
contracts, event layouts, seating arrangements, 11. Stress Management: Events can be high-stress
and logistics to ensure that nothing is overlooked. environments, especially when things don't go as
Even the smallest oversight can have a significant planned. Event managers need the ability to stay
calm under pressure, make rational decisions, and
reassure clients and team members in stressful 21. Knowledge of Permits and Regulations -
situations. Understanding local regulations and permits is
12. Knowledge of Event Technology - Staying up-to- crucial for compliance. Event managers need to
date with event management software, registration navigate the legal requirements for hosting events,
platforms, and audiovisual equipment is crucial. such as obtaining necessary permits and adhering
Event managers use technology to streamline to zoning and safety regulations.
processes, enhance attendee experiences, and 22. Networking - Building a strong network within the
collect data for post-event analysis. event industry can lead to valuable connections
13. Vendor Relationships - Building and maintaining with vendors, venues, sponsors, and other event
positive relationships with vendors, such as caterers, professionals. Networking can open doors to new
decorators, and audiovisual teams, is essential. opportunities and resources.
These relationships help secure reliable services and 23. Crisis Management - Event managers must be
favorable terms, contributing to the success of prepared to handle emergencies and crises during
events. events. They should have well-defined plans and
14. Attention to Safety - Ensuring the safety of event procedures in place to address issues ranging from
attendees is paramount. Event managers must be medical emergencies to technical malfunctions,
knowledgeable about safety protocols, emergency ensuring the safety and well-being of attendees.
procedures, and crowd management to prevent 24. Attention to Trends - Staying updated on event
accidents and respond effectively to any industry trends and innovations is essential. Event
unforeseen incidents. managers need to incorporate the latest trends in
15. Marketing Skills - Event managers often play a event design, technology, and attendee
role in marketing events to attract attendees. They engagement to create modern and appealing
may create promotional materials, utilize social events.
media, and employ other marketing techniques to 25. Sales Skills - Event managers often engage in
generate interest and ticket sales. sales activities to secure clients and promote event
16. Resourcefulness - Being resourceful is a valuable services. This includes presenting proposals, pitching
trait in event management. Event managers must event concepts, and demonstrating the value of
find creative solutions when faced with budget their event planning expertise.
constraints, venue limitations, or unexpected 26. Cultural Sensitivity - When planning international
challenges. This resourcefulness helps them make or culturally diverse events, event managers should
the most out of available resources. be culturally sensitive and aware of customs,
17. Multitasking - Event managers frequently handle traditions, and preferences to create inclusive and
multiple tasks simultaneously. They may be respectful experiences for attendees.
coordinating with vendors, answering client 27. Hospitality Skills - Creating a welcoming and
inquiries, reviewing event schedules, and comfortable atmosphere for event attendees is
overseeing on-site operations concurrently. paramount. Event managers should understand the
Effective multitasking ensures that nothing falls principles of hospitality, ensuring that guests feel
through the cracks. valued and well-cared-for throughout the event.
18. Team Player - Collaboration is a fundamental 28. Technical Knowledge - Event managers need a
part of event management. Event managers work basic understanding of audiovisual equipment,
closely with various teams, including event planners, lighting, and technical requirements. This
marketing teams, technical staff, and volunteers. knowledge helps them collaborate effectively with
Being a team player helps foster a positive working technical teams and ensure that the event's
environment and ensures that everyone works technical aspects run smoothly.
together harmoniously to achieve common goals. 29.Project Management - Events often involve
19. Customer Service - Providing exceptional numerous projects within the overall event, such as
customer service is vital in event management. designing the stage, coordinating catering, and
Event managers work closely with clients to managing transportation. Effective project
understand their needs and expectations, and they management skills are crucial for keeping these
strive to exceed those expectations to ensure client various components on track and within budget.
satisfaction. 30. Passion for Events - Finally, event managers
20.Knowledge of Venue Selection - Event managers typically have a genuine passion for creating
must have a good understanding of how to select memorable experiences. Their enthusiasm and
suitable venues for different types of events. This dedication to delivering outstanding events drive
includes considering factors such as location, their commitment to excellence and continuous
capacity, accessibility, and amenities that align improvement in their profession.
with the event's goals and audience.

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