Intellectual Autobiography 3

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Intellectual Autobiography

By: Jonathan Cardoza Chicas

Assignment 3.2

LIBS 390: Survey of Liberal Studies

Dr. Turhan Potter

My name is Jonathan Cardoza Chicas, a former football player and currently studying at

Delaware State University. I am said to graduate in the spring of May 2024, with my bachelor's

degree and my plan is to pursue a master's degree and my doctorate degree in Kinesiology. I am

very interested in kinesiology because of the work field staying connected to athletics being an

athlete myself. As a kid I always wanted to be involved in a sport even if it was being on the

bench. Being a productive kid, sports I played are basketball, soccer, and formerly, football.

Being the ‘study of movement’ having a concentration in Kinesiology and having my major as

Liberal Studies is convenient because I have the free will to be educated in various electives. It’s

convenient to have your major as Liberal Studies because it looks good on your degree and for

various job applications, also if you are not sure what career you want to pursue.

I am from Rahway, New Jersey but I was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, but I still reside

in Rahway and my grandparents and parents live in Rahway. I identify as a persistent person who

never fails to finish off what he started even if it’s something minimal. I admire teamwork, and a

huge believer in equality and coming together to resolve any problem. I am also a man of faith, a

leader, and I can also perform under pressure. My personal perspective on how I see the world is

that it is power and money hungry driven. The rich will stay rich, and the poor will stay poor all

through oppressions within governments and social hierarchies. Wars started by different

countries start due to the money, political power, and indifferences. I would love to learn more

about how the study of movement (Kinesiology) is studied in other countries and how serious

they take it. Me being interested in becoming a chiropractor I would like to also see how other

countries recover from sport related injuries or how they adjust athletes.

I have attended 3 colleges/universities in my 5 years of studying and have changed my

major 2-3 times. I say 2-3 times because I began at Monroe College as a Criminal Justice major
and got my associate degree in that field. I then realized that I did not want to pursue a career in

law, so I changed it to Exercise science when I transferred to Mount Marty University. During

my year and that school, I had good grades and kept a great GPA, but when I decided to transfer

to Delaware State University not all my credits transferred, so I had to join the Liberal Studies

major forcefully if I wanted to be eligible to play football at the school. I then had to wait till my

senior year to add kinesiology classes to continue to peruse my exercise science career.

My concentration is to become a Chiropractor and have my own Chiropractic office to

better help those who are in need with body/spine adjustments. Me being an athlete I always

wanted to still be involved in sports and helping those who are injured. The process of being

injured and helping them get back to where they were or better is what drives me to become what

I want to become. You could say I would like to be a physical therapist, but I want my main

pinpoint to be a chiropractor. All the dreams and visions I have always starts with my education

though, so I plan on getting my masters in Exercise Science at another school/institution while

getting intern hours and a small job at a chiropractic office to get some great experience. Then I

will aim to get my doctorate and then become a certified doctor in the chiropractic world.

Me being involved in sports, I know this major, and career will work because I can put

myself in the clients’ shoes and better understand what they are going through. Especially having

Liberal Studies as a major will help with the various subjects and courses I have completed. I am

also comfortable with change due to the number of times I moved from school to school 3 times

being in different states. All states I have been to to study are all very different and I don’t mind

change whatsoever. I vision myself in the office checking in on patients and doing evaluations

and adjustments on my future client’s bodies to relieve the stress and pain they will be enduring.
I know I am well driven to accomplish anything I put my mind to, especially playing

football and being a team captain my senior year I have experience being a leader and that also

taught me how to be a leader off the field as well. In my future, I vision on hiring students who

are pursuing the same career and having then intern in my office to further their experience so

they can get into good graduate schools with enough hours. I plan on having all the materials in

the office that will help with my clients, also to have videos to further explain each procedure

they will go through so they aren’t afraid or worried about what I will do to them. Most of the

work is hands on and I will be helping people with different types of weight class, so I need to be

physically strong in case I am working with a professional football player who weighs over 250


In conclusion I have been focused on this plan for over 2 years now and have no

intentions of stopping to switching my major or concentration. My plan is still being worked on

and having a vision of your future and dreams is a great way to start to be motivated on what

your future would consist of. No matter what anyone tells you, or how many times you decide to

change your major because you are unsure, you make the decision of your future. What ever you

think will benefit you and make you happy at the end of the day is all that matters.

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