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Chapter 7: Current and Voltage in Circuits

Alignment with Student Book: pages 67–74

Chapter overview

This chapter focusses on defining current and voltage and discusses how each of them changes in
different circuit set ups. Calculations are introduced early in the chapter to support the definition of
key terms such as current, coulomb, charge and voltage. Throughout the chapter, students will learn
the circuit component symbols and will be expected to draw diagrams using symbols rather than
pictorial representations. Students will be able to recognise a large number of these component
symbols from KS3 but they will need to be learned for iGCSE.

The basics of building circuits is covered, which will be a refresher from KS3 for most students. How
to construct series and parallel circuits is also discussed, including the benefits and setbacks of using
the circuits in differing situations.

It is assumed that students will be able to rearrange and manipulate equations to find a solution.
This chapter builds on the content covered in Chapter 6.

What to expect

2.7 explain why a series or parallel circuit is more appropriate for particular applications, including
domestic lighting

2.12 know that lamps and LEDs can be used to indicate the presence of a current in a circuit

2.13 know and use the relationship between voltage, current and resistance:
voltage = current × resistance, V = I × R

2.14 know that current is the rate of flow of charge

2.15 know and use the relationship between charge, current and time:
charge = current × time, Q = I × t

2.16 know that electric current in solid metallic conductors is a flow of negatively charged electrons

2.17 understand why current is conserved at a junction in a circuit

2.18 know that the voltage across two components connected in parallel is the same

2.19 calculate the currents, voltages and resistances of two resistive components connected in a
series circuit

2.20 know that: voltage is the energy transferred per unit charge passed; the volt is a joule per

2.21 know and use the relationship between energy transferred, charge and voltage:
energy transferred = charge × voltage, E = Q × V

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This chapter extends and introduces a variety of new concepts to students. It is worth spending time
here so that students have a solid understanding of each of the definitions, as this will stand them in
good stead for questions based on parallel and series circuits. If students understand the key
definitions well they will be able to apply the rules more adeptly. There are a few new equations to
learn and students can often get confused between units and the symbols used within an equation.

Students will benefit from practical work in this chapter, building both series and parallel circuits so
they are able to see, using meters, what is happening to both the current and the voltage in the
circuit. Building circuits will take time and students will require quite a bit of troubleshooting in the
early stages if their circuits do not work and checking they have set them up correctly. The time
taken is worth it for their understanding.

Teaching notes

Start activities

Draw that circuit: Provide each student with a sheet of scrap paper or a wipe board and pen. Ask
students to draw the circuit symbol for a particular component and hold it up. To make this more
difficult, students can be asked to draw either a series or parallel circuit containing a number of

Component card match-up: Get students in groups of two or three. Ask students to match up circuit
symbols on pieces of card with the relevant component definitions. For example, the symbol for a
bulb would be matched with ‘transfers electrical energy to light energy and can be used as an
indicator of current flow in a circuit’.

What’s the problem: Have ten stations with circuits set up where the circuit is not working. Ask
students to resolve the issue. Some issues may be an ammeter placed in parallel with a component,
a dead battery, loose bulb, incorrectly wired, etc. This is quite a basic exercise but good for building
confidence in lower ability groups.

Main activities

Circuit building: Set up a number of stations around the outside of the room. Each station should
have a card listing the components to use and a description/photograph of the circuit to be built.
Students can take readings from ammeters and voltmeters, learning to connect them in series and
parallel respectively. As a second stage, students can then draw a circuit diagram of the circuit they
have built.

Current and voltage model: Ask the students to stand in a circle. Give each student a cup. This cup
represents 1 coulomb of charge. Identify a student as the cell. Students must now pass the cups to
their left. As they reach the student who is the cell, the student places either a counter or a sweet in
the cup. This counter represents the voltage. Select another student to be a light bulb. When the cup
containing a counter reaches the light, the light student then removes the counter because they are
transferring that electrical energy to light energy. This model can then be adapted into series and
parallel circuits with more bulbs and more cells included. This is a great model for those who find

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visualising this concept challenging. It is a good point of reference for when students find themselves

Investigating current in series and parallel practical: Students can set up a simple circuit with two
cells, a bulb, a voltmeter and an ammeter. Students can take a current and voltage reading in this
situation. Students should then add a second bulb and repeat readings. This can then be repeated
for three and four bulbs. Students should then set up the same basic circuit with two bulbs in
parallel and take ammeter and voltmeter readings across the bulbs, recording as they go. This
should then be repeated for three and four bulbs in parallel. Centre discussions around: What do
you notice with the current in series? In parallel? How does the voltage change in series when
additional bulbs are added? The readings should hopefully support the conclusions being drawn. If
not, discussions could be had as to why students think they may not support these rules. Inaccurate
reading? Incorrect set up?

Calculations circus: Have a number of empty calculations in stations around the room. Students
should go to each station and collect a question. They should work through their solutions in pairs
and once a question is completed correctly they can move on to the next one. When the first group
has completed them all correctly they can check/support other groups who may be struggling.


Extension: Object box: Give students a box of objects and get them to design their own model to
show to the rest of the class. Example objects could be: rope, balloons, buttons, pipe cleaners,
paper, etc.


Example calculations like those on pages 73–74 would be helpful, or those on the worksheet.

Alternatively, students could research five examples where series/parallel circuits are used in
everyday life and present them to the class.

Possible misunderstandings

Current, charge and coulomb are three definitions that students find difficult to grasp. This can be
demonstrated using counters or buttons. Show students that one button represents a charge. A
group of a certain number is known as a coulomb (a little bit like a herd of buffalo, though a coulomb
is a very specific number of charges). When the charges move, this is known as a current (a bit like a
stampede!). This could be done using the whole class, i.e. each student is a charge. Voltage can be
demonstrated as the energy they carry with them as a group. Visual aids will support the ideas being
represented for those who struggle conceptually.

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Students will regularly confuse the positioning of the meters. When doing demonstrations in relation
to current and voltage, identify why the meters are placed in their positions. Voltmeters have a very
high resistance to prevent current flowing through the meter. This is done so that the voltmeter can
measure the potential difference across the component. An ammeter has very low resistance so it
has as little impact on the circuit as possible. It is placed in series as it needs to see how quickly the
charge is flowing through the circuit.


Investigating current in series and parallel practical: (per group) four bulbs, two cells, leads, three
ammeters, three voltmeters – this equipment can be shared between groups if necessary.

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