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Part 1:

1. I’m living in a small apartment in the heart of the city. It isn’t too
spacious but it brings warm and cozy feelings to me. It’s got a
kitchen, a living room, a bedrooms and a balcony facing the street.
2. I would like a small garden in the balcony. I want to grow some
plants and flowers and it would be the perfect place to get away from
the hectic day.
3. I really love living room because it has an enormous, super-
comfortable sofa. I love sinking into the sofa and putting my feet up
when I get home after a tiring day
4. Well, when it comes to my city, Ha Noi city, the first thing that
comes to people’s mind will be a developing metropolis with a
mixture of the historical and modern buildings. The historical
buildings consist of many temples, pagodas, and monuments, …
meanwhile the modern ones include many high-rise apartments,
commercial complexes and office blocks, …
5. My homtown is called the king’s land so there are many monuments
for sure. The most famous monument is Le Loi monument in
memory of Le Loi king which located in the Lam Kinh relic

6. I very like to visit historic buildings. Because when I went there I

learned more about the history and culture of the country
Part 2 :

In Vietnam it is not difficult to find a historical building, But my favorite

is Citadel of the Ho Dynasty also callled Tây Đô castle. It is a 15th century
stone fortress in Thanh Hóa, Vietnam. It served as the western capital of
the Hồ dynasty (1398–1407) while also being an important political,
economic and cultural centre in the 16th to the 18th century. It is located in
Vĩnh Lộc District, Thanh hóa province. Tây Đô castle is rectangular in
shape. There are four gates and constructed from stone blocks. Tons of
giant stone slabs are put together naturally, without combining materials,
but still exist after 600 years
The citadel was inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage Sites on June
27thoenty seven, 2011thoenty and eleven. I am very proud that my
hometown has such a monument, so I often recommend it to my friends to
visit citadel of the ho dynasty.

1. I think today young people in my country love to visit sites of
historical building. Because Those places are incredibly beautiful and
breathtaking. For the most part, people can gain a deeper
understanding of a country's history by visiting museums,
monuments and ancient sites. They always remind us of the ancient
people’s wisdom and craft. Therefore, we can learn about our
customs, social structure in the past or even help us build a sense of
pride and patriotism
2. I think it’s hugely important to conserve and maintain these places
because tradition and cultural relics are part of history. Preserving
historical sites enriches our culture by connecting us to past eras.By
keeping such places in good condition, we’re able to recollect
important aspects of our culture and ourselves. Of course,protecting
historical sites also benefits the communities and the national
economy by drawing in visitors from all over the world.
There are many things the government can do to preserve the history of
monuments: collect entrance fees to visit monuments to minimize damage
and budget for monument upgrades; restoration and repair of degraded and
damaged monuments; organize workshop to raise people's awareness
about the importance of historical relics.
And everyone can do things like:join a volunteer group protect monument,
practice sustainable tourism, not damage sites or littering when visiting.

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