Reviewer in CCS 101

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Reviewer in CCS 101 Keyboard Most commonly used input device

Ergonomic - fit natural hand placement

History of Computers Special keys: Enter, Function, Ctrl, Alt, Num
Charles Babbage - father of computer 1800’s Lock, Esc.
planned analytical engine Mouse Controls cursor on screen. May be
ENIAC - developed at end of WW II mechanical or optical. Most models have a
1951 - 1963 1st and 2nd generation very large, “wheel” for scrolling.
used unreliable vacuum tubes Others Pointers (replaces mouse on notepads)
1963 - present - 3rd and 4th generation Track point, track ball, touch pad, Scanner,
smaller, faster - use transistors and integrated Digital camera, Touch screen, Voice
circuits Output device
Apple First sold in late 1970’s Developed by Jobs Monitor Made up of tiny elements called pixels.
and Wozniak Each row of pixels is called a scan line. Picture is
IBM Personal Computers First sold in 1981 Was displayed by an electronic beam lighting up
quickly accepted by businesses IBM compatibles certain pixels.
soon developed Resolution is how sharp and clear the picture is
How many scan lines on the screen
Social Media Impact 640 x 480 is low resolution
1600 x 1200 is high resolution
➢ Threat to privacy
Reduce personal interactions Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Similar to digital
Displace workers and change workplace watch. Used for notebook computers. Should be
Create two tiered society an Active Matrix Screen. Also used in flat screen
Computer failures cause great damage monitors. Much thinner than regular CRT
Artificial Intelligence monitor. More expensive than regular CRT
Create a “new life form” monitor
Machines smarter than their creators Video Card Processes info to send to monitor
Types of Computers Amount of video memory may speed up graphic
intensive programs. 32 megs –general purpose
Personal Computers (PC) Also called 128 or more megs – graphic intensive use. AGP
Microcomputers. Available in desktop size, port can speed up graphics. 3D accelerator card
notebook size and handheld. Can be IBM, IBM improves graphics
Compatible or Apple .
Minicomputers Size of filing cabinet. Used by Printer Laser Works similar to a copy machine.
small and medium size companies and Color printers available but more expensive. Fast,
institutions. Operated by computer specialist. quite, with excellent quality. More expensive to
Terminals allow many people to use. buy and operate. Some units scan, photocopy, and
Mainframe Computers Very powerful. Very fast.
Used by large corporations and governmental Printer Ink Jet Squirts small jet of ink onto paper
agencies. Operated by computer specialist. to form characters. Replaced dot matrix. Quiet,
Does good job on color. Good quality and
Supercomputers Most powerful. Fastest. Most
expensive. Several million dollars each. Used
only by Governmental agencies. Large Printer Dot Matrix Strikes pins against ribbon to
international corporations. print. Comes in 9 and 24 pin. Once very popular
Now replaced by ink jet and laser
Input Devices
Disk Drive USB drive Very popular – 64-512 MB
- Can also be input device
Modem Tape drive Similar to cassette tape. Used for
- Can also be input device backup

Other Memory Terms Zip drive 100 MB to 2 GB capacity. Everyday use

and backup.
Byte is eight bits
Kilobyte (KB) is approx. 1,000 bytes Ports Connects computer to another device
Megabyte (MB) is approx. 1million bytes Parallel port Used primarily by printers
Gigabyte (GB) is approx. 1 billion bytes
Serial ports Modem, mouse, etc.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) Also called CPU,
processor or microprocessor. Is the “brains” of SCSI - chain devices
the computer. Performs all computer operations.
USB –may be needed for Digital Cameras, Mp3
Random Access Memory (RAM) CPU can access players, Other devices
any location as quickly as any other. Can not only
Networks Connects computers. Wireless, Allows
read current info but also write new info. Very
sharing of programs, files, printers, etc.. Server is
important in determining capabilities of the
“main” computer
computer system. Computer should have at least
256 megs - 512 preferred (can add to later). LAN - Local Area Network
Read Only Memory (ROM) Can read info Stored WAN - Wide Area Network
in ROM. Can not write new info into ROM. Used
for “internal workings” of computer. Buyer is not Modems Allows 2 computers to communicate
very concerned with ROM. over phone lines. Can be internal or external. Can
also have fax capabilities.
Floppy Drives Comes in 5 1/4” and 3 1/2”. All
systems now only have 3 1/2” Bits per second(bps) indicates speed
HD - High density - comes on all current systems Old modems - 9,600, 14,400, 28,800,
3 1/2” - 1.44 megs 33,600, 56,000 (56K) has becoming standard

Hard Drives Built into machine. Made up of stack Ways of connecting to the Internet
of platters. Can store much more than floppy Dial-up modem – used in most homes
drives. 40 gigabytes should be minimum. Can Cable modem – uses TV cable lines
access info much faster than floppy drive. DSL – modified phone line
T1 line – used by schools, businesses, etc.
CD ROM Same as music CDs, Are read only
Can store over 650 megs . All programs now only Programs Set of instructions to the computer.
sold on CD . Make multimedia possible. Come in Programming languages.
different speeds - 20x, - 50x. System Software Run fundamental operations.
DVD ROM Digital Video Disk. Can store up to Loading and running programs. Saving and
17 G. Can store full-length movies. Can also read retrieving data. Communicating with printers,
CD-ROM disk. modems, etc.

CD-RW Allows you to write to disk. Useful for Components of System Software Components
Data backup. Storage of large files. Recording of a computer system are the primary elements
music and other multimedia file. which make the functioning of an electronic
device smooth and faster. There are five basic
DVD-RW Allows you to write to both CD and components which include:
DVD disk. Still somewhat expensive.
Storage Device Other Terms
division and other numerical based calculations
can be performed
Graphical User Interface (GUI) is an operating
system interface that uses icons, menus, and a
mouse to facilitate interaction with the system. It
was developed by Xerox Palo Alto research lab
and later popularized by the Apple Macintosh in
the 1980s. GUI contains interactive visual
components for computer software. It acts as an
interface between the user and the computer.
GUI Operating System is a graphics-based OS. It
uses icons, menus, and a mouse to interact easily
between the user and the system. A mouse is
generally used to select the icon or drop the menu.
Input Unit A computer will only respond when a We can perform GUI actions by directly
command is given to the device. These manipulating graphical elements like icons,
commands can be given using the input unit or menus, and buttons.
the input devices. Elements of GUI To create a user-friendly GUI,
Output Unit When we command a computer to the user can interact with the software using a
perform a task, it reverts for the action performed variety of elements.
and gives us a result. This result is called output.
Icon: A small graphic showing a file or program.
There are various output devices connected to the
computer. The most basic of which is a monitor. Button: When pressed, launches a program.
Memory Unit When we enter the data into the Menu: A list of options given to the user.
computer using an input device, the entered
information immediately gets saved in the Dialogue Box: Asks a user for input and shows
memory unit of the Central Processing Unit additional data.
(CPU). Because of the presence of some existing Tab: A window's top clickable region displays a
programming, the Memory Unit transmits the different page.
data further to the other parts of the CPU.
Toolbar: A row of buttons controls the operation,
Control Unit This is the core unit which manages typically located near the top of an app window.
the entire functioning of the computer device. It
is one of the most essential components of the Ribbon: An alternative to the file menu and
computer system. The Control Unit collects the toolbar that combines program-related actions.
data entered using the input unit, leads it on for Advantages of GUI Operating Systems
processing and once that is done, receives the A GUI OS can increase usability for the typical
output and presents it to the user. It can be said to user. A GUI operating system is more user-
the center of all processing actions taking place friendly than a text-based command-line
inside a computer device. interface like MS-DOS.The GUI features make
computer operations simple to use without any
Arithmetic & Logical Unit As the name suggests, prior experience with computers. It uses
all the mathematical calculations or arithmetic metaphors like drag-and-drop for file transfers
operations are performed in the Arithmetic and and simple icons, like a trash bin for deleted files.
Logical Unit of the CPU. It can also perform GUI programs are self-descriptive.
actions like a comparison of data and decision-
making actions. The ALU comprises circuits
using which addition, subtraction, multiplication,
Disadvantages of GUI Operating Systems
GUIs require a significant amount of system A worm can self-replicate without a host
resources, including processing power and program and typically spreads without any
memory. This can slow down system interaction from the malware authors.
performance, especially on older or less capable
machines. A Trojan horse is designed to appear as a
legitimate software program to gain access to a
MALWARE & COMPUTER SECURITY system. Once activated following installation,
Trojans can execute their malicious functions.
History of Malware
Spyware collects information and data on the
The term malware was first used by computer device and user, as well as observes the user's
scientist and security researcher Yisrael Radai in activity without their knowledge.
1990. However, malware existed long before this.
Ransomware infects a user's system and
One of the first known examples of malware was encrypts its data. Cybercriminals then demand a
the Creeper virus in 1971, which was created as ransom payment from the victim in exchange for
an experiment by BBN Technologies engineer decrypting the system's data.
A rootkit obtains administrator-level access to
Thomas. Creeper was designed to infect the victim's system. Once installed, the program
mainframes on ARPANET. gives threat actors root or privileged access to the
The concept of malware took root in the system.
technology industry, and examples of viruses and A backdoor virus or remote access Trojan (RAT)
worms began to appear on Apple and IBM PCs in secretly creates a backdoor into an infected
the early 1980s before becoming popularized computer system that enables threat actors to
following the introduction of the World Wide remotely access it without alerting the user or the
Web and the commercial internet in the 1990s. system's security programs.
Since then, malware and the security strategies to
prevent it -- have only grown more complex. Adware tracks a user's browser and download
history with the intent to display pop-up or banner
What is malware? advertisements that the user into making a
Malware, or malicious software, isany program purchase.
or file that is intentionally harmful to a computer, Keyloggers, also called system monitors, track
network or server. nearly everything a user does on their computer.
What does malware do? This includes emails, opened webpages,
programs and keystrokes.
Malware can infect networks and devices And is
designed to harm those devices,Networks and/or How do malware infections happen?
their users in some way. Malware authors use a variety of physical
Types of malware include computer viruses, andvirtual means to spread malware that
worms, Trojan horses, ransomware and infectsdevices and networks.
spyware. These malicious programs steal, How to detect malware
encrypt and delete sensitive data; alter or hijack
core computing functions and monitor end Users may be able to detect malware if they
users' computer activity. observe unusual activity such as a sudden loss of
disk space, unusually slow speeds, repeated
What are the different types of malware? crashes or freezes, or an increase in unwanted
A virus is the most common type of malware that internet activity and pop-up advertisements.
can execute itself and spread by infecting other Antivirus and antimalware software may be
programs or files. installed on a device to detect and remove
malware. These tools can provide real-time Protect From Unauthorized Access
protection or detect and remove malware by
executing routine system scans. Types of Computer Security

Steps To Protect Computer 1. Application Security When security features

are introduced in the primary stage of the
Turn on an Internet firewall development process, that is one it's known as
application security.
Keep your operating system up to date
2. Information Security Information security is
Install and maintain antivirus software a type of cyber security that specially focuses on
Install and maintain antispyware software the methodology and techniques thatare built for
ensuring computer security.
Steps To Protect Computer
3. Network Security It is similar to information
Turn on an Internet Firewall security in a way that it also protects the integrity,
availability, and confidentiality of your computer
An Internet firewall is like a moat around a castle,
creating a barrier between your computer and the
Internet 4.Endpoint Security Any error that is committed
by a human can be easily exploited by hackers or
Keep Your System Updated
cyber criminals. End users are facing a huge
Install all security updates as soon as they are security risk in any organization.
5.Internet Security Internet security is the most
Automatic updates provide the best protection recent type of computer security that has reached
a boom period in recent times.
Install Antivirus Software
It is the newest branch of computer security that
Antivirus software candetect and destroy specifically deals with the risks and threats that
computer viruses before they can cause damage comes with the internet which is enumerated as
Just like flu shots, for antivirus software to be follows:
effective, you must keep it up to date.
Install & Maintain Antispyware Software
Computer viruses
Use antispyware software so unknown people
cannot lurk on your computer and potentially Malware
steal your information.
Denial of service attacks
What is Computer Security
Computer security or cyber security is a system
that protects critical information and data that are
stored in a computer system from unauthorized
use, harm, theft, misuse, etc.
Importance of Computer Security
Protect Personal Information
Protect Company Properties
Prevent Data Theft
Prevent Malware and Viruses

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