Personal Teaching Philosophy

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Mallory Williams

My Teaching Philosophy

It is important to me to see my students as the individuals that they are. I strive to build

relationships with my students and have mutual respect. My students should feel safe and

respected in my classroom. Therefore, I will make it my priority to treat them as humans and

understand that they have needs and lives outside of the classroom. While school is important,

for most students it is not the only responsibility they have.

Learning is not a one-size-fits-all. To make my content accessible to all students, I will

create materials that target multiple intelligences. I will frequently change the method by which I

am presenting the information. Providing multiple means of representation and changing it up

consistently allows for enhanced comprehension, increased accessibility, and can even improve


Students often ask, "Where am I going to use this in the real world?". For this reason, I

will use real-world applications as much as possible. Students so often memorize information for

a test, and the second they walk out the door so does the material. Putting students into

real-world situations will help teach them how applicable the content they are learning can be.

The hands-on aspect that will come with most of these applications is incredibly beneficial as


In a typical workplace and adult life, many other people are involved. To prepare students

for the future, they should learn how to work with their peers in school. People can also learn a

lot from each other. So, group work will be a large part of my class. Combining students' needs

with building relationships, group work, flexibility, and actual-world application will be the basis
of my classroom. This is designed to foster deep thinking, student relationships, and excitement

regarding education.

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