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What can I do to protect the environment?

 Having a campaign or join the campaign
 Reduce my carbon footprint
 Having a 3R habits
Do you think that we must protect our environment? Possibly our environment is
still being destroyed to establish some new industries. On the other hand, this
may also affect the weather or temperature of our environment and will affect the
natural disaster that occurs in certain countries. So, we must focus on the topic
of the environment, so that the environment will be protected by us in our
effective ways.
First and foremost, we can protect our environment by joining an environmental
campaign. It is because from the campaign we will know more about the
knowledge our mother nature which is the environment. As a result of this
campaign, they will teach us some effective ways to settle our environmental
issues. For example, they will teach us how to use some waste to make an
organic fertilizer. Thus, we must join the campaign to find some effective ways to
settle the issue by regrading the campaign.
Secondly, to protect the environment plant some plants. It is because plants can
help me in the environment by purifying the carbon dioxide to oxygen during
photosynthesis. The actions of it may help us cool our room temperature which
can reduce the usage of air conditioners, this may help our environment too.
Thirdly, is to protect the environment by having 3R habits. 3R habits can help us
to settle down the issue of the environment. This can also help the manufacturing
industry can less reduce the product by destroying our environment to get the
To sum up, we must arise the issue of the environment. Environment can affect of
the climate change or many circumstance of issue will occur if we don’t manage
it properly. Thus, our society must protect our beautified environment, even
though the industries still establish their harmful activities such as reforestation,
and construction, hence, as a responsible person we must try our best to settle
down the issue.

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