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 Video & photography, both use light,reflected

from subject to create images.therefore light

is a key element .its main function was to
provide illumination to subject essential for
capturing image on can be used
to express chosen aspects of subject such as
texture , form depth detail &mood.
 Spotlights
 Fresnel spotlights
 Ellipsoidal spotlight
 Follow spot
 Floodlights
 Soft and board softlights
 Portable spotlights
 Portable floodlights
 Spotlights is a well –
defined light whose
beam can be adjusted
from a sharp light
beam like the one
from a focused or a car
headlight to a softer
beam that is highly
directional but that
lights up a larger area.
All studio spotlights
have a lens that helps
sharpen the beam .
 Fresnel spot light is one of
the most useful lighting
instrument in the studio
and widely used in tv studio come in
different sizes depending
on how light they produce.
It is relatively lightweight
and flexible and has high
out put.the spotlight can be
adjusted to a flood beam
position which gives off a
widespread light beam, or it
can be spottd or focused to
a sharp, clearly defined
 The ellipsoidal spotlight
produces a sharp, highly
defined beam.
 Even when in a flood
position the ellipsoidal
beam is still sharper than
the focused beam of a
fresnel . It come in sizes
from 500w to 2,000 but the
most commo is 750w.
The follow spot generally
follow action, such as
dancers, ice skaters or
single performers moving
in front of a stage
curtain.Mostly television
show requires a follow spot,
a powerful special effects
spotlights used primarily to
simulate theater stage smaller studios
we can use an ellipsoidal
spotlight to stimulate a
follow spot.
 Floodlight are
designed to produce
great amount of highly
diffused light. They are
often used as principal
sources of light in
situation where
shadows are to be kept
to a minimum such as
news sets and product
displays to slow down
falloff and to provide
 They are used for
extremely diffused
lighting. They have
large tube like
lamps, a diffusing
reflector in the
back of the large
housing and
diffusing material
covering the front
opening to further
diffuse the light.
 Internal spotlight is
also known as a clip
light because it is
usually clipped onto
things . It looks like a
slightly squashed
household bulb. The
clip light is easy to
 LED lights are like
small computers
screens or a
stretched foldout
viewfinder, but
instead of
displaying an image
they simply show
white light.
 These light stands are designed for relatively
lightweight portable instrument and can be
extended to a height of 8 to 10 feet because
light stands tend to tip over when fully
extended always secure them with sandbags.
Three –point lighting is usually the basic, jumping-off point for
more complicated lightings setups, three lights are used in a
three-point light setup, the primary light source , called key
light ,is used to illuminate the subject. The key light is a
strong ,dominant light source.

A second light called fill light ,is used to “fill in” the strong
shadows caused by the key light. Usually the fill light is quit
a bit dimmer and more diffuse than the key light.

The third light called the back light or sometimes the kicker,is
positioned behind the subject and is used to sepratefrom the
background.the sepration lends a sense of depth to the
image your subject “stand out”beter.
 The key lights are the brightest and the most
important lights on the set. The key light
determines the overall recording or exposure level.
It,s positioned 30 to 45 degrees to the side of the
camera and should strike the subject at an angle of
about 45 degrees from vertical.the key light is
focused on the subject by putting the in the “full
spot” position and centering the beam on the
 Fill light is used to provide general illumination on
the set and to fill in the shadows created by the key
lights. Fill light is usually softer than key light. It is
frequently diffused by reflectors or translucent
materials placed in front of the lighting instrument.
Fill light is added on the side of the camera
opposite the key light. Fill light are also frequently
scrammed to soften them and reduce their
 The back light is placed directly behind the subject,
in line with the camera. It, too, is set at a 45 degree
angle from vertical It is usually a high contrast and
often look very atmospheric & dramatic. The back
light is still too bright in the full flood position, a
scrim can be fitted in front of the housing to soften
and reduce the light.
Barn Doors
Lighting Grid
Black Paper
Soft Box
Metal Mesh
 In the design of an artificial environment in
which lighting instrument are used,it is
sometimes desirable to manipulate the
shapes of the light which cast over a space or
a object. To so a piece of material with
patterned holes through which light passes is
placed in a beam of light to allow only the
desired shapes or pattern, through while
blocking the rest of the light,casting a
specific shadow in to space.
 Gels are flexible sheets of
transparent colored plastic
that can act as color filters
when they are placed in
front of light source such
as windows or lamps.

 A gel can be used to

convert 5,400degreek
light coming through a
window of 3,200 degree k
light, which is the same
color temperature as
interior room lighting.
 Barn doors is a
adjustable flaps that
can be fastened to
light rim,are used to
control light rays &
block unwanted spill.

 It is used to focus the

light in a particular
 Soft box is a white
faced box which fits
over the fronts of your
lights. We use a soft
box to both diffuse &
soften light striking
your subject.This “soft
light” produces gentle
shadows and smoothes
out wrinkles and
 Reflectors have a
light-colored surface
that reflects light into
desired areas rather
than blocking it from
certain areas.

 It can be stiff boards,

metals, or even light
colored clod.
 Itis used to
cover the
space between
the barn doors
to avoid
scattering of
light from
those spaces.
 With a grid light is more
controlled. The light spread is
much smaller, but the edges are
not defined.

Grids in general act to prevent light

spreading out sideways, or diffusing,
from the source. This acts to direct the
light so it is able to be more
controlled. It affects the subject it is
pointed at and does not illuminate the
surroundings. A tighter grid will
direct the light more effectively
 Diffusers are pieces of translucent material,such
as spun glass, that break up direct light and
spread it out in all directions. Flags are solid
pieces of metal,plastic or cardboard that prevent
light from spilling into an undesired.
 Technically, a scrim is a lighting tool that’s placed
between the source of illumination and the subject
that lowers the amount of light without changing
its quality. For use with hot lights, there’s a metal
mesh, so it won’t burn.
All The Best

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