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If you can develop a computer hardware or improve it, what would it be

and why?
How can this development help in the health delivery system?

Why GPS should be improved

GPS (Global Positioning System) has revolutionized how we navigate and find our way around, but
there is still room for improvement. Here are some reasons why GPS should be improved:

Why GPS should be improved nowadays

However, with the continuous advancement of technology, there is a need to improve GPS to meet
the demands of modern society.
Improved Accuracy

One of the main reasons why GPS should be improved nowadays is to enhance accuracy. GPS
accuracy is crucial in the areas of aviation, navigation, and surveying. With improved accuracy, GPS
can provide better location data, which can help in efficient navigation and tracking.
Increased Efficiency
The current GPS systems have their limitations, and they are not capable of handling complex tasks
such as indoor navigation or tracking in urban environments. With improvements in GPS, there is an
opportunity to increase efficiency in several areas. For instance, the use of precise location data can
help businesses optimize their supply chain and logistics operations.
Improved Safety
GPS can improve safety in several ways. For instance, with enhanced accuracy, emergency services
can quickly locate people in need of help, which can save lives. Better tracking capabilities can also
help in the prevention of accidents, especially in the transport industry.
In conclusion, GPS should be improved nowadays to keep up with the demands of modern society.
Improved accuracy, increased efficiency, and improved safety are some of the benefits that we can
expect from future GPS systems. With continued research and development, we can expect GPS to
become an even more integral part of our lives in the future.
Possible continuation:

New Applications

Another reason why GPS should be improved nowadays is to enable new applications. As GPS
technology evolves, new possibilities arise for using location data in innovative ways. For example,
improved accuracy and tracking capabilities can enhance the performance of autonomous vehicles,
drones, and robots. This can lead to safer and more efficient transportation, delivery, and inspection

Better Integration

The current GPS systems operate independently of other positioning technologies, such as GLONASS
or Galileo. However, with improved integration and interoperability, we can achieve better coverage
and redundancy in case of signal loss or jamming. This can also facilitate seamless handover between
different modes of transportation or communication.

Higher Resilience

GPS signals are vulnerable to interference from natural or artificial sources, such as solar flares or
jamming devices. Therefore, improving the resilience of GPS against these threats is crucial for
maintaining its reliability and availability. This can involve developing new anti-jamming techniques,
enhancing signal processing algorithms, or deploying backup systems.

Broader Access

Finally, one of the goals of improving GPS should be to increase its accessibility to more users around
the world. Currently, some regions or countries have limited access to GPS due to political or technical
reasons. By promoting international cooperation and standardization in the development of GPS
systems, we can ensure that everyone benefits from this valuable resource.

Overall, there are many compelling reasons why GPS should be improved nowadays beyond its
current capabilities. By addressing these challenges and opportunities through research and
development efforts, we can unlock the full potential of GPS for the benefit of society as a whole.

With the increasing use of technology in our daily lives, GPS has become a crucial component for
navigation and location tracking. However, in order for GPS to continue to be effective, improvements
are necessary.
One reason why GPS should be improved is for greater accuracy.


Another reason for GPS improvement is to increase its reliability. Currently, GPS signals can be
blocked or disrupted by buildings, natural obstacles, weather conditions, and even deliberate
interference. As GPS becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it is important to ensure its
reliability for safety and convenience.
In addition, improved GPS technology can lead to new and innovative applications. For example, more
accurate and reliable GPS can help with precision farming, autonomous vehicles, and even space
exploration. By investing in improving GPS, we are investing in the future of technology and

Accuracy: While GPS is pretty accurate, it is not always precise enough for certain applications.
Improved GPS technology could provide even more precise location data which would be useful for
things like medicine delivery, drone deliveries, and self-driving vehicles.
Speed: Faster GPS data acquisition and signal processing could help with applications like emergency
services and tracking fast-moving vehicles or people.
Battery life: Improved GPS technology can reduce the power consumption of GPS devices which
would extend the battery life and allow for longer use in the field.
Indoor navigation: GPS signals can be blocked by buildings and other structures making indoor
navigation difficult. Improved GPS technology could help navigate indoor spaces, which would have
widespread applications in industries such as warehousing and logistics.
Overall, improving GPS technology has the potential to enhance many industries and applications,
making it faster, more accurate, more power-efficient, and more accessible.

Improving GPS in Our Generation Today

GPS technology has been around for quite some time now. With the advancements
in technology, there is still a lot of room for improvement. The following are ways of
improving GPS in our generation today:

1. Increase Accuracy
The accuracy of GPS is crucial for many applications such as aviation, navigation, and
surveying. Increasing the accuracy will require more advanced technology. This can
be achieved by implementing ground-based augmentation systems, which can
enhance GPS signals and improve accuracy.

2. Enhance Battery Life

Smartphones and other devices that utilize GPS technology tend to drain their
batteries quickly. An improvement on battery life can be achieved by developing
more power-efficient GPS chips, and the use of assistive technologies such as Wi-Fi
and cellular networks to reduce GPS usage when it is not necessary.

3. Improve Indoor Positioning

GPS signals cannot penetrate buildings making GPS unusable indoors. In order to
solve this issue, Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) can be utilized. These systems use
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other technologies to provide location information indoors.
Development in IPS will improve GPS usability in indoor environments.

4. Improve Signal Quality

The strength of GPS signals can be affected by various factors. Topographical

features, tall buildings, and natural elements such as trees can interfere with GPS
signals. The development of more robust GPS receivers that can handle weak signals
will improve GPS signal quality in various environments.

In conclusion, improving GPS technology is crucial because it will have a significant

impact on various industries and our everyday lives. An increase in accuracy,
enhancing battery life, improving indoor positioning, and improving signal quality are
some of the ways that will help in achieving this goal.
Reflect on an IS with which you are familiar, such as the automatic banking machine or any health
equipment or facility. How does this IS function? What are the advantages of using this system (i.e.,
why not use a bank teller instead)? What are the disadvantages? Are there enhancements that you
would add to this system?

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