FEEG2003 - 2018/19 Lecture 1 - Conservation Equations.: What Is A Fluid?

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FEEG2003 – 2018/19

Lecture 1 – Conservation Equations.

• What is a fluid?

Solid Liquid Gas

Roughly speaking a fluid is a state of matter that can flow.

More precisely it is a substance that cannot withstand a shear stress.


Newtonian Fluid Newtonian Elastic Solid

• Continuum Hypothesis

• We make the assumption that the fluid behaves as a continuum, i.e., the
number of molecules within the smallest region of interest (a point) are
sufficient that all fluid variables and properties are point functions (single
valued at a point).

• E.g. consider density r of a fluid  ( x, t )  lim where V* = limiting
 
V V * V
volume below which molecular variations are important ~ 10-9 mm3 for all
liquids and for gases at atmospheric pressure

• Typical the “smallest” measurement volumes ~ 10-1 – 1 mm3


(log scale)

Microscopic variation Continuum limit

Macroscopic variation L1.1.3


i2 x2


• Control Volumes

• A control volume is a volume of fluid surrounded by an imaginary enclosing surface

known as the control surface.

• A control volume can be any shape, and the fluid is free to pass across the control


• Dimensions and Units

Primary dimensions Secondary dimensions

Dimension Unit Dimension Unit
Mass kg Force N, kg.m.s-2
Length m Pressure Pa, N.m-2, kg.m-1.s-2
Time s Energy J, N.m, kg.m2.s-2
Temperature K Power W, N.m.s-1, kg.m2.s-3

• Variables
There are a number of variables that are used to describe the behaviour
of all fluids:
pressure p
volume U =(u1, u2, u3)
density 
temperature T or 
internal energy Eu
enthalpy Eh
entropy S L1.1.6

• Streamlines are a family of curves which are everywhere tangent to the

local velocity field.
• Pathlines are the trajectory an individual fluid ‘particle’ follows. An
individual smoke particle injected into a flow will follow a pathline (provided
the particle is light and has negligible drag).
• A streakline is a line which is made up of all particles which have passed
through a particular point. A streakline may be produced by releasing
smoke or dye into a fluid from a fixed point. A streakline is a curve made up
of the endpoints of the pathlines of many particles released from the same
point over time.
• For a steady flow, streamlines, streaklines and pathlines are coincident.


• Total Energy

• Enthalpy


• Entropy


• Material Parameters
There are a number of variables that are used to describe the properties of the
fluid being considered:

specific heats cp and cV

viscosity or 
thermal conductivity k

• Specific heats

Roughly – the amount of heat needed to raise temperature by 1 degree,

More precisely (1st year Thermofluids):

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L1.1.10

• Thermal Conductivity

Thermal conductivity is the property of a fluid which quantifies its ability to

conduct heat



• Other Equations Needed

• Conservation equations

These are the basic equations that describe the physics of the flow.

There are three conservation equations:

Conservation of mass

Conservation of momentum (Newton’s 2nd law)

Conservation of energy

• What types of fluid flow are there?

Fluid flows can be classified in various


• Inviscid or viscous
• Incompressible or compressible
• Laminar or turbulent

Note that all fluids have some viscosity so

the inviscid flow approximation is not a
good one close to solid surfaces where a
boundary layer will always form.

In general liquids have quite high

viscosities and gases have low viscosities,


Significant viscosity Low compressibility

Small viscosity High compressibility


Flow of fluids where density can be taken as constant. Liquids and low speed gas flows. This
is incompressible flow.

Gas Dynamics:

Flow of fluids for which density is variable such as high-speed gases.

This is compressible flow.

Generally when the viscosity is small its effects can be included in an ad hoc way --- e.g. by
allowing for decreased pipe area because of finite thickness of b/l’s.

A more important difference between the way we describe incompressible and compressible
flow arises from the need to include the energy equation when dealing with the latter.


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