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Solve the elliptic equation uxx+ uyy = 0 for the square mesh with
FINAL ASSESSMENT - 2079 [EVEN] boundary values as shown in the figure below: [10]
Level BE Full Marks 50
Programme BCT / BEL Pass Marks 20
Year/Part II / II Time 2 hrs.
SUBJECT:- Numerical Methods

Attempt all questions.

1. The following data represents the function f(x) = cos (x + 1).
Estimate f(0.5). Compare the exact value. [8]
x 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
f(x) 0.5403 0.3624 0.1700 -0.0292


2. Evaluate the integral ∫ sinx⁡(x ) using Romberg’s method correct to

three decimal places. [8]

3. A rod is rotating in a plane. The following table gives the angle θ

(radians) through which the rod has turned for various values of the
time t second. [8]
t: 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
θ: 0 0.12 049 1.12 2.02 3.20 4.67
Calculate the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the rod
when t = 0.6 second.

4. Solve the equation y” – 4y’ + 4y = e 3x , with the conditions y(0) =0,

y(1) = -2, taking n = 4. [8]

5. Using shooting method, solve the boundary value problem

d y 2
2 = 6y , y(0) = 1, y(0.5) = 0.44 [8]

Contd. …

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