Activity 5

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Individual Activity



1. Please watch the videos by clicking the link below. (Looking Glass Self) (Mead’s I and Me)

2. In your own point of view, explain the concept of the “Looking Glass Self” of Cooley and
Mead’s concept of I and Me.

Based on my understanding of “Looking Glass Self” it combines who you think

you are and what people think you are, so basically how people think of you
would affect on how you would see yourself.
While in Mead’s concept, he has two aspects to it, First is “I” which is basically
what we think or what we view ourselves in; It is not based on social life, while the
“Me” aspect is what we know how other see’s us, and more on social life.

3. Give other examples regarding the Three-Stage Process of Mead, based on your experiences.
You may ask your parents or older siblings to have a better understanding of yourself when you
were young.
One example I can give is when I was a kid and I was getting a haircut and when the
hairdresser was drying my hair with a blow dryer it started to hurt and it felt like my
head was on fire but since I was a little girl I didn’t want to scream out loud or make a
ruckus, secondly we are outside in a public salon, and lastly I didn’t know the person so
it would really be embarrassing if I complain since she is the professional one and I am
just her customer.

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