Chapter 1 - Control, Instrumentation, and Design

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Chapter 1

Control, Instrumentation, and Design

Instructor: Le Hoa Nguyen, Ph.D.
Objective of control

Make a dynamic system behave in a desired manner, according to some

performance specifications
Note that for real dynamic systems
▪ Complex system (many inputs and many outputs, dynamic coupling,
nonlinear, etc.)
▪ Unknown excitations
▪ Unknown dynamic

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Applications of control engineering

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Basic definitions

A system is a combination of elements that acts together and perform a

certain function not possible with any of the individual parts. There are
various systems, e.g., physical, biological, economical, technical systems

Signal is a function of time that conveys information about the behavior

or attributes of some phenomenon

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Basic definitions
Examples of dynamic systems

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Basic definitions
▪ Inputs: Excitations (know, unknown) to the system
▪ Outputs: Responses of the system
▪ Disturbances: unwanted input that tends to adversely affect the system’s output

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Basic definitions
▪ Plant or Process: Physical object, system or process that is to be controlled (e.g.,
vehicle suspension, elevator, motor, hydraulic system, ect.)

▪ Controller: Device that generates control signals (according to control law/algorithm)

to drive the process to be controlled (plant) in a desired manner.

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Basic definitions
▪ Sensors/transducers: They measure output signals (system responses) for feedback
control, input signals for feedforward control, process variables for mornitoring,
diagnosis, ect.
▪ Actuators: They are used to perform control actions as well as to directly drive or
operate the plant (e.g., motor, valve, relays, solenoids, ect.)

▪ Signal conditioning:
Convert one type of signal
to another suitable signal
for next state of operation.
It may include:
amplification, filtering,
analog to digital
conversion (ADC), Zener
& photo isolation
(protection), linearization,

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Instrumentation and design
▪ Each function/operation within a control system can be associated with one
or more physical devices (hardware)
▪ One hardware unit may serve several of the control system functions
▪ Instrumentation mean the identification of these instruments or hardware
components w.r.t. their functions, operation, and interaction with each other
and the proper selection, interfacing and tuning of these components for a
given application

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▪ A sensor is a device that when exposed to a physical phenomenon
(temperature, displacement, force, etc.), produces a proportional output
electrical signal
Temperature sensor (RTD)

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EEG (Electroencephalography) sensor

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Integrated sensor (transducer): incorporate sensing element, signal conditioning
(amplification, filtering, etc.), and ADC, as well as capabilities for transmitting

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Smart sensor: incorporate microcontroller for converting signal from analog to
digital, processing (e.g., filtering), calculation, and interfacing with outside
world => able to self-diagnosis, self-identification, and self-adaptation

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Common sensors in IoT applications

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Classification of sensors


Connection Power Reference

type requirement Complexity
Contact Active Absolute Simple
1 sensors 1 sensors 1 sensors 1 sensors

2 2 Passive Relative Complex
contact 2 2
sensors sensors sensors

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Classification of sensors
Contact sensor: require physical contact with the parameter to be measured
Temperature sensor Pressure sensor

Non contact sensor: require no physical contact with the parameter to be

Infrared thermometer
Optical sensor

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Classification of sensors
Passive sensor: Do not require a power supply for the electronic circuit where
they are inserted, examples: electrodynamic microphones, thermocouples,
photodiodes, piezoelectric sensors
Advantage: not require power supply
Disadvantage: Output signals are typically
weak and open require amplication using an
active electronic circuit

Active sensor: Get their power from the electronic circuit where they are placed,
examples: capacitive sensors, image sensors, displacement sensors, etc.
Advantage: Allow a signal gain from input
to output
Disadvantage: require an external source of

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Classification of sensors
Absolute sensors are responsive to a quantity relative to an absolute scale which
is independent of the measurement condition
Example: Thermistor sensor – its resistance depends directly to Kelvin
temperature scale

Relative sensors produce a signal which is proportional to the difference

between the value of the measured quantity and the reference value used for that
quantity, which is, in general, dependent on the conditions of measurement.
Example: Thermocouple – the value of output voltage denpends on the
temperature difference between two points

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Classification of sensors
Simpe sensors use a single energy transformation
Example: Thermistor sensor transforms heat energy into electrical energy

Complex sensors use more than one transformation of energy

Example: Displacement sensor utilizing optical fiber

electrical energy => photons

Photons => electrical energy

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Characteristics of sensors
▪ The choice of sensors for an application depends on the requirements of that
application and the characteristics of the sensors that are provided by the
manufacturers’ datasheets
General information in datasheets
▪ A short list of the most important features and capabilities
▪ General description of how the sensor works
▪ A functional block diagram of the sensor
▪ A table with the specifications of the sensor
▪ A table with maximum values of some characteristics
▪ Information on the packaging of the sensor
▪ Indication of the different variants of the sensor

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Characteristics of sensors
Datasheet of humidity sensor

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Characteristics of sensors
Datasheet of humidity sensor

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Characteristics of sensors
Datasheet of humidity sensor

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Characteristics of sensors
Datasheet of humidity sensor

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Characteristics of sensors
1. Transfer function
▪ The transfer function shows the
functional relationship between the
input quantity and the output
electrical signal
▪ This relationship is generally
described by a graph, table, or
mathematic equation

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Characteristics of sensors
2. Sensitivity
▪ Sensitivity specifies how large is the variation of the output signal w.r.t. a
variation of the input quatity
Sensitivity =
▪ If the transfer function is linear, the sensitivity is a single value. However,
when the parameters of the sensor change, the sensitivity change

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Characteristics of sensors
2. Sensitivity
▪ The sensitivity may depends on various parameters
Example: The sensitivity of photodiodes depends on wavelength and the
direction of incidence of the light

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Characteristics of sensors
3. Range
▪ The range specifies the range of values of the quantity being measured that
can be converted into electrical signal
▪ Values outside this range usually lead to large measurement error

▪ The range of values depends on

other characteristics (e.g., the

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Characteristics of sensors
4. Accuracy
▪ Accuracy specifies the maximum error with which the sensor is supposed to
make measurement. The error is the different between the actual value and
the measure value
▪ The accuracy can be expressed either as a percentage of full scale or in
absolute terms

Example: Huminity sensor (SCH-UGS)

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Characteristics of sensors
5. Precision
▪ Precision refers to the degree of reproductivity of a measurement.
▪ When a sensor performs several measurements of the same quantity under
the same conditions, the results obtained are not necessarily the same. This
is due to the inevitable presence of noise in the sensor and/or the electronic
circuit that accompanies it.

Precise Precise Not precise

Accurate Not accurate Not accurate

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Characteristics of sensors
5. Precision
Precision vs accuracy

Probability actual
value More accurate
density sensor
More precise



Precision and accuracy can increase or

decrease independently

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Characteristics of sensors
6. Resolution
▪ The resolution is defined as the minimum detectable variation of the quantity
to be measured
▪ The resolution depends on the amount of noise or the number of bits of ADC
(in the case of smart or integrated sensors)

Example: resolution of displacement sensor

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Characteristics of sensors
6. Resolution Resolution vs accuracy
▪ A higher resolution sensor
can provide more precise
measurement, allowing for
better discrimination
between different quantity
▪ Resolution is different from
sensitivity. Sensitivity
refers to the sensor’ability
to detect small quantity
changes, resolution relates
to smallest difference that
can be measured and
displayed by sensor

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Characteristics of sensors
7. Hysteresis
▪ Hysteresis refers to the different in output readings at a specific input value
over multiple cycles of increasing and decreasing input value.
▪ This value depends on the derivative of the transfer function.

Ideal sensor

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Characteristics of sensors
7. Hysteresis


max Output
Hysterisis = 100%
Full Scale Max{ΔOutput}

Full Scale

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Characteristics of sensors
8. Nonlinearity
▪ Ideally, the transfer function of a sensor is linear => straight line. This means
the sensor has the same sensitivity for all values of magnitude in its range
▪ Nonlinearity is the biggest difference between the transfer function and an
straight line, devided by the range and generally expressed in %

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Characteristics of sensors
9. Noise
▪ All sensors produce some noise along with the output signal
▪ The noise is usually distributed along with different frequencies

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Characteristics of sensors
10. Bandwidth
▪ Sensor bandwidth (sometimes referred to as frequency response) is the
sensor’s ability to response to instantaneous changes in the physical quantity
being measured

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Characteristics of sensors
11. Repeatability
▪ Repeatability is defined as how constant a sensor is against itself. It can be
used to describe the ability of a sensor to provide the same result under the
same circumstances over and over again
▪ The repeatability error reflects the inability of the sensor
▪ It is expressed as the maximum difference between the values of the
measured quantity obtained at different calibrations

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Characteristics of sensors
11. Repeatability
Repeatability vs precision
▪ Repeatability is focused on finding out how much you can trust measurement
▪ Precision attempts to determine how much products differ from one another
Repeatability vs accuracy

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Characteristics of sensors
12. Dead zone
The dead zone is a range of values of the measurand for which the sensor output
varies very little in comparison to the rest of the measuring range

Dead zone around 0

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Characteristics of sensors
13. Saturation
The sensor saturation occurs when the measured values are over the sensors'
dynamic ranges

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Type of sensors in IoT system

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▪ An actuator is a device that receives a command, usually in the form of an
electrical signal, and makes a change in Nature, producing, for example, a
force, a sound, heat, etc.
▪ Actuators (or sensors) are transducers (i.e., convert one type of energy to

Typical control system

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Classification of actuators


Based on motion Source of energy

Linear Pneumatic Electrohydraulic Magnetic

1 actuators 1 actuators 3 actuators 5 actuators

2 Rotary 2 Electric Hydraulic Thermal

4 6
actuators actuators actuators actuators

Typical control system

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Classification of actuators
Linear actuator. Used to turn electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc., energy into a
push-and-pull motion or linear motion. A linear actuator can create both a
forward and backward movement on a set linear plane

electric linear actuator Hydraulic linear actuator

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Classification of actuators
Rotary actuator transform pneumatic, hydraulic, electric, etc. energy to
mechanical rotation

DC motor Pneumatic motor

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Classification of actuators
Pneumatic actuators are devices that convert the energy of compressed air or gas
into mechanical motion
Pneumatic actuators are preferred because they are safe, generally fast, cost-
effective and can produce large amounts of torque with small pressure changes

Pneumatic motor

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Classification of actuators
Electric actuators are devices that convert the electrical into mechanical motion
Most popular electric actuators are motors

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Classification of actuators
Electrohydraulic actuators These actuators are powered electrically, but give
movement to a hydraulic accumulator, which in turn provides the force for the

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Classification of actuators
▪ Hydraulic actuators have a cylinder, or a fluid motor with a piston, that uses
hydraulic power to generate mechanical motion. The mechanical motion in
turn is converted to linear, rotatory, or oscillatory motion as per the
▪ Liquids are almost incompressible; the density changes caused by pressure
and temperature are negligible. For this reason, the amount of torque
generated from a hydraulic actuator valve is high, making it very powerful

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Classification of actuators
▪ Magnetic actuators make use of magnetic effects to generate mechanical
force, a rotary or linear motion, continuous or limited motion

▪ Magnetic actuators make use of magnetic effects to

generate mechanical force, a rotary or linear
motion, continuous or limited motion

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Identification components (plant/process, controller, sensor, actuator, signal
conditioning, etc.) and signals (input, output, control signal, disturbance) in the
following systems
Control system #1. Level control

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Identification components (plant/process, controller, sensor, actuator, signal
conditioning, etc.) and signals (input, output, control signal, disturbance) in the
following systems
Control system #2. Tunable table

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Identification components (plant/process, controller, sensor, actuator, signal
conditioning, etc.) and signals (input, output, control signal, disturbance) in the
following systems
Control system #3. Level control

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1) Give two examples of a control system
a) Describe the system (working principle,…)
b) Identify elements, signals of the system
c) Draw a block diagram of the system

2) Search for a datasheet of a sensor provided by the manufacturer (can

be any sensor) and describe given information (as much as possible)

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