An in Vitro Raman Study On Compositional Correlations of Lipids and Protein

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An in vitro Raman study on compositional correlations of lipids and protein

with animal tissue hydration
Shan Yanga,*, Chirantan Senb,1, Raven Thompsona,1, Jian-Ge Zhoua, Ozan Akkusc,d,e,f
Department of Chemistry, Physics and Atmospheric Science, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, 39217, USA
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, 39762, USA
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
Center for Applied Raman Spectroscopy, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
Department of Orthopaedics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA


Keywords: Raman spectroscopy is a powerful non-invasive tool for detection and classification of chemical composition of
Raman spectroscopy materials including biological tissues. In this work, we report an in vitro Raman study on animal skin samples
NIR with a focus on high-frequency vibrations such as symmetric CH3 stretching mode at 2934 cm−1, and the
Skin hydration symmetric CH2 vibration mode at 2854 cm−1, OH stretching modes near 3412 cm−1, and bounded OH mode
Water probing
near 3284 cm−1. Raman data was acquired with a customized InGaAs based Raman spectrometer that con-
solidates the NIR (866 nm) light and the InGaAs detector and is particularly suitable for probing high-frequency
vibrations. The Raman spectra of fat, tendon, and muscle tissues are also analyzed to determine the spectroscopic
identities of CH and OH groups in skin. Our results suggest that the protein is beneficial for the maintenance of
skin hydration, as it has higher water capacity and greater capability to retain water than lipids. This conclusion
is consistent with the additional discovery that water exists in fat mainly as unbound type, while part of water
exists as bound type in muscle.

1. Introduction However, FTIR measurement on skin can only be performed in reflec-

tion mode, which requires a close contact of the sample with the probe.
Dermal hydration is critical to maintain skin homeostasis and in- The difficulty to maintain a constant pressure between the soft skin
tegrity. Skin hydration affects not only the appearance of the skin but tissue and the probe makes quantitative analysis a challenge. Raman
also the normal function of skin as a protection barrier [1,2]. Reduction spectroscopy is another optical technology suitable for analysis of skin
of the water level of skin can prevent normal desquamation leading to contents. Raman analysis on skin hydration emerged over two decades
dryness, roughness, scaling, and flaking of skin [3]. Skin hydration is ago, spectral features in the high-frequency region were absent from
also found to be the most important external factor responsible for those early studies due to dropped sensitivity of the detectors [18–20].
optimal wound healing [4]. The hydration level in human skin may be Raman spectra of skin showing clear water profile and detailed CH
evaluated by measuring the electric parameters (e.g., conductivity, re- structures were later reported by Caspers using confocal Raman spec-
sistivity, dielectric constant) of the skin [5–7]. The results of these troscopy [21,22]. Recently, Choe et. al. deconvoluted the CH stretching
measurements may be affected by topical ingredients or the actual band of lipid-keratin in the range of 2820–3030 cm−1 and OH
surface variation of contact between the skin and sensor/transducer stretching band of water in the range of 3350–3550 cm−1, and studied
[8,9]. the profile variation of bound water affected by protein and lipids in-
Optical probing of hydration level in skin has a unique advantage as teractions at different depths [23]. Quatela et. al. observed variation of
it is non-invasive and requires no contact with skin [10–17]. Fourier- spectral markers including OH and CH groups among different in-
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is sensitive to water compo- dividuals [16]. In this work, we report a study on the discrepancy of
nents and thus has been used extensively in this regard [11–13]. skin hydration on the surface and its correlations with compositional

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Yang).
Undergraduate Researcher.
Received 24 September 2019; Received in revised form 31 December 2019; Accepted 11 January 2020
S. Yang, et al.

variations of protein and lipids.

The Raman spectroscopy study was conducted by a customized
Raman spectroscopy based on an Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs)
detector (sensitive to short wave infrared in the range of. 0.9–1.7 μm)
and NIR light operates at 866 nm. The combination of the detector and
the laser yielded the advantages of high quantum efficiency and re-
duced fluorescence interference. The InGaAs detector was integrated
into a transmissive volume phase holographic (VPH) diffraction grating
based spectrograph. The high dispersion (which leads to high numeric
aperture) and high optical throughput of the VPH gratings enabled the
high efficiency of the spectrograph even at a compact size. The results
from the animal skins indicate that the customized InGaAs Raman
system can not only probe the level of hydration in water skin, it can
further qualitatively evaluate the compositional variations associated
with protein and lipids.
Fig. 1. Fluorescence background subtraction for Raman spectrum. A baseline
(red curve) is constructed by linear piecewise segments connecting multiple
2. Materials and methods local minima and subtracted from the raw data (black curve) to obtain the
baseline corrected spectrum (blue curve).
2.1. Samples

squared value and the probability value were automatically produced

The chicken skin, muscle, and tendon tissues were removed from
by the software after the fitting.
chicken wings purchased from local supermarkets, while the chicken fat
tissues were obtained from chicken thighs. Raman measurements were
performed over those tissues that were either cut in small pieces 3. Results
(< 5 mm in any dimension), or from the cross-sections of chicken wings
that were cut in half. The pork skin, muscle and fat tissues were cut The investigation of the hydration in chicken skin tissue indicated
from the pork belly/back meat that was also purchased from local su- that the distribution of water was not uniform; most spots tested could
permarkets. The samples were purchased within 48 h after their dis- be categorized into two types, referred to as low-water spots and high-
tribution to the supermarket from local farmers, samples were stored in water spots by the Raman signal intensity at the OH region (Fig. 2). The
refrigerator unless they were intentionally left outside for dehydration. categorization could also be sorted by the intensity of three CH Raman
Samples were wiped with paper towels to remove the water on the signals located near 2854, 2895 and 2934 cm−1. The low-water spots
surface ∼10 min before experiments. Several samples were covered had rising left shoulder at 2854 cm−1, in contrast to the rising right
with quartz plates (1 mm thickness) to reduce dehydration during the shoulder at 2934 cm−1 for high-water spots. In the OH region, Raman
experiments, while the rest of the samples were directly examined. The spectra from all spots showed profiles similar to the one from distilled
dehydrated data was taken from samples after 6−72 hours of air drying water (Fig. 2a and b), whose intensity was scaled down for better re-
at room temperature or overnight oven drying (in tubes with open ference. All Raman spectra shown in Fig. 2 were normalized according
ends) at 45 °C. to the CH signal located at the middle (∼2895 cm−1) of the two wings,
while the water intensity distribution of 66 spots were normalized ac-
2.2. Raman spectrometer cording to both CH signals at the middle (∼2895 cm−1) and the right
(∼2934 cm−1), as shown Fig. 2c. The 66 sampling spots were randomly
The Raman spectrometer was a customized dual-wavelength ex- selected from a dozen skin pieces that were removed from various lo-
citation system that operates at 866 nm or 1064 and has been described cations of 5 different chicken wings. The intensity ratio of the two CH
elsewhere [24]. Briefly, The spectra were recorded with an InGaAs signals, represented by I2934/I2895, was used as the horizontal axis im-
array camera (Du490A-1.7, Andor) mounted to a compact volume plying the compositional variations at those 66 spots. The distribution
phase holographic transmission grating based spectrograph (Wasatch plot indicated a strong correlation between the OH intensity (normal-
Photonics). The spectrograph covers a fixed range of 1092–1345 nm, ized against the CH signal at 2895 cm−1) and the protein concentration
corresponding to Raman shifts of 2390-4110 cm−1 under 866 nm ex- (R2 = 0.95, p < 0.001), as shown in Fig. 2c.
citation from tunable Ti:Sapphire laser (3900S, Spectra Physics). The After 24 -h air drying at room temperature, Raman signals in the OH
laser power was adjusted to ∼ 85 mW on the sample surface. A short region decreased significantly at high-water spots and almost com-
pass filter (Thorlabs FESH1000) was used to clean the laser. A dichroic pletely disappeared at low-water spots, as shown in Fig. 2. The spectra
beamsplitter (Di02-R1064−25 × 36, Semrock) was used to separate shown were acquired from the same piece of chicken skin removed
the laser and Raman signals. A long-pass filter (FELH1100, Thorlabs) from a chicken wing and the experiment was repeated at multiple spots
was used to remove the Rayleigh scattering of the laser lights. The of varied samples. Such variation was repeatable over a dozen other
objective turret mounted with three different objective lens allows skin tissues. The rate of dehydration depends on the size of the skin
switching between lenses with magnification power of 10, 40, or 100. pieces; the time of dehydration is approximately tripled to observe si-
The laser spot focused on the sample surface was estimated to be less milar effects from skin tissues that were kept on a wing. The high-water
than 4 μm in diameter and < 8 μm in depth. The integration time for spots were found to hold water longer than surrounding low-water
the representative spectra was 30 s and averaged 6 times. No smoothing spots. Exploring various spots on the skin samples showed that the
was applied to the acquired Raman spectra. The fluorescence back- majority of sampled spots were low-water type (Fig. 2c), and high-
ground of the Raman spectra from all samples was removed by sub- water spots were rare. Some spots show mixed profiles of low and high-
tracting a fluorescence baseline from the raw data. The baseline is water spots, i.e., both CH shoulders are partially raised, these spots
constructed by linear piecewise segments connecting multiple local typically had the I2934/I2895 ratio close to 1.0 (Fig. 2c). The last spec-
minima of the spectra, as shown in Fig. 1. trum from each individual skin piece was taken within 15 min of the
The linear regression was performed using the linear fitting function acquisition of the first spectrum. The hydration reduction due to air
provided by the data analysis software- OriginPro. The least sum of drying in this 15 min was negligible as no difference was observed
squares was used to determine the best-fitted parameters. The R- when the skin is covered with a quartz slide.
S. Yang, et al.

Fig. 3. Raman spectra of chicken tissues (a) before and (b) after dehydration
(except fat). Spectra in (b) were vertically enlarged. Dehydrated fat was pre-
pared with 6 h of air drying at room temperature, while dehydrated muscle or
tendon were prepared with 72 h of air drying at room temperature or overnight
oven drying at 45 °C. All spectra were acquired under the condition of 85 mW
laser at 866 nm illumination, with 30 s exposure, and averaged 6 times. All
spectra in (a) and (b) were normalized according to the 2895 cm−1 signal.

spectrum of the fat showed weak signals in the OH region before de-
hydration, the weak signals disappeared after 6 h of air drying at room
temperature. Additional Raman peaks emerged from muscle samples
after dehydration. Specifically, the oven-dried sample showed a Raman
signal at 3284 cm−1, while the air-dried sample showed a signal that
was slightly shifted to ∼3300 cm−1 and another weaker signal at
Fig. 2. Raman spectra of chicken skin at representative (a) low-water spots and
3421 cm−1.
(b) high-water spots before (blue curve) and after 24 -h air drying (red curve).
The correlation between the raised CH shoulder and the OH signal
Peaks marked with vertical dashed lines from low to high were located at 2854,
intensity was also observed in the Raman spectra of pork tissues, as
2895, and 2934 cm−1 respectively. The spectra were acquired with 85 mw,
866 nm laser light with 30 s exposure and 6 averages. All skin spectra were shown in Fig. 4a. Comparing to Raman spectra of chicken tissues, two
normalized according to the 2895 cm−1 signal for easier comparison, while the differences were observed from the spectra of pork tissues. First, the
spectrum of distilled water was rescaled to match the corresponding OH signal middle CH signal shifted to 2886 cm−1. Second, low-water spots were
of the skin. (c) Water intensity distribution of 66 skin spots from 12 skin never observed from pork skin, as all spectra had their right CH
samples removed from random locations of 5 different chicken wings. The shoulder at ∼2936−2939 cm−1 raised. Normalized intensity dis-
water intensities (OH signal at 3412 cm−1) were normalized against the CH tribution of 25 random points over three skin pieces (two belly skin
signals at 2895 cm−1 (blue triangles) and 2934 cm−1 (red dots) correspond- pieces and one back skin piece, all at sizes of ∼1 × 1 cm2) was shown
ingly. The blue straingtline is the linear regression of the scattered data points in Fig. 4b. The OH intensity from these spots were not uniform, how-
represented by the triangles. The intensity ratio of the two CH signals is used as
ever, the ratios of OH signal at 3412 cm−1 to the CH signal at
horizontal variable I2934/I2895 to indicate a variation of protein concentration.
2936 cm−1 were consistent (mostly < 5 % off from the average, e.g.,
The data were taken under the condition of 85 mw, 866 nm laser illumination
with 30 s single scan.
data represented by stars in Fig. 4b) within each individual skin piece.
The distribution plot also suggested the OH intensity (normalized
against CH signal at 2886 cm−1) and the protein concentration was
Raman spectra from different chicken tissues including skin (with correlated (R2 = 0.32, p = 0.004) based on all 25 data points (data in
both types of spots), muscle, tendon, and fat were acquired for com- blue, Fig. 4b).
parison (Fig. 3). These spectra were acquired under the same experi-
mental conditions, and the sample tissues were cut in similar thickness
except the tendon tissue (it was peeled off from somewhere between a 4. Discussion
bone and a muscle) which was partial transparent and thin like a paper
sheet. The fat tissue was cut from a chicken thigh, while all other tissues Raman spectra from chicken skin indicate that the water distribu-
were cut from chicken wings. These tissues showed different pattern of tion and retention are non-uniform and depend on the variations of the
three major CH signals, however, the correlation between the two CH tissue components. Specifically, the component associated with the
wings and the detected water intensity (without dehydration) was Raman signal at 2934 cm−1 appears to be a positive factor for water
consistent with the observations over the skin tissues, i.e., higher left storing while the component associated with the signal at 2854 cm−1
shoulder associated with reduced OH intensities, while higher right plays a negative role. Further comparison of Raman spectra among skin,
shoulder associated with enhanced OH signals, details were presented muscle and fat tissues suggest that the component represented by the
in Fig. 3a. 2934 cm−1 signal is rich in muscle, while the component associated
Vertically zoomed Raman spectra of dehydrated chicken muscle, with the 2854 cm−1 signal is rich in fat (Fig. 3a). This coincides with
tendon, and fat, together with that of nondehydrated fat were presented earlier studies showing that the 2934 cm−1 peak is dominant in protein
in Fig. 3b. All spectra were normalized according to the CH signal at (keratin) while the 2854 cm−1 peak is dominant in lipids 16, and they
2895 cm−1. The dehydrated samples were prepared by 3-day air drying are assigned to the symmetric CH3 stretching mode, and the symmetric
at room temperature or overnight oven drying at 45 °C. The Raman CH2 vibration, respectively [22 ,25]. Therefore, we suggest the high-
water spots on chicken skin are protein-rich while the low-water spots
S. Yang, et al.

Representative Raman spectra are normalized according to the

middle of the three CH signals (2886−2895 cm−1) rather than the right
CH shoulder (2934−2938 cm−1 signal) as in earlier studies conducted
by Caspers [21,22]. Our selection is based on the interest of in-
vestigating the correlation between skin hydration with skin composi-
tions. A reference of 2934−2938 cm−1 signal, whose intensity is al-
most negligible on the fat spectrum, will conceal the contribution from
fat especially when the fat concentration is low. This can be concluded
from the intensity distribution plots shown in Fig. 2c. Among high-
water spots from chicken skin (e.g., data points whose I2934/I2895 is
greater than 1.4) and all spots from pork skin, the OH intensity nor-
malized against I2934 does not correlate with the protein concentration
variation, i.e., the influence of fat concentration variation is dis-
regarded. On the other hand, the normalization against the middle CH
signal (blue curve, Fig. 2c) shows increases in OH intensity with reduces
of fat concentration. At low water spots where fat is dominant, no
difference was observed between the two ways of normalization.
Compositional variations of lipids and protein appears more con-
sistent on pork skin, as evidenced by the smaller fluctuation of the
range of the three ratios (Fig. 4b). The narrow range of intensity var-
iation of pork skin amplifies the intra-sample differences of the average
intensities (e.g., data in squares vs data in dots, Fig. 4b), which differs
about 20 %. Such discrepancy may be due to the non-uniformity of
certain composition (e.g. cholesterol or triacylglycerols) in the skin that
also has a small contribution to the CH signal at 2934 cm− 1 (raised
right shoulder) [25]. However, the normalized intensity distribution
still supports the claim that higher protein concentration (e.g. blue
dots) correlates (p = 0.004) with increased hydration, even though the
confidence is reduced due to the smaller data range.
Fig. 4. (a) Normalized Raman spectra of pork tissues including skin, muscle,
and fat. A spectrum of distilled water was rescaled for reference. Spectra from
5. Summary
tissues were acquired under 85 mW laser excitation at 866 nm. The exposure
time was 30 s with 6 averages. (b) Water intensity distribution of 25 surface
spots acquired from three different pieces of skin (two pieces of belly skin and This work is an addition to the Raman studies addressing the high-
one piece of back skin, represented by squares, stars, and dots respectively). The frequency vibrations in the CH and OH region of skin. The combination
intensity normalization followed the same procedure as in Fig. 2c. The blue of the NIR light at 866 nm and the InGaAs detector allows the ob-
data spots were normalized against the middle CH signal at ∼2886 cm−1, and servation of these high-frequency with details without fluorescence
the red data were normalized against the right CH shoulder at 2936 cm−1. The interference. The spatial survey of CH and OH Raman region over the
linear regression was based on all 25 blue spots. skin surface indicates the protein component is positively correlated
with skin hydration, while the fat component acts the other way. This
are lipids-rich. This suggestion is supported by the observation that the discovery would be beneficial for research related to controlling or
muscle tissue has the highest OH (3412 cm−1) to CH (2895 cm−1) improving hydration conditions in skin or other biological tissues.
signal intensity ratio, while the fat tissue has the lowest one among
those tissues under investigation. It is notable that, the OH intensity CRediT authorship contribution statement
from fat is also far less than other tissues before normalization.
Therefore, our results strongly suggest that the protein component has a Shan Yang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - original
greater water retention capacity than lipids. draft, Writing - review & editing. Chirantan Sen: Writing - original
The dramatic intensity reduction of Raman signals (e.g., ratio of the draft. Raven Thompson: Investigation. Jian-Ge Zhou:
OH signal at 3412 to CH signal at 2895 cm−1 in muscle dropped from Conceptualization. Ozan Akkus: Writing - review & editing.
1.4 to 0.2 after dehydration) in the 3100−3700 cm−1 range after air
drying at room temperature indicate preferential evaporation of un-
bound or loosely bound water (Fig. 3), as suggested in earlier studies 14. Declaration of Competing Interest
The shape of the Raman signals (Fig. 3b) from dehydrated muscle in-
dicates the residues are no-longer due to free water, the emerged peak The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest related to
at ∼3300 cm−1 is probably due to water that is bounded to the tissue this article.
matrix and is hard to remove. While the appearance of the Raman peak
at ∼3284 cm−1 for the oven-dried muscle accompanied by the dis- Acknowledgments
appearance of the 3300 cm−1 peak suggests that the ∼3284 cm−1 peak
is likely due to chemical bonds within the tissue. We tentatively as- This work was supported by the National Institute of General
signed this peak to the NH vibration of proteins, as it is the only non Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and National Institute of Dental and
eOH vibration reported in this range. Similarly, the appearance of the Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) of the National Institutes of Health
band located at ∼3421 cm−1 after air-drying suggests this signal is also (NIH) under award number SC2DE027240, and the Mississippi INBRE,
due to bound water in the muscle. The observation of water being funded by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the NIGMS
undetectable from 6-h of air drying fat suggests that the fat is less re- of the NIH under grant number P20GM103476. The equipment was
sistant to dehydration than muscle (Fig. 3b), which may be attributed to partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under
its lack of water-binding capability (unlike protein). award number 1332444.
S. Yang, et al.

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