GP Term Exam Group Project

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Is gender equality a reality in the workplace, or do

inequalities persist?

Gender inequality is the unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender, while the gender pay
gap is the difference in average earnings between men and women. Diversity and inclusion in the
workplace are crucial elements for promoting gender equality as they ensure that individuals from all
genders are treated fairly and provided equal opportunities for growth and advancement. Companies
today are beginning to implement policies and practices to improve the conditions of women in
workplaces, but is it a reality, or do inequalities persist? (, 2024)

 Uneven access to education
In many places around the world, women continue to have lesser access to education than
men. Around 58% of people that do not complete basic education are women between the
ages of 15-24 who do not finish primary school. When girls aren’t educated on the same level
as boys are, it has a huge effect on the kind of opportunities they get.

 Lack of rights
Only 6 countries in the world give women the same legal work rights as men, in fact, most
economies give women only ¾ the rights of men.

 Job segregation
One of the causes of gender inequality within employment is the division of jobs. Most
societies have an inherent belief that men are better equipped to handle certain jobs, the ones
that usually pay higher. This increases gender inequality in workplaces.

 Societal mindsets
Although societal mindsets aren’t as valid as the previous points, the overall mindset of
people has a significant impact on gender inequality. How society perceives and determines
the differences between men and women, no matter the context, always plays a starring role.

(, 2020)

 Economic effects
Gender inequality may halt economic growth. Women who receive lower pay and job
opportunities than men do in work earn way lesser making it harder for them to support their
families and raise their living standards.

 Lower productivity and innovation

It isn’t only men that have ideas, but women too. When women are overlooked in workplaces
it can slow down the productivity levels and limit endless possibilities. When women are left
out of decision-making roles or leadership roles it isn’t only them but the whole
company/business that suffers.

 Reduced health and well-being

Gender inequality can harm the mental health and well-being of women. They could
experience higher stress levels due to the unequal treatment; this involves worrying about
their families, constant anxiety, or even depression. It can increase the psychological
problems faced by them.

 Human rights violations

Gender inequality may be seen as a norm, but it is a violation of human rights. It denies
women the right to be treated fairly and take advantage of the same opportunities as men. If
this continues to be left unchecked, it can lead to violence and harassment in the workplace as

(, 2023)

Global Perspective
Half of the world's population is comprised up of women and girls, who also account for half of its
future potential. In addition to being a basic human right, gender equality is necessary for peaceful
society, the realization of all people's potential, and sustainable development. Furthermore, research
has demonstrated that empowering women increases economic growth and productivity.
UN Women regrettably emphasizes that there is still more work to be done before men and women
have complete equality of rights and opportunities. Thus, it is critical to put an end to the many
manifestations of gender-based violence and ensure that men, women, and girls have equal access to
high-quality healthcare, education, and economic resources as well as political involvement.
Achieving equitable chances in terms of employment, leadership, and decision-making roles at all
levels is also crucial.
The UN Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres has stated that achieving gender equality and
empowering women and girls is the unfinished business of our time, and the greatest human rights
challenge in our world. (, 2020)

National Perspective
Some Indian women are global leaders and powerful voices in diverse fields but most women and
girls in India do not fully enjoy many of their rights due to deeply entrenched patriarchal views,
norms, traditions and structures. India will not fully develop unless both girls and boys are equally
supported to reach their full potential. There are risks, violations and vulnerabilities girls face just
because they are girls. Most of these risks are directly linked to the economic, political, social and
cultural disadvantages girls deal with in their daily lives. This becomes acute during crisis and
disasters. With the prevalence of gender discrimination, and social norms and practices, girls become
exposed to the possibility of child marriage, teenage pregnancy, child domestic work, poor education
and health, sexual abuse, exploitation and violence. Many of these manifestations will not change
unless girls are valued more. (, 2020)

Personal Perspective
We find that if gender inequality is completely removed, aggregate income will be about 6.6% and
14.5% higher than the benchmark economy after one and two generations, respectively, while
corresponding per capita income will be higher by 30.6% and 71.1% in the hypothetical gender-
equality economy.

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