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Project Proposal - Database Systems

This Proposal aims to develop your skills in database design, conceptualization, and communication. You
are required to submit a one-page proposal for a database system project that you'll design and


1. Your proposal should be limited to one page.

2. Clearly define the primary purpose and scope of your database system.

3. Describe the main entities and relationships in your database.

4. Identify potential users and user roles for your system.

5. Discuss any unique constraints, triggers, or procedures you anticipate.

6. Highlight the real-world application or significance of your proposed database.

Submission Guidelines:

 Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) with a size of 12pt.

 Maintain a 1-inch margin on all sides.

 Submit your proposal in PDF format.

Rubric for Database Systems Project Proposal

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory Needs Unacceptable

(3) Improvement (0)

Clarity and Proposal is clear, Proposal is Proposal has Proposal is hard Proposal lacks
Conciseness concise, and free mostly clear some clarity to understand clarity
of jargon. with minimal but may be and contains entirely.
jargon. verbose in unnecessary
areas. information.

Purpose and Clearly defines a Defines a Purpose is Purpose is No purpose

Scope significant purpose purpose with stated but vaguely defined. stated.
and scope of the minor lacks depth or
database. ambiguity. detail.

Entities and Comprehensive Describes most Mentions Few entities No entities

Relationships description of entities and entities but listed with little listed.
entities and their some lacks to no
relationships. relationships. relationship relationship
details. details.

Users and Clearly defines and Identifies users Mentions Vaguely No mention of
Roles describes user and roles with users and mentions users users or roles.
roles in detail. some detail. roles but lacks and roles.

Constraints, Detailed Mentions Mentions a Barely mentions No mention of

Triggers, anticipation of several few any constraints constraints.
Procedures constraints, constraints constraints or triggers.
triggers, and with some without clear
procedures. details on solutions.

Real-world Proposal Database has Database's Database lacks No real-world

Application showcases a some real- real-world clear real-world relevance.
database with world relevance is application.
clear real-world relevance. not clearly
significance. defined.

Overall Proposal is well- Proposal is Proposal has Proposal is Proposal is

Presentation organized, follows mostly some disorganized incoherent.
and guidelines, and is organized with organization with multiple
Organization free of minor errors. but may have errors.
grammatical errors.

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