Fms Case Study

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Name: Madhumitha R
Reg.No: 727822TPMB057
Class: II MBA – A
Subject: Financial Markets and Services
The Kapoor family, led by Mr. Raj Kapoor, engages in a prudent financial strategy that
combines the security of traditional banking with the potential for higher returns in the dynamic
world of stock exchanges. Their financial activities are centered around the "Dhan Sangraha
Karta" bank, where they regularly deposit their money, receiving a reliable return in the form
of interest. This stable avenue allows them to build a financial foundation.

In addition to their banking activities, Mr. Raj Kapoor takes a calculated risk by venturing into
the stock exchange. By investing in securities, he seeks the possibility of greater returns,
recognizing that this comes with an inherent level of risk. This dual approach showcases the
Kapoor family's understanding of the importance of diversification in their financial portfolio,
aiming to strike a balance between security and potential growth.

This scenario reflects a common financial practice where individuals or families employ a mix
of conservative and dynamic investment strategies to optimize their financial well-being. The
Kapoor family's decision to combine the reliability of a bank with the potential returns from
the stock market underscores their financial acumen and willingness to navigate the
complexities of the financial landscape.


1. Identify the process in above case performed by the bank and the stock

In the given scenario involving the Kapoor family, the bank ('Dhan Sangraha Karta') and
the stock exchange perform distinct financial processes:

1. Bank ('Dhan Sangraha Karta'):

Process: The bank acts as a financial intermediary that facilitates the process of depositing
money and provides a return in the form of interest.

Functionality: The bank engages in the traditional banking process of collecting funds from
depositors, in this case, the Kapoor family, and uses these funds for various purposes such as
lending or investment. In return, the bank pays interest to the depositors, offering a secure and
predictable return on their savings.
2. Stock Exchange:

Process: The stock exchange facilitates the buying and selling of securities (such as stocks
and bonds) among investors.

Functionality: Mr. Raj Kapoor, as the head of the Kapoor family, participates in the stock
exchange by purchasing securities. This process involves investing money in financial
instruments that represent ownership in companies (stocks) or debt obligations (bonds). The
return on these investments is not guaranteed and is subject to market fluctuations. The stock
exchange provides a platform for these transactions, allowing investors to trade securities.

The bank performs the function of providing a stable and interest-based return through
traditional deposit and lending activities, while the stock exchange serves as a marketplace for
the buying and selling of securities, where investors like Mr. Raj Kapoor can potentially earn
higher returns, albeit with higher risk due to market volatility.

2. What are the roles of the bank and the stock exchange with respect to
each other?

The bank and the stock exchange play different yet interconnected roles in the overall
financial ecosystem. Here are their roles with respect to each other:

Bank's Role:

Safety and Stability: Banks are traditionally seen as financial institutions that offer safety and
stability. They provide a secure place for individuals and businesses to deposit money.

Deposit and Lending: Banks collect deposits from customers and use these funds for various
purposes, including lending to individuals and businesses. This process supports economic
activities and helps in wealth creation.

Interest-Based Returns: Banks pay interest to depositors as a return on their savings. This
interest is usually stable and predictable, offering a low-risk option for individuals who
prioritize the safety of their funds.

Stock Exchange's Role:

Marketplace for Securities: The stock exchange serves as a marketplace where buyers and
sellers come together to trade financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and other securities.
Capital Formation: Companies raise capital by issuing stocks and bonds to investors on the
stock exchange. This capital can be used for business expansion, research and development,
and other growth initiatives.

Investment Opportunities: Investors, including individuals and institutional entities, use the
stock exchange to buy and sell securities, aiming to generate returns on their investments. This
provides opportunities for wealth creation and growth.


Investment Diversification: Individuals and entities, like the Kapoor family, often use both
banks and the stock exchange as part of a diversified investment strategy. While banks offer a
safe and interest-based return, the stock exchange provides the potential for higher returns
through investments in securities.

Financial Intermediaries: Banks may also participate indirectly in the stock market by
offering services such as brokerage accounts or investment products. Customers can use funds
from their bank accounts to invest in securities.

The bank and the stock exchange complement each other in the broader financial
landscape. The bank provides stability and a reliable return through traditional deposit and
lending activities, while the stock exchange offers opportunities for investment and capital
growth through the trading of securities. Investors often utilize both institutions to create a
balanced and diversified financial portfolio.

3. Name a condition for the bank to perform its role in this process.

For the bank to perform its role effectively in the given process, a critical condition is:

Trust and Confidence: Customers must trust the bank to safeguard their deposits and to fulfil
its obligations. Trust is foundational to the relationship between a bank and its customers. If
there is a lack of confidence in the bank's stability, integrity, or ability to honour withdrawals
and provide a reasonable return, customers may be hesitant to deposit their money.

The trust factor is essential for the smooth functioning of the banking system. It is often
reinforced by regulatory frameworks, deposit insurance programs, and the overall reputation
of the bank. Maintaining trust ensures that individuals and businesses feel secure in depositing
their funds, allowing the bank to carry out its role as a financial intermediary effectively.
4. Name a condition for the stock market to perform its role in this process.

A critical condition for the stock market to perform its role effectively in the given process

Market Transparency:

For the stock market to function efficiently, there must be transparency in the
information available to all market participants. This includes timely and accurate disclosure
of financial information by listed companies, as well as fair and equitable access to market data
for all investors.

Transparency ensures that investors have the necessary information to make informed
decisions about buying or selling securities. It helps prevent information asymmetry, where
some participants have access to privileged information, giving them an unfair advantage.
Regulations and reporting requirements play a crucial role in maintaining transparency within
the stock market.

When there is confidence in the transparency of the market, investors are more likely
to participate, contributing to liquidity and the efficient allocation of capital. This condition is
fundamental to the integrity and functioning of the stock market as a platform for fair and open


In conclusion, the scenario involving the Kapoor family, the bank ('Dhan Sangraha
Karta'), and the stock exchange illustrates a balanced and diversified approach to personal
finance. The bank serves as a secure repository for savings, offering stability and a predictable
return through interest. Meanwhile, the stock exchange provides an avenue for potentially
higher returns through investments in securities, albeit with an associated level of risk.

The roles of the bank and the stock exchange are distinct but interconnected. The bank
ensures the safety of deposits and supports economic activities through lending, while the stock
exchange acts as a dynamic marketplace for buying and selling securities, contributing to
capital formation and investment opportunities.
For the bank to perform its role effectively, trust and confidence are paramount.
Customers must have faith in the bank's ability to safeguard their deposits and provide reliable
returns. On the other hand, the stock market relies on market transparency as a crucial
condition. Timely and accurate information, accessible to all participants, ensures fair and
efficient trading, fostering confidence in the integrity of the market.

Ultimately, the Kapoor family's financial strategy exemplifies the importance of

diversification, striking a balance between stable returns and the potential for growth. In
navigating the complexities of the financial landscape, individuals often leverage the strengths
of both traditional banking and the opportunities presented by the stock market to achieve their
financial goals.

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