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Journal of Hydrology 624 (2023) 129863

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Multirate mass transfer simulation of denitrification in a

woodchip bioreactor
Jingjing Wang a, b, c, d, *, Jesús Carrera c, d, Cristina Valhondo c, d, Maarten W. Saaltink b, d,
Jordi Petchamé Guerrero b, c, d, Fengshou Zhang a, Roger B. Herbert e
Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Geosciences Department, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), Severo Ochoa Excellence Center, Spanish Scientific Research Council
(CSIC), Jordi Girona, 18-26, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Associated Unit—Hydrogeology Group (UPC-CSIC), Spain
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden


This manuscript was handled by Huaming Guo, Denitrifying woodchip bioreactors (DWBs) have proven to be an efficient nature-based solution for nitrate
Editor-in-Chief. removal. Modeling DWBs is required for improving their design and operation, but is hindered by the complexity
of the modeled system where numerous chemical species and model parameters are needed. Reactions inside the
Keywords: woodchips are different from those at the edges, causing chemical localization (i.e., apparent simultaneous
Multi-rate mass transfer
occurrence of incompatible reactions). We used the Multi Rate Mass Transfer (MRMT) approach to overcome
Reactive transport
these problems when simulating reactive transport processes in a DWB located at Kiruna, Sweden. Besides
Biomass growth
Denitrification denitrification, other nitrogen-cycling processes (e.g., nitrification, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium,
Denitrifying woodchips bioreactor anammox) and alternative electron donors (e.g. oxygen, sulfate) were also considered. Biomass concentration is
incorporated into the biochemical reaction rates, including growth and decay, to characterize microbial catalysis.
We found that the MRMT model: 1) can account for the heterogeneity of the porous woodchips; 2) was capable of
reproducing the nitrogen species evolution in the DWB with kinetic parameters from the literature; and 3) allows
reproducing localized biochemical reactions (e.g., aerobic reactions on the woodchip edges, near the DWB
entrance and anaerobic reactions inside); and 4) reproduces the full denitrification reactions sequence, but with
the different reactions occurring in different portions of the woodchip (e.g., nitrate to nitrite near the edges and
nitrite to nitrous oxide further inside). The latter observation suggests that increasing woodchip size may reduce
the outflow of these undesired species.

1. Introduction Denitrifying woodchip bioreactors (DWBs) are a nature-based tech­

nology to reduce nitrate releases by passing the water through a trench
Nitrogen (N) pollution is a problem that threatens surface and filled with woodchips (cf. Nordström and Herbert, 2018). DWBs are
groundwater resources globally, to the point that a global joint action widely used to remove nitrate from agriculture and surface water (see
has been demanded (Basu et al., 2022). In fact, billions of dollars have reviews by Grießmeier et al., 2019; Lopez-Ponnada et al., 2017; Schipper
been invested in conservation measures worldwide, but their water et al., 2010). In fact, Valhondo et al. (2015, 2020) used a similar concept
quality impact has been minimal (Basu et al., 2022). The situation is to enhance Soil Aquifer Treatment to remove recalcitrant emerging
especially severe in the Baltic Sea, which has suffered from eutrophi­ contaminants by creating a sequence of redox states including, but not
cation for many decades. In order to reduce nitrogen releases to rivers limited to, nitrate reduction. The technology has proven to be efficient
that discharge to the Baltic Sea, an iron ore mine in Kiruna (northern for the treatment of mine drainage under temperatures characteristic of
Sweden) has built several woodchip bioreactors (Nordström and Her­ subarctic environments, such as in Kiruna (Herbert et al., 2014;
bert, 2018; Storm and Smeds, 2021). Nordström and Herbert, 2018).

* Corresponding author at: Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China.
E-mail address: (J. Wang).
Received 10 April 2023; Received in revised form 20 June 2023; Accepted 22 June 2023
Available online 26 June 2023
0022-1694/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
J. Wang et al. Journal of Hydrology 624 (2023) 129863

The performance of DWBs is highly variable, both within the DWB representation of physical transport. Transport is usually represented
from one site to another (Christianson et al., 2012) and, for a given site, using the Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE), which is known to work
with time (Nordström and Herbert, 2019). This variability depends on poorly for reactive transport (see discussion by Carrera et al., 2022). In
many microbial factors (e.g., distribution of microbial community, ge­ essence, the problem is that the ADE equates dispersion (spreading of
netic diversity, bacterial abundance) as well as various abiotic factors solutes caused by the spatial variability of velocity) with mixing (dilu­
such as pH, temperature, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentra­ tion caused by molecular diffusion). But mixing controls the rate of fast
tions, and presence of dissolved oxygen (DO) (Fan et al., 2022). This has reactions by controlling how reactants reach reaction sites (Rezaei et al.,
motivated numerous models of DWB treatment (Halaburka et al., 2017; 2005) and, specifically, how electron acceptors and donors reach the
Kouanda and Hua, 2021; Störiko et al., 2022), which reflects the microorganisms (Cirpka and Valocchi, 2007). This is illustrated by
complexity of reactive transport in DWBs. Fig. 1b, which suggests that indeed the rate-limiting step for reactions
Modeling bioreactors is complex for several reasons. First, numerous inside the woodchips may be diffusion across the woodchip. It is clear
reactions are involved (see Fig. 1a). Second, most of the involved re­ that the modeler would have to use an artificially slow kinetic rate
actions are microbially mediated, so their dynamics should be linked to parameter to compensate the fact that the ADE ignores this step. Obvi­
microbial growth. Third, the wood is porous and solutes may diffuse into ously, these parameters depend on the specific experimental conditions
the woodchips, which act as an immobile but porous matrix. In fact, and the specific reaction rate, which may explain the broad range of
since the woodchips yield DOC, woodchips provide ideal, cost-efficient published parameters. We conjecture that properly modeling transport
support material for microorganisms. Fourth, presumably incompatible limitations is a necessary step to the use of parameters that do not
reactions (e.g., aerobic degradation and anaerobic denitrification) occur depend on the model, but on the reaction conditions.
simultaneously, which we attribute to chemical localization (i.e., Numerous transport approaches have been developed to overcome
different reactions take place in different portions of the medium within the limitations of the ADE (see the review of Carrera et al., 2022) to
any realistic representative elementary volume, Fig. 1b). represent the effect of heterogeneity. The majority can be considered
Given this complexity, modeling has followed different avenues. variants of Multi Rate Mass Transfer (MRMT), which treats the medium
Some modelers have acknowledged that reproducing the above pro­ as consisting of mobile and immobile zones. One such variant (the dual
cesses may lead to ungranted complexity and simply adopt zero order porosity model) was explored by Jaynes et al. (2016), who represented
kinetic models (Halaburka et al., 2017; Kouanda and Hua, 2021). These woodchips as an immobile zone, just as implied by Fig. 1b. They ob­
kinds of models are useful and simple, typical nitrate removal rates tained good fits with consistent parameters over two years, but they
range between 2 and 20 g N d− 1 m− 3 reactor, which allows a preliminary assumed that reactions occurred both in the mobile and immobile re­
estimate of the required bioreactor volume. Further insight into the gions using zero and first order kinetic rates for denitrification. We
functioning of the system can be gained by modeling the participating conjecture that it is possible to go one step forward and use not one but a
individual species, which is typically achieved by means of Michelis- suite of immobile zones to represent a broad range of residence times
Menten kinetics. The problem with this approach is two-fold. On the within the woodchips.
one hand, it requires numerous parameters. On the other, it does not The objective of this paper is to explore the possibility of using
recognize the growth of the microorganisms catalyzing the reactions. MRMT models to simulate the DWBs using reaction rates from well
Hence, it is not surprising that both Halaburka et al. (2017) and Kouanda controlled experiments; that is, without the need for calibration of
and Hua (2021) ended up preferring zero order kinetics. This is some­ geochemical parameters. To do so, we designed a MRMT model for one
what disheartening, given the efforts at characterizing microbial pop­ of the DWBs built in Kiruna, compared its results with experimental
ulations in bioreactors (Hellman et al., 2021; Herbert et al., 2014; Jang data, and analyzed chemical localization to gain insight on the vari­
et al., 2019; Nordström et al., 2021). Microbial community character­ ability of chemical processes occurring at the woodchip scale, which
ization has been useful for gaining insight into the evolution of DWBs cannot be easily sampled.
and for suggesting improved designs, but has not been used for modeling
purposes. Worse, Störiko et al. (2022) ask for “caution against the use of
concentrations of functional-gene transcripts and enzymes as direct
proxies of microbial reaction rates”.
Beyond biochemical issues, problems may also arise from the

Fig. 1. a) N species and important reactions in DWBs. Note that N species may act both as electron acceptors (reactions represented by warm color arrows) or donors
(blue arrows); b) schematic view of woodchip bioreactor, including chemical variability (red more oxidizing than blue) both along the reactor and within each
woodchip. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

J. Wang et al. Journal of Hydrology 624 (2023) 129863

2. Materials and methods that was comparable with the DWB modeled in this study (i.e. same
climate, dimensions, flow rate, woodchip source and similar water
2.1. Kiruna woodchip bioreactor description quality), Nordström et al. (2021) quantified the genes encoding for ni­
trite reduction (nirS and nirK) and nitrous oxide reduction (nosZI and
The objective of the woodchip bioreactor was to remove nitrogen (in nosZII), as well as the dhd and nrfA genes that were proxies for the mi­
the form of nitrate, NO−3 ) from waste rock drainage, where nitrogen was crobial community performing anammox and DNRA reactions, respec­
derived from spillage and the incomplete detonation of explosives in the tively. We used these genetic data as input in the MRMT model to set the
underground Kiruna mine (Nordström and Herbert, 2018). Waste rock initial biomass in the immobile zones capable of performing the
from the excavation of tunnels in the mine is deposited on the ground biochemical reactions of the N-cycle.
surface in large waste rock dumps; nitrogen compounds weakly bind to
the surfaces of the waste rock, and precipitation and snowmelt infiltrate
into the dumps and slowly leach out the nitrogen compounds (e.g., 2.2. MRMT model
Bailey et al., 2013). At the Kiruna site, NO−3 was the only N compound
commonly occurring above detection limits in the leachate, and it was The MRMT approach consists of viewing the medium as consisting of
decided that DWBs would be evaluated for the removal of NO−3 from the a mobile zone and a suite of immobile zones, each with a characteristic
waste rock drainage. Three full-scale DWBs were constructed in 2018 as residence time, that exchange mass diffusively. The set of immobile
part of the EIT RawMaterials project NITREM. Data used in this study zones yields a residence time distribution. The mass balance equations
are from bioreactor 3, DWB-3, and were collected during the summer for reactive species (including microorganisms) in mobile and immobile
2019 sampling campaign. zones are expressed, respectively, as
The DWB-3 consisted of an excavation that was 44 m long and 7 m ∑N
( )
wide at the ground surface, and tapered to a width of 2 m at the bottom ϕm = Lt [cm ] − ϕim,j αj cm − cim,j + ϕm Rm (1)
that was located at 2.1 m depth (see Fig. S1 in Supplementary materials). j=1

The excavation was covered with an impermeable geomembrane (HDPE

plastic) and filled with pine woodchips (dimensions approximately 30 and
mm × 30 mm × 10 mm thickness) amended with a small amount of ∂cim,j ( )
activated sewage sludge. The purpose of the sewage sludge was to ϕim,j = ϕim,j αj cm − cim,j + ϕim,j Rim,j j = 1, ⋯, N (2)
introduce an active culture of denitrifying bacteria to the bioreactor. The
main idea with the use of woodchips was that the dissolved organic where ϕm [-], and ϕim [-] are the porosity of the mobile and immobile
carbon released from the woodchips would function as a carbon and zones, denoting the volume fraction of the mobile zone and immobile
energy source for heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria. As the availability zones over the total volume, respectively. The total porosity of the
of dissolved oxygen limits/inhibits the denitrification reaction, the medium ϕ, a measured parameter (Nordström and Herbert, 2017), is
surface of the bioreactor was covered with 0.4 m glacial till (large rocks equal to ϕm + ϕim . N is the number of immobile zones. cm [ML− 3] and
removed), limiting oxygen diffusion from the atmosphere, and two inner cim,j [ML− 3], arrays of concentrations of all aqueous species in the mobile
walls were constructed to induce the influent to flow through the deeper and j th immobile zone, respectively. These two arrays consist of two
section of the bioreactor. Finally, the bioreactor was covered with 1 m sub-arrays: cam , containing the concentrations of all aqueous (i.e.,
peat for insulation. flowing) species, and csm , non-flowing species (we assume here that
Water was pumped (average flow rate 0.21 L/s during 2019) to the microbes are not transported). Lt [cm ] is the transport operator. Thus,
bioreactor and entered through a perforated pipe that was located 1.6 m Lt [csm ] = 0, whereas Lt [cam ] = − q∇cam + ∇ • (ϕm D∇cam ), where q
above the bottom. Water then flowed by gravity through the bioreactor [LT− 1] is Darcy flux, and D [L2T− 1] is the hydrodynamic dispersion
until it reached the outlet at the other end (outlet situated 1.6 m above tensor. The second term on the right-hand side of equation (1) describes
the bottom). The outlet compartment was filled with crushed rock the mass transfer of aqueous species between mobile and immobile
(16–32 mm) so as to distribute the flow over the width of the bioreactor zones. αj [T− 1] is a first-order mass transfer rate coefficient between the
and prevent channeling. The outlet pipe led water to a monitoring mobile and j th immobile zone. The inverse of the mass transfer rate,
chamber that was equipped with an H-flume for discharge measure­ ταj = 1/αj , is used to characterize the residence time in the j th immobile
ments. Five piezometer pairs at two different depths (screen interval 0 – zone (it is indeed the mean residence time of inert aqueous species).
0.5 m and 1.0 – 1.5 m over bottom) were installed along the bioreactor ϕim,j = ϕim pj , where pj is the probability of the j th immobile zone (i.e., its
at 3.8, 11.4, 20.5, 29.2, and 37.5 m from the inlet for water monitoring. volumetric fraction of water). Therefore, the sum of pj of all immobile
Each piezometer (2 cm inner diameter) was purged of at least three tube ∑
zones should equal one, that is, Nj=1 pj = 1.0. Rm and Rim,j [ML− 3T− 1]
volumes prior to sampling, and there was no indication that oxygen
are the sink-source terms due to chemical reactions in the mobile and the
intrusion into the piezometer tubes affected denitrification in the DWB.
j th immobile zones, respectively. These terms express the mass of the
During the operation of the bioreactor in 2019 (from April to
array of species removed (R < 0) or added (R > 0) by all reactions per
November), temperature and flow rate were continuously measured,
unit volume of water and per unit of time. It is a function of reaction
and nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, alkalinity (as bicarbonate, HCO−3 ), sul­
rates (Saaltink et al., 1998; Steefel and MacQuarrie, 1996)
fate (SO2−
4 ) and pH were determined weekly in the influent and effluent
to assess the performance of DWB-3. Additionally, 11 samples were r = STe re + STk rk (3)
collected from each monitoring point (including piezometers) from 16
June to 17 September 2019 to characterize the evolution of the N species where Se is the stoichiometric matrix for equilibrium reactions, and Sk is
along the DWB flow path. the stoichiometric matrix for kinetic reactions, re and rk represent the
A tracer test was conducted to determine the residence time distri­ vectors of reaction rates for equilibrium and kinetic reactions, respec­
bution of conservative compounds in DWB-3. Bromide (Br− ) was tively. Note that stoichiometric matrices contain the full description of
injected at the bioreactor inlet and Br− concentrations were measured at the biochemical system, as every row contains the stoichiometric co­
the outlet over a period of 30 days and a flow rate of 0.31 L/s. efficients of all species (columns) participating in the reactions (rows).
Since data was not available for this study on the abundance of Immobile zones are connected “in parallel” (i.e., every immobile
microbiological groups with the genetic capacity to carry out N-cycle zone is connected to the mobile zone) in the MRMT model of Eqs. (1) and
reactions, data has been used from Nordström et al. (2021). In a DWB (2), but other configurations are also possible (Babey et al., 2015; De
Dreuzy et al., 2013). It can be shown that they are equivalent for inert

J. Wang et al. Journal of Hydrology 624 (2023) 129863

tracers, equilibrium reactions, or linear kinetics, provided that they have different for each microorganism, and its decay or death, which is the
the same residence time distribution, but not necessarily for non-linear same for all. Woodchips are hydrolyzed in a similar way. Note that for
kinetics. We have chosen the configuration of Eqs. (1) and (2) for nu­ the formulation of the growth reactions, yield coefficients (mass of
merical efficiency and conceptual simplicity, as the residence time dis­ biomass/mass of DOC) are required, which were taken from the litera­
( )
tribution is approximated discretely by the set of pairs αj , pj ,j = 1,⋯, ture (see Table S2 in Supplementary materials).
Kinetic reactions require a rate law, expressing the rate of the reac­
tion as a function of concentrations. For the biomass growth reactions,
It should be noticed that MRMT adds a dimension to the geometrical
we use a Monod equation (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001), multiplied by
dimensions of the problem. That is, concentrations, c, vary not only in
the concentration of microorganisms, as discussed by Carrera et al.
space, x, and time, t, but also along immobile zones c = c(x, t, α). This
(2022), but without a logistic factor. For the two reactions that use O2 as
allows us to represent the physical and chemical heterogeneity induced
electron acceptor (aerobic oxidation and nitrification) this gives:
by woodchips without having to represent them explicitly. The medium
can be seen as represented by several overlapping continua (hence, this rk,im,j,k = μk
cD,im,j cA,im,j
cim,j,k j = 1, ⋯, N k = 1, 2 (4)
kind of models are often referred to as multicontinuum models). KD,k + cD,im,j KA,k + cA,im,j

For the other biomass growth reactions an inhibition factor is added,

2.3. Biochemical system to take into account that O2 inhibits the reactions, because it is the
preferred electron acceptor in terms of Gibbs free energy.
Several biochemical reactions affect the chemical composition and
cD,im,j cA,im,j IA,k
the growth of microorganisms. Table 1 shows all reactions considered rk,im,j,k = μk cim,j,k j = 1, ⋯, N k
KD,k + cD,im,j KA,k + cA,im,j IA,k + cI,im,j
here. We represent dissolved organic carbon by the chemical formula
CH2 O, microbial biomass by C5 H7 O2 N and woodchips by = 3, ⋯, 8 (5)
C6 H12.012 O6 N0.004 . There are four inorganic acid base reactions, assumed
in equilibrium. We assume, for conceptual simplicity, that every redox where subscript k refers to the microorganism and μ [T− 1] is the
reaction is mediated by a specific microorganism that grows on the maximum growth rate, cim,j,k = ρb fk [ML− 3] is the concentration of

energy released by that reaction. Therefore, our chemical system in­ microorganism k, ρb = k cim,j,k [ML− 3] is the biomass density (biomass

cludes eight microorganisms with the genetic capacity for a certain type per unit volume of immobile zone), fk = ϕim,j,k / k ϕim,j,k [-] is the vol­
of reaction (recall that only six were identified in section 2.1). We as­ ume fraction of the k th microorganism, cD,im,j [ML− 3], cA,im,j [ML− 3], and
sume that they exist only in immobile zones, to acknowledge the fact cI,im,j [ML− 3] are the concentrations of electron donor, electron acceptor
that they constitute biofilm microbial communities and that aqueous and inhibitor in the j th immobile zone, respectively. KD [ML− 3], KA
species need to diffuse into the biofilm to react. Each of these microor­ [ML− 3], and IA [ML− 3] are the half-maximum rate concentrations for
ganisms is associated to a reaction related to its growth, which is electron donor, electron acceptor and inhibitor, respectively. The hy­
drolysis rate of biomass is simpler and follows first-order kinetics:
Table 1 rk,im,j,k = dk cim,j,k j = 1, ⋯, N k = 1, ⋯, 8 (6)
Equilibrium and kinetically-controlled reactions used for DWB-3 reactive
transport simulations.
where d [T− 1] is the decay rate constant. The rate of woodchip hydro­
Reaction Formulation Equilibrium Constant K at lysis is assumed constant.
25℃ The model has got 40 parameters, which would lead to an unstable
Equilibrium reactions and uncertain calibration. In fact, one of the motivations behind this
Water dissociation H2 O = H+ + OH− 10− work is to show that using a MRMT model allows us to adopt model
Carbonic acid dissociation H2 CO3 = H+ + 10−
independent parameters derived from well stirred reactors or waste­
Bicarbonate dissociation HCO−3 = H+ + CO2− 10− 10.33 water treatment plants, where transport is not a limiting factor. Rate
Hydrolysis of ammonium NH+ 10− 9.252 laws parameters are given in Table S2 (see Supplementary materials).
4 = H + NH3

Most of them are referenced from the literature, or when not available
from the most similar reaction.
Kinetic reactions for biomass growth

Aerobic oxidation of DOC 0.25CH2 O + 0.005NH+ 4 + 0.225O2 =

0.005C5 H7 O2 N + 0.23H+ + 0.225HCO−3 + 0.015H2 O 2.4. Numerical method
Nitrification 0.128NH+4 + 0.235O2 + 0.015HCO3 =

0.003C5 H7 O2 N + 0.238H+ + 0.125NO−3 + 0.134H2 O The model was calculated by the code RT_MRMT_DSA_BG (https:
Denitrification 0.25CH2 O + 0.24NO−3 = 0.02C5 H7 O2 N + 0.22NO−2 + // developed
(NO−3 →NO−2 ) 0.15HCO−3 + 0.13H+ + 0.04H2 O
based on our preliminary code RT_MRMT_DSA (Wang et al., 2022a). It is
Denitrification 0.25CH2 O + 0.26NO−2 + 0.11H+ = 0.02C5 H7 O2 N +
(NO−2 →N2 O) 0.12N2 O + 0.15HCO−3 + 0.16H2 O an object-oriented FORTRAN2003 code based on the finite element
Denitrification (N2 O→N2 ) 0.25CH2 O + 0.27N2 O = 0.02C5 H7 O2 N + 0.26N2 + method and capable of simulating reactive transport and biomass
0.15HCO−3 + 0.15H+ + 0.03H2 O growth in a heterogeneous porous medium with MRMT. The Direct
DNRA 0.25CH2 O + 0.0625NO−3 = 0.025C5 H7 O2 N + Substitution Approach is applied to solve the coupled and highly
0.0375NH+ 4 + 0.125HCO3 + 0.025H + 0.0125H2 O

nonlinear transport and biochemical reactions simultaneously, enabling

Anammox 0.29NH+4 + 0.3683NO2 + 0.029HCO3 + 0.0336H

− − +
0.0058C5 H7 O2 N + 0.2894N2 + 0.0736NO−3 +
a robust and fast convergence (Saaltink et al., 1998, 2001).
0.5911H2 O
Sulfammox 0.3433NH+ 2−
4 + 0.1SO4 + 0.05HCO3 = 2.5. Modelling setup and sequence

0.01C5 H7 O2 N + 0.1667N2 + 0.0933H+ + 0.1H2 S +

0.53H2 O
First, we interpreted the tracer test using a 1D model to obtain
transport parameters: porosities, longitudinal dispersion, mass transfer
Kinetic reactions for biomass decay
rates and probabilities. Models with and without MRMT were calibrated
Microbial biomass decay 0.05C5 H7 O2 N + 0.05H+ + 0.15H2 O = 0.25CH2 O + to reproduce the measured bromide breakthrough curve (BTC). A con­
0.05NH+ 4 stant flow rate was applied during the simulation, which is the average
Hydrolysis of woodchips C6 H12.012 O6 N0.004 + 0.004H+ = 6CH2 O + 0.004NH+
flow rate (i.e. 0.31 L/s) of the DWB-3 during the tracer test. The initial

J. Wang et al. Journal of Hydrology 624 (2023) 129863

concentrations of bromide were set to zero for both mobile and immo­
bile nodes, except for the first mobile node which has a concentration of
one. A Cauchy boundary condition was set at the inlet and an open
boundary condition was given at the outlet.
Then, we performed 1D reactive transport simulation of denitrifi­
cation reactions and compared the results with experimental sample
data collected and analyzed by the LKAB chemical laboratory. A con­
stant flow rate (i.e. 0.21 L/s) along the 1D domain was set, corre­
sponding to the average during 2019 with a mean residence time of 8.1
days and with a total porosity of 0.61. A Cauchy boundary condition was
used at the inlet, and a free boundary condition was imposed at the
outlet. Boundary concentrations of primary species at the inlet were set
as the average concentration measured at the entrance of DWB-3 during
the whole operation in 2019 and are given in Table S1 (see Supple­
mentary materials). Initial concentrations of primary species in the
mobile and immobile zones were the same as those at the inlet.
Parameter values for all kinetic rates are listed in Table S2 (see Sup­
plementary materials). The gene abundance was referenced to the
sample data of Nordström et al. (2021) in woodchips. The order-of-
magnitude differences in genes were used to quantify the volume frac­
tions of microorganisms. The nir gene abundance is two orders of
magnitude higher than nosZ, and nrfA genes abundance is half an order
of magnitude higher than nosZ (see Table S2 in Supplementary
To avoid numerical instability, the size of Δx and Δt were chosen
Δx2 /D
according to the criteria of Péclet (Pe = Δx/v = Δx
αL ≤ 2, which implies
Δx ≤ 2αL ) and Courant (Cr = vΔt
Δx = ϕm Δx ≤ 1, which implies Δt ≤ ϕmqΔx),
respectively. Moreover, in reactive transport simulations with
biochemical kinetic reactions, the choice of Δt is also constrained by the
reaction rates. For example, if cD,im,j ≪KD , cA,im,j ≫KA , and cI,im,j ≪IA , in
Eq. (5), then rk,im,j ≈ KD cD,im,j , and therefore, Δt ≤ μcKim,j,k
. In the reactive
transport simulations, the following conditions were applied: total
length L = 41 m, total time T = 10 days, Δx = 0.5 m, Δt = 0.001 day,
q = 2.1 m/day, and αL = 0.3 m.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Tracer test interpretation

The bromide tracer test revealed a 50% breakthrough after 7.0 days
(Fig. 2a). The mean arrival time, which usually a bit larger than the 50%
recovery time, should have been 4.8 days if transport had occurred in a
single porosity medium with a porosity of 0.54, which had been the
mobile porosity measured in laboratory experiments (Nordström and
Herbert, 2017). This observed retardation of the conservative bromide
tracer suggests that mass transfer is occurring between mobile and
immobile water in the bioreactor.
Parameters of the MRMT model obtained from the tracer test cali­
Fig. 2. MRMT model results of tracer test data with (a) narrow and (b) broad
brations are given in Table 2. The results show that the distribution of
mass transfer rate distribution, respectively. To compare the consistency be­
mass transfer rates that can fit the data is not unique (see Table 2 and
tween the numerical results and the experimental data, concentrations are
Fig. 2). We initially fitted the BTC with the narrow range of mass transfer normalized with respect to their maximum values. To highlight the BTCs tailing
rates, but we felt that the mean residence time in immobile zones caused by woodchip heterogeneity, results are also plotted on log–log scale (c).

( pj ταj = 2.5 days) might be too small (the mean residence time in a
woodchip with 0.5 cm radius would be r2 /D ≅ 1 day, with molecular cannot reproduce well the tails of the observed BTC.
diffusion coefficient in the wood-biofilm of D = 3.0 × 10− 6 cm2/s). But The effect of MRMT can be observed by comparing the BTCs
woodchip sizes are non-uniform and, more importantly, some lumping computed with and without MRMT (Fig. 2a and b). In the narrow range
and clogging is too be expected. For example, if biofilms lump several model, peak arrivals coincide for MRMT and the single porosity (with ϕ
woodchips for an aggregate radius of 5 cm, the corresponding residence equal to MRMT ϕm ) models (Fig. 2a). In the broad range model, the peak
time would be some 100 days. Therefore, we also tried a model with a arrival is delayed. This type of behavior is discussed by Carrera et al.
much broader range of transfer rates. As it turns out, models with nar­ (1998). In all cases, the mean arrival time of the BTC is given by the fluid
row and broad ranges of mass transfer rates can fit the experimental data volume divided by the flow rate, but the peak reflects the porosity fully
equally well. Differences only become relevant for the very low con­ accessed by the tracer. Therefore, the model with a broad range of mass
centrations toward the end of the tracer test, best observed using a log transfer rates is more reasonable due to the higher volume fraction ratio
scale (Fig. 2c). In contrast, single porosity models (i.e., without MRMT) between the immobile and mobile zone (0.18/0.43 versus 0.08/0.52 for

J. Wang et al. Journal of Hydrology 624 (2023) 129863

Table 2 3.2. Simulation of denitrification

Model setup for tracer tests.
Parameters Symbols Units Values Fig. 3 compares the model results with experimental data collected in
DWB-3 during the summer campaign of 2019. Results show that the
MRMT with MRMT with
narrow αj broad αj MRMT model with the broad range of mass transfer rates fits the
distribution distribution experimental data well and reproduces the evolution of nitrate, nitrite,
and ammonium along DWB-3 better than the one with narrow mass
Porosity of mobile ϕm [-] 0.52 0.43
zone transfer rates. So, contrary to the behavior of conservative tracer, the
Porosity of ϕim [-] 0.08 0.18 narrow and broad MRMT provide different fits for the reactive species.
immobile zone Moreover, oxygen is consumed quickly in the MRMT model with broad
− 1
Mass transfer rates [day ] 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10,
mass transfer rate distribution, while oxygen consumption is slow in the
of the j th 1.0, 3.0 100
immobile zone MRMT model with the narrow one, which limits the denitrification re­
Probabilities of the pj [-] 0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0709, 0.1222, actions and hampers the fit. This indicates that a proportion of immobile
j th immobile 0.06, 0.04 0.3530, 0.4539, zones with small mass transfer rates (long residence times) is important
zone 3.2207e-05 for the creation of anaerobic conditions at the downstream fraction of
Length of L [m] 41
the bioreactor (recall Fig. 1). The gene abundance did not evolve much
domain over 10 days due to the slow growth rates (not shown).
Darcy flux q [m/ 3.22 We must add that, if we modify reaction rate parameters, the model
day] with narrow distribution of residence times could yield similar fittings to
Longitudinal [m] 0.3
the one with a broad distribution. In fact, we also obtained similar re­
Element size Δx [m] 0.5
sults with the traditional single porosity model by modifying the re­
Time increment Δt [day] 0.05 actions rates. But, as stated, the goal was to reproduce observations
Total time T [day] 500 without having to calibrate for kinetic parameters. Bearing this in mind,
the results of Fig. 3 are satisfactory.

the broad and narrow distributions, respectively, see Fig. 2c). Most
importantly, we know that MRMT model is needed to account for the
data tailing caused by the heterogeneity of woodchips in the bioreactor.

Fig. 3. Concentration of primary species in mobile zone versus distance at 10 days. Two other primary species, SO2− 4 and H2 S, are presented in Fig. S2 (see Sup­
plementary materials). The light blue bars represent the averaged sample data measured at the five piezometer pairs along DWB-3 in the 2019 summer campaign, the
red squares represent the mean and the red error bars represent the standard deviation of the sample data at the inlet and outlet during the same period. The solid
blue and orange-red lines represent the MRMT results with narrow and broad mass transfer rate distribution, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

J. Wang et al. Journal of Hydrology 624 (2023) 129863

3.3. Biochemical localization in woodchips than hardwood in terms of overall denitrification (Lopez-Ponnada et al.,
Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate biochemical localization favored by the These results invite for further conjectures. Our results make it clear
porous nature of woodchips. Reactions are localized in that, different that the distribution of the residence times in immobile zones is
reactions occur at every point, only in different immobile zones. For fundamental for the functioning of the bioreactor. Surprisingly, limited
example, dissolved oxygen is rapidly consumed but also rapidly research has gone into the impact of woodchip size. Some researchers
replenished in fast immobile zones near the inlet of DWB-3 (see O2 have studied its effect on durability (Ghane et al., 2018), or woodchip
concentrations in Fig. 4 and aerobic oxidation rates in Fig. 5). Nitrifi­ degradation and subsidence (Schaefer et al., 2021). Some have studied
cation is also important near the inlet. The various stages of denitrifi­ denitrification efficiency, but results are ambiguous (Cameron and
cation occur in different immobile zones, nitrate is reduced to nitrite at Schipper, 2010; Subramaniam et al., 2016). What our results suggest is
intermediate τα zones near the entrance, but at fast τα zones further that the outflow of polluting byproducts, such a nitrite or nitrous oxide,
downstream, once O2 has been exhausted. Instead, nitrite is reduced to may be reduced by using large woodchips.
N2 O, at longer τα and further downstream. Overall, this sequence of
denitrification reactions is the main terminal electron-accepting process 4. Conclusions
relative to nitrification, DNRA and anammox (cf. reaction rates in
Fig. 5). We built a MRMT model to explore denitrification processes and
In very fast immobile zones (i.e., those τα ≪10− 1 days, much smaller biochemical localization in a DWB at Kiruna. MRMT requires the dis­
than transport time), concentrations reach equilibrium between mobile tribution of residence times in the immobile zones, as well as the mobile
and immobile zones because of the fast mass exchange rates. On the and immobile porosities. These parameters were obtained by calibration
other hand, mass exchange is small between mobile and slow immobile to a conservative tracer test, which confirmed that the MRMT model is
zones (i.e., τα > 10 days, greater than transport time). Thus, concen­ needed to reproduce the breakthrough curve tail caused by diffusion
trations in these zones are mainly controlled by kinetics. This confirms into the porous woodchips. While the fit was non-unique, the resulting
that reactive transport in heterogeneous media is jointly controlled by parameters were consistent with the woodchip sizes, so that an
the reaction times and residence times in immobile zones, relative to approximate distribution of residence times could have been obtained
transport time (Wang et al., 2022b). based solely on the size of woodchips.
Aerobic reactions (e.g., oxidation and nitrification) and anaerobic This MRMT transport model was coupled to a biochemical reaction
reactions (e.g., denitrifications, DNRA, anammox, and sulfammox) module, based on Monod kinetics. The model accounts for microbial
occur simultaneously along the woodchips bioreactor (see Fig. 5) in time catalyzation, biomass growth and decay, represented by changing vol­
but only apparently in space, as the porous woodchips create a broad ume fractions of the immobile zones. The last feature is not relevant for
range of redox conditions that allows aerobic and anaerobic reactions to the Kiruna case, because biomass does not change significantly over the
occur simultaneously in the different portions of the porous structure, at duration of the simulation. Two MRMT models were used to reflect non-
scales below the usual sampling scale. This finding is consistent with the uniqueness of the transport calibration: one with a broad and one with a
general, though not unanimous, view that soft wood is more efficient narrow distribution of mass transfer rates. Contrary to the conservative

Fig. 4. Concentrations of primary species (mol/L, color scale) in immobile zones versus distance along the bioreactor after 10 days for the MRMT model with broad
mass transfer rates distribution. Two other primary species, SO2−
4 and H2 S, are presented in Fig. S3 (see Supplementary materials). For each point (x coordinate), the
vertical coordinate represents the distribution of concentrations in the immobile zone with residence time τα . Note that the most reduced species (CH2 O, H2 S, N2 O
and N2 but not ammonium) become localized in immobile zones with longest residence time (i.e., highest concentrations occur at longest residence times).

J. Wang et al. Journal of Hydrology 624 (2023) 129863

Fig. 5. Biochemical reaction rates (mol/L/day, color scale) in immobile zones versus distance along the bioreactor. As in Fig. 4, the vertical coordinate represents
residence time τα , of immobile zones connected to each point. Different reactions dominate different immobile zones at every point of the 1D domain.

tracer, the two models yield different fits for the reactive species. It is woodchips will contribute to reduce the outflow of these undesired
important to note that parameters for kinetic rate laws were taken from species.
wastewater treatment plants and well-mixed experiments, where, unlike
our MRMT model, kinetic rates are not limited by transport. Despite
that, our MRMT model satisfactorily reproduces measured concentra­ Declaration of Competing Interest
tions. It suggests that: 1) It is reasonable to assume that biochemical
reactions mediated by microbes occur mainly in the immobile zones of The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
woodchips. 2) The porous structure of woodchips allows localized interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
biochemical reactions and provides the possibility that aerobic and the work reported in this paper.
anaerobic reactions occur simultaneously. 3) Compared to other
nitrogen-cycling processes (e.g., nitrification, DNRA, anammox), deni­ Data availability
trification is the main processes occurring in the woodchip bioreactor.
An implication of our model results is that the distribution of resi­ Data will be made available on request.
dence times, controlled by the size of woodchips, is relevant to the
simulated reactions. In fact, the ultimate N reduction reactions (those Acknowledgements
responsible for reducing nitrite and nitrous oxide) are localized in the
zones with long residence times (representative of the innermost portion The authors acknowledge the financial support of projects NITREM,
of woodchips). Therefore, we anticipate that increasing the size of RESTORA (Agència Catalana de l’Aigua, ACA210/18/0040), and Con­
Mimo (Spanish Research Agency, AEI, number TED2021-131188B-

J. Wang et al. Journal of Hydrology 624 (2023) 129863

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