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Bite by bite towards a better world 19 Sustainability Report 2021

Bite by bite
towards a
better world
Better than meat Outlier kebab
7.1 Great taste, tiny footprint The comparative life cycle assessment is made on a Planted.kebab lags behind its peers
cradle to gate basis, since distribution and end-of slightly when it comes to water savings.
At Planted we leverage scientific achievements and make life pathways for animal meat products are conside- Planted.kebab was compared to a
red to be the same. Planted products are compared
fact-based decisions. With the help of Eaternity, an indepen- to conventional, most similar non-organic animal-
typical kebab recipe from Switzerland.
Animal meat kebabs are made of a
dent consultancy, we conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA), based products from Switzerland. variety of different cuts of animal meat,
an internationally recognised methodology to measure the making up 60% of the kebab, with the
Greenhouse gas emissions
environmental footprint of products across their full life cycle. remainder being other ingredients such
as spices. In the analysis, only the meat
The assessment established that all retail Planted part was compared to its counterpart.
products emit approximately four to six times less To analyse the emissions, Eaternity
CO2-eq. when compared to animal products. The applied a methodology called economic
Savings with Planted products potential impact of global warming is consequently allocation, indicating that meat cuts
reduced by up to 85% per kilogram in favour of with higher prices are associated with
Planted products. The most significant reductions having a higher impact. Consequently
come from avoiding animal agriculture emissions. kebabs, usually made of cheap, low-
74% 46% 81% 43% quality meat, have a lower impact. This
less CO2-eq. less water less CO2-eq. less water Fresh water resources resulted in a lower water footprint of
the animal kebab meat relative to the
It’s been established that Planted product’s largest planted.kebab.
1.82 kg1.82 kg
1.83 kg1.83 kg
water savings are generated due to the erasure
1.82 kg 1.83 kg
1.82 kg
CO2-eq./kg 126 L/kg 126L/kg
109 L/kg 109 L/kg
1.83 kg
CO2-eq./kg 156 L/kg 119156 L/kg
L/kg 119 L/kg of irrigating feed crops for animals. All of Planted‘s
products have a low water scarcity footprint,
5.19 kg5.19
L/kg 109 126
L/kg 109 L/kg 7.92 kg7.92
CO2-eq./kg 156 L/kg 156 L/kg
119 L/kg 119 L/kg meaning the ingredients we source originate from
5.19 kg CO
kg CO -eq./kg
7.92 kg CO
kg CO -eq./kg
2 regions with no or little water scarcity.

Planted.chicken vs. chicken breast Planted.pulled vs. pulled pork Savings with Planted products
To our consumer, this signifies that the choice of
a planted.schnitzel over a pork schnitzel can reduce
85% 29% 84% 63% the environmental footprint by 84% of CO2-eq. per
less CO2-eq. less water less CO2-eq. less water kilogram. During the production of one kilogram
of pork schnitzel, the equivalent of driving 50km in a
1.82 kg1.82 kg
1.60 kg1.60 kg
conventional car* is emitted, compared to planted.
1.82 kg 1.82 kg 126 L/kg 52126 L/kg
L/kg 52 L/kg 1.60 kg 1.60 kg 108 L/kg 183108 L/kg
L/kg 183 L/kg
CO2-eq./kg CO2-eq./kg
schnitzel, which generates the GHG emission equi-
126 L/kg 52 L/kg
126 L/kg 52 L/kg 108 L/kg 183 L/kg
108 L/kg 183 L/kg
valent of driving 8km.
10.29 kg
10.29 -eq./kg
CO2kg CO2-eq./kg 8.69 kg8.69
10.29 kg10.29 kg CO -eq./kg
8.69 kg CO
kg CO -eq./kg
To produce one kilogram of pork schnitzel or
pulled pork, the equivalent of the amount of water
needed would run a standard dishwasher 30 times.
Planted.schnitzel needs the equivalent of 10 dish-
Planted.kebab vs. animal kebab Planted.schnitzel vs. pork schnitzel washer runs, saving 63% water.

*Calculation of emission values for comparison based on ifu

Heidelberg emission factor for a mid-life diesel passenger car
Saving with Planted product Planted product footprint (6,8 L, with one passenger) 13.

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