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Skeletal System (vertebral column and rib cage)

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1. functions of the vertebral column to support the trunk and head and to
protect the spinal cord from mechan-
ical injury

2. number of cervical vertebrae 7

3. number of thoracic vertebrae 12

4. number of lumbar vertebrae 5

5. number of sacral vertebrae 5 fused into one bone called the


6. number of coccygeal vertebrae 4 or 5 fused into one bone called the


7. first cervical vertebra atlas

8. second cervical vertebra axis

9. atlas and axis vertebrae form a pivot joint

10. a pivot joint permits side-to-side movement of the head

11. the posterior ends of the ribs articu- thoracic vertebrae

late with the _____

12. the two hip bones articulate with the sacrum

13. the supportive part of each vertebra the body

14. the bodies of adjacent vertebrae are discs of fibrous cartilage

separated by

15. functions of intervertebral discs absorb shock and permit movement

16. the type of joint between two verte- symphysis joint


17. number of pairs of true ribs 7

Skeletal System (vertebral column and rib cage)
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18. number of pairs of false ribs 3

19. number of pairs of floating ribs 2

20. two organs in the thoracic cavity heart and lungs

protected from mechanical injury by
the rib cage

21. two organs in the upper abdominal liver and spleen

cavity protected from mechanical in-
jury by the rib cage

22. during inhalation, the ribs are pulled upward and outward
which way

23. the ribs are pulled by the external enlarge the chest cavity and bring
intercostal muscles to do what about inflation of the lungs


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