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In this experiment, the focus was on the fundamental concepts of measurement and uncertainty
analysis. The primary objective was to understand the principles behind measurement, error
analysis, and propagation of uncertainties. The experiment involved measurements of physical
quantities using various instruments and techniques, including a Graduated Cylinder, Vernier
calipers, and micrometers.

Each measurement was subject to uncertainties due to instrument precision limitations, systematic
errors, and random fluctuations. Through statistical analysis and error propagation techniques,
uncertainties associated with individual measurements were quantified and analyzed. The
experiment aimed to enhance understanding of the significance of uncertainty in scientific
measurements and the importance of proper error analysis in experimental investigations. The
results obtained provided valuable insights into the factors influencing measurement uncertainties
and laid the groundwork for future experiments requiring accurate and precise measurements.
Overall, the experiment served as a practical demonstration of measurement principles and
uncertainty analysis techniques, contributing to the development of essential skills for conducting
scientific research and data analysis.


• practice estimating distance, mass, and time interval

• practice how to use an Vernier caliper and micrometer screw gauge
• make basic length, mass, and time measurements with increasing precision
• make calculations of volume and density


• Vernier Caliper 1
• Triple-beam balance 1
• Graduated Cylinder, 25 mL 1
• Rectangular block 1
• Cylindrical Blocks (copper and aluminum) 2
• Coin (1 Birr) 1


Measurements are fundamental in physics, providing insights into various physical quantities such as
length, time, mass, temperature, and electric charge. They are essential for formulating theories,
testing hypotheses, and predicting natural phenomena.

The process Involves comparing an unknown quantity to a known standard using appropriate
instruments. However, measurements inherently carry uncertainties from sources like instrumental
limitations, environmental conditions, and statistical variations.

Understanding these uncertainties is crucial for interpreting measurement results accurately.

Uncertainty indicates the degree confidence or doubt associated with a measurement, influencing
the reliability and accuracy of results.
Uncertainty manifests in different forms, including random uncertainties from statistical variations,
systematic uncertainties from biases or limitations in the setup, and model uncertainties from
assumptions in interpretation models.

Various techniques are employed to assess and manage uncertainties, such as statistical analysis,
error propagation, and calibration. These techniques help quantify uncertainties and improve
measurement reliability.

Measurement techniques for common physical quantities like length, mass, volume, and density
involve specific methods to minimize errors. For example, length measurements with Vernier
calipers may have uncertainties from factors like parallax error and mechanical imperfections.

Precise and accurate measurements are crucial for developing and validating scientific theories and
driving technological advancements. They play a vital role in fields like engineering, materials
science, and quantum mechanics.

The theory of measurement and uncertainty is integral in various fields, ensuring accurate
interpretation and communication of measurement results for informed decision-making processes.


1. We estimated the dimensions of the rectangular block. Before we took the actual measurements

2. We Measured the dimensions of the rectangular block using the Vernier calipers and meter sticks
three times.

3. We then Estimated the diameters of the copper, one-birr coin, and aluminum cylindrical blocks.

4. We Measured the dimensions of each cylindrical block and one-birr coin using the Vernier calipers
three times.

5. We Calculated the volumes of each object (rectangular block, cylindrical blocks, and coin) by Using
the measured dimensions (length, width, height, diameter)

6. We Measured the volumes of the objects using the graduated cylinder.

7. We Estimated the masses of the copper and aluminum cylinders.

8. We Measured the mass of each cylinder using the triple beam balance three times.


To calculate the percentage error

Step1:we calculated Average value = (Sum of each measurement)/number of measurement

for the length of the rectangular block it’s average value is

(trial1+ trial2+trial3)/3

(5.8+5.7+5.9)/3 =5.8

Step2: Percentage error =( Estimated value -Average value /average value) ×100

For the length of the rectangular block it’s percentage error is.

( 5.6-5.8/5.8)×100% = -3.44%
Step3: repeating the above two steps for each measurement we calculated the percentage error.

To calculate the uncertainty for each measured value

step1: we calculated the range, Where the range is calculated as the difference between the
maximum and minimum values of the measurements.

For the Copper block: Diameter: Maximum value: 1.7 cm, Minimum value: 1.6 cm

Range: 1.7 cm – 1.6 cm = 0.1 cm

Length: Maximum value: 2.5 cm, Minimum value: 2.4 cm

Range: 2.5 cm – 2.4 cm = 0.1 cm

Step2: we then use the formula Uncertainty= (range)/2

Length Uncertainty:0.1/2 = 0.05

Diameter Uncertainty: 0.1/2= 0.05

Step3: repeating the above two steps for each measurement we calculated the uncertainty of the
measurements .

Data Table 1: Dimensions of Rectangular Block

Measurement Estimated Measured values three Average Percentage Uncertainty

of trials error

Length(cm) 5.6 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.8 -3.44 0.05

Width(cm) 2 2.4 2.2 2.3 2.23 -10.3 0.1
Thickness 1.8 1.8 1.85 1.9 1.85 -0.02 0.05
Data Table 2: Dimensions of Cylindrical Blocks

Cylinder Measurement Estimated Measured values Average Percentage Uncertainty

of value error

Copper Length 2.5 2.4 2.45 2.4 2.41 3.7 0.025

Diameter 1.7 1.6 1.65 1.6 1.63 4.3 0.025
Aluminum Length 1.9 1.9 1.95 2 1.95 -2.6 0.05
Diameter 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.6 0.61 -1.6 0.05
Hollow Length 1.7 1.9 1.93 2 1.93 -11.9 0.055
Diameter 2.5 2.5 2.41 2.45 2.41 3.7 0.025
Data Table 3: Dimensions of 1-Birr Coin

Measurement Estimated Measured values(3 trials Average Percentage Uncertainty

of value error

Thickness 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.15 0.13 -0.9 0.025

Diameter 2.5 2.4 2.45 2.4 2.42 1.5 0.025
Data Table 4: Volume Measurements and Calculations
Object Length/heigh Width/diameter(c Thicknes Calculate Measure Percentag
t (cm) m) s d value d value e error
Rectangula 5.7 2.2 1 12.54 13 -3.5
r block
Copper 2.4 1.6 4.8 5 -4
Aluminum 1.9 0.6 0.53 0.6 -11.6
1-Birr Coin 2.4 0.42 1.08 1 8
Hollow 2 2.45 2.1 10.3 9 14
For the Rectangular Block: Length: 5.7 cm, Width: 2.2 cm, Thickness: 1 cm

Calculated volume: height×width×thickness=12.54cm³, Measured volume: 13 cm³

Percentage error: (Calculated-Measured/measured)× 100% = (12.54-13)×100% = -3.5%)

Copper Cylinder: Diameter: 1.6cm , radius: Diameter/2=0.8

Calculated Volume=πr2h. 3.14×0.8×0.8×2.4=4.8

Percentage error: (Calculated-Measured/measured)× 100% =(4.48-5/5)×100=-4

By repeating the same calculations to each object we filled the above table

Data Table 5: Mass Measurements/Density calculations.

Object Estimate Measured value Averag Percentag Uncertaint Volum Densit

d value e e error y e y
Copper 14.4
cylinder 73 71 70 72 72 1.38% 1 5
Aluminu 4.1 4.3 4. 4.6 4.46 -8.07 0.15 0.6 7.43
m 5
Hollow 25 22. 22 22. 22.26 10.6 0.1 9 2.47
cylinder 5 3
For the above table we calculated Density of each cylinder by Using the formula

Density=average mass/measured volume

Result and discussion

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