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Augmented Reality and edtech are two of the most important worldwide

trends nowadays. Both are growing fast and still have a long way to go, but
today we are talking about how they can work together and the benefits they
can bring to the table.

Individualized learning

In traditional education, the initial problem of lack of time and individual

teaching resources for every student in the classroom. The Necessary
information and tools are provided to teachers to every student which enable
students to understand what needs more help and what is done for best


Augmented reality create an attractive and more visual environment for the
classrooms and its contents. It not interested what are the part a Human heart,
instead of it Working of live heart via AR is more interesting.


for Both schools and learner’s money is a big barrier in learning. The
Educational Inequalities gap can be filled by augmented reality. It making no
difference between students by converting content assessable for everyone in

Wide variety of fields

In Mostly All kinds of fields and Different levels of knowledge augmented

reality is used. When skill training come in true, it enhances the benefits to
maximum level. Real Physical devices can be used for saving costs and
eliminating risks in perfect mixture between reality and virtual reality.

6. Developing student’s creativity and curiosity

Students always bring different points of view to the classroom and each of
them will have a different perspective about what they are learning. With
Augmented Reality they are able to explore and learn more about what they
find interesting. Creativity and curiosity would definitely be fostered, and AR is
the perfect way to get your students’ imagination flying.

 Motivation – It has been proved by to several researchers “students and

trainees can strengthen their motivation for learning and enhance their
educational realism-based practices with virtual and Augmented Reality
(AR)”. According to some other authors, “AR has the potential to have
learners more engaged and motivated in discovering resources and
applying them to the real world from a variety of diverse perspectives
that have never been implemented in the real world”.

 Foster Intellectual Curiosity and Teamwork – New technologies are

critical in the digital era and a real passion for most of students.
Traditional educational models are outdated, now AR and other
technologies enables students to lead their own learning and teachers
can improve students’ stimulation and make them be willing to discover
more and to think critically about the world around them. With AR
technology, teachers and students can collaborate by interacting with
each other for some issues on shapes or arrangements.

 Higher retention – AR enables students to experience a different

learning cycle that will make them retain more knowledge longer. Just
scanning with mobile devices, students can access augmented models
representing anything from a part of the human anatomy to a molecule
(augmented biology) to a famous monument. To complete the
mentioned cycle, they can access websites directly from the Augment’s
app and receive more information in an easy and visual way.

 Manual Skills Training – According to some studies, Augmented Reality

(AR) points out to be a good technology for training in the field of
maintenance and assembly, as instructions or rather location-dependent
information can be directly linked and/or attached to physical objects.
Another advantage is that AR-based training takes place with the real
physical devices of the training scenario. Thus, the trainee also practices
the real use of the tools whereby the corresponding sensorimotor skills
are trained.

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