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 UV means?

- Unmanned Vehicle In relation to robotics and autonomous

 There are two UV design works that can be used for environmental monitoring. -
Which is the first Vasilijevic
 There are two UV design works that can be used for environmental monitoring. -
Which is the second Lindemuth
 In regard to controlling systems for unmanned surface vehicles, Fossen and
Strand group presented the theory and experimental results for - controlling
sliding, both on surge and lateral tracking
 UNCTAD stands for - United Nations Conference on trade and development
 Group Asokan, Neimi and Sarela developed a methodology for security validation
on RFID - Fernandez carames
 Silicon is excluding the top commodities that accounted for - 50% of
the growth in global commerce in 2017
 AIS - stands for Automatic Identification Systems
 CMDS is an acronym for - Common Maritime Data Structure
 Year 2012 is - Chi-Tsun Cheng et al. proposed a genetic algorithm
 Annex VI of MARPOL regulation annexes address ship air
 Eighty percentage is the global trade does the shipping sector
 Profiles of trends, drivers and barriers forces will shape
shipping’s future, to reach the sustainability ambitions
 According to the current situation,5000 tons per year Average
2010 – 2012 is the average tons of oil leaks occur each year
 From the current status 900 ship accident fatalities per year
Average 2003 – 2012 is the average Lives lost at sea
 900 million tons per year carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted into the
earth's atmosphere annually in tons
 Three per cent per year percent of the global economy is
expected to rise on average by 2050
 Coconut oil does not belong in the category of fossil fuels
 The maritime industry's three main sustainability challenges
 GHG stands Greenhouse Gas in relation to gas emissions

 MARPOL Annex IV Are Covered by the MARPOL Regulation's the

discharge of sewage into the sea
 Three Nautical miles distance from the shoreline is the ship's
treated gray water permitted to discharge
 Twelve Nautical miles distance from the shoreline is the ship's
treated black water permitted to discharge
 To regulate the disposal of Garbage at sea is not correct of
MARPOL Annex IV's objectives
 70 percent of global freshwater resources. Does the agriculture
 Climate change will affect the availability of food, Water and
 Air pollution will become the world’s top environmental cause of
premature mortality
 Advanced Materials and Artificial Intelligence the two technology
categories that will impact upon energy efficient
 Northern hemisphere is the Arctic located
 Southern hemisphere is the Antarctic located
 Counterclockwise is the typhoon in the Northern hemisphere
 Clockwise is the typhoon in the Southern hemisphere moving
 The three main types of fossil fuels. Coal, Petroleum and Natural
 Coal fossil fuel is formed from the remains of plants that lived
millions of years ago
 Petroleum fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of marine
organisms that lived million years ago.-
 Natural Gas is a gaseous fossil fuel that is formed from the
remains of plants and animals that lived million years ago
 Provide recommendations to alter heading and speed is the
function of Sea Traffic Control (STC).
 Right information will be given if the Navigational Bridge is
built with the newest technology
 Model-Based Systems Engineering is the acronym MBSE mean in
the enabling technologies
 VHF transceiver is a Satellite and communication technology
required to a ship trading in the Area 1

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