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How to grow Asplenium Nidus


What is Asplenium Nidus?

Asplenium Nidus, also known as the bird's nest fern, is a succulent that belongs to the Aspleniaceae
family. Asplenium Nidus is a single-color plant. The color of the succulent is light green. This
succulent has a larger size than most succulents. Usually, most succulents do not require large pots;
Asplenium Nidus requires a large pot. The average size of this succulent is almost 3-5 ft tall and 2-3 ft
wide. The plant leaves spread wide out, giving it a bulkier look. The plant is native to Hawaii and the
Pacific Basin. Many people like to grow this succulent in their gardens as it is quite easy to look after
it. Let us look into the details as to what requirements one should fulfill to grow Asplenium Nidus.

Care for Asplenium Nidus

Like most succulents, Asplenium Nidus has certain essentials that must be taken care of. The
requirements range from sunlight to the prevention of different plant diseases. Below are the details
of the different requirements for growing an Asplenium Nidus.


Asplenium Nidus, also known as the bird’s nest ferns, do not require a lot of bright sunlight. Like
most succulents, the best amount of sunlight needed by this succulent is light to moderate. Many
succulent owners face the problem of burnt leaves and dead plants. This is because they constantly
keep their plants out in bright sunlight, which causes the plant to die. The best option is to monitor
your plant's sunlight period. For perfect growth, one should keep the plant outside for just 2-3 hours
a day at max. Afterward, you can keep your succulent in a shady area. Although this method is quite
successful, the best option would be to keep the plant in a semi-shaded area where it would get its
required sunlight and remain safe from strong light.


Asplenium Nidus is not so different than the other succulents. Like other succulents require soil that
is well draining and rich in nutrients, Asplenium Nidus also requires the same. By well-draining soil, I
mean that water shouldn't remain on the soil, or else the plant might face the issue of root rot, etc.
The best soil doesn't exist, but you might want to consider a peat-based pot mix as it has proven

Asplenium Nidus is a succulent that requires an adequate amount of water. Water isn't the favorite
ingredient of this succulent, as excess water can completely damage the plant's condition. Over-
watering would lead to soggy soil and eventually cause the root to rot. The best way to water your
Asplenium Nidus is that you should water the plant only when it dries up. When you see the soil
drying, only you should water it. Overwatering your succulent would result in the water blocking all
the soil pores, eliminating the air from going into the roots and eventually killing your plant.

Temperature And Humidity

Asplenium Nidus is a succulent that thrives in temperatures between 60 degrees and 80 degrees
Fahrenheit. Usually, this succulent survives in warm or slightly cold temperatures; extreme weather
conditions would kill this plant. If you’re living in an area where temperatures are quite high or quite
low, you might consider keeping your plant indoors most of the time. This measure is important as
the plant must be kept in an environment where it can thrive properly. The plant might die due to
extreme weather conditions if not cared for.

Asplenium Nidus requires high humidity and moist environments. In places where you think the
environment is less humid, you can always use a humidifier that enhances your plant's growing
conditions. Or, if you think a humidifier will cost you more, you can use pebbles and water as an
alternative. Using pebbles and water underneath the soil can increase the humidity level and make
your plant happy!!


Although like most succulents, Asplenium Nidus doesn't require fertilizer, using one won't harm your
plant. The best time to use a fertilizer would be during your plant's growing period when it isn't
dormant. The growing period is usually from spring to summer. The best kind of fertilizer would be a
diluted one.


This is the single most hard part of growing an Asplenium Nidus. It is a bit tricky to propagate this
succulent. This plant is to be propagated through spores, which are fuzzy brown-colored spots under
the fronds. The best time to propagate would be when these spores turn fuzzy.

Pests and Plant diseases

Pests Diseases
There aren't any serious pests that target the Asplenium Nidus. However, common household pests
can attack your attractive green succulent. The best way to get rid of such pests would be to use
natural insecticidal soaps that don't harm the succulent's leaves.

Plant Diseases

Plant diseases found in this succulent are common in every other plant. These include root rot,
leaves turning yellow, and browning tips. Just don't water your plant that much to avoid these
problems and avoid extreme direct sunlight.

Until now, you must know the different requirements you need to take care of before deciding on
growing an Asplenium Nidus at your home. I hope you find this information useful. Happy

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