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Sriram 1

Manish Sriram

Mrs. Ginger McClendon

Prosper Career Independent Study

17 February 2024

EOL #4: TedTalk - "Knowledge Management and Innovation" by Dr. Kondal Reddy

The TED Talk, "Knowledge Management and Innovation" by Dr. Kondal Reddy

Kandadi, addresses how knowledge management and innovation share important insights about

how people work together, organize processes, and set up systems that can foster creative ideas.

As someone studying Management Information Systems (MIS), these lessons are quite relevant

and offer interesting advice for promoting innovation in this growing field.

The speaker, Dr. Kondal Reddy Kandadi, began by elaborating deeply on culture in the

workplace. For MIS, where teamwork and solving problems are important, having a work culture

that encourages sharing ideas and working flexibly is key. Dr. Kondal also points out that

innovation in MIS isn't just about making new products but also finding better ways to solve


Developing effective methods and processes is another crucial aspect. Dr. Kondal

emphasizes the significance of learning from both successful and unsuccessful moments. This

holds particular relevance to MIS, as in the field, establishing procedures that aid the exchange

of experiences, whether they are victories or setbacks, contribute to gradual improvement in the


Throughout the speech, Dr. Kondal emphasized certain words, one being "Infrastructure.

He brought this word up often and defined it as “the tools and environments utilized in our work

for maximum output”. In MIS, it extends beyond technology to cover the physical spaces where
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tasks are carried out. Additionally, According to Dr. Kondal technology functions as a valuable

tool rather than a dominant force. While technological tools are indispensable, the existence of

informal spaces, such as areas for casual conversations like water cooler discussions, is essential

for knowledge sharing.

Finally, Dr. Kondal restated the incredible importance of individuals in driving

innovation, even in technology-intensive fields like MIS. He emphasizes that computers and

robots, although key to operations, lack decision-making capabilities; the key decision-makers

are humans. This aligns with the essence of MIS, which revolves around collaborative human

efforts to create effective solutions to challenges.

In conclusion, the TED Talk provides useful tips for encouraging innovation in MIS. It

encourages us to create a workplace that values sharing ideas, sets up effective ways to learn

from experiences, sees technology as a helpful tool, and, most importantly, acknowledges that

people are crucial for innovation. These lessons will guide me as I start my MIS career, helping

me build a workplace that supports teamwork, effective processes, and smart use of technology

to drive innovation.
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Works Cited


TEDxUniversityofBolton, 23 Jan. 2018,


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