Lucas Buchaillot 1ere3

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Disco Nunu, he’s my biggest nightmare, the father of the int, when we’re speaking about

trolling we can only think about Disco Nunu. All Against Game Inters is my project. « int »
is a term many used in video games especially LoL(League of Legends), that’s the
abbreviation of intentional feeding. And in the context “int” mean that a player dies too
many times or he puts himself in a situation he can’t survive on purpose. And obviously
harming the entire team. Feeding reference to give benefits to the enemy team. This is
considered as a non-sporting practice, contrary to the ethic of the game and can also lead
to sanctions from the game’s developers. It’s important to me because when I can only
play 1 game 1 day out of two because I have too many homework and I realize one of my
teammates is inting I just wanna break my monitor. I really think that a lot of player like me
are getting trolled and can’t rank up. And today, I promise, I will find solutions.

Let’s begin by quote a certain Tylas on the site”I have crazy team
difference, 90% of the time the assassin of mine stinks of its mother or the solo player int
at a loss, I have the feeling that the enemy team is always better than my teammates”.He
says that 2 in a team of 5 have inted and that’s for sure a loss, he gets answer by
someone “this game is falsify, we gotta find alternatives”. Many other player answered
“algo” for the algorithm of League of Legends, for example when we have at least 1 inter
every 2 games we said “loserQ” and the algorithm was blamed. To counter that, tons of
account were bought by players and hope to be in a “winnerQ” where your teammates are
clearly not inting and finally have great teammates but an account can reach a price at
$350 for a fact 30% of the players are stuck in a very bad rank, and I don’t know if you
realize but that’s about 30 million people. In the same site as earlier Socrate113 says “the
ultime attack of Bard is the most amazing competence when I want to int” we can imagine
that he’s a little kid who can’t understand shit at life and Gotha answered “I grow and I
learn to make something else than spend 30 minutes of my life to int a random game, it
works 100% of the time” here Socrate gets humbled by a grown up player. But if the kids
are making fun to int a game it’s because of a cult, I mean like I’ve said in my intro Disco
Nunu is a champion with a disco skin, he IS the one who created the term int, when we
see a disco Nunu on our team the game will be losed because he’s going to throw the
game away. And the worst is that people were his supporters for a very very very long time
and now on social media it became fun to int game to make some views with some of the
worst champions on the game. But if I go further than this reason and I imagine the worst,
it could be because of a superiority complex I mean he thinks he’s better than everybody
but can’t rank up so he gotta int the game so that no one win. Another reason can be
workable, maybe that’s because of friend, if someone is always inting and he plays with
his friend. He could be influenced and also int the game and from there this is a vicious
circle. But some resist, for example my friend Alexandre loves to int game and I play with
him a lot, but I resist. So I will change a little bit my project: All Against Alexandre

To end this speech I will explain to you my multiple solutions. First, let’s begin by the most
simple one but not the freer, buy a new account. And if we go to the root of the problem,
Riot Game who is the company who developed LoL has to change the algorithm and make
sure inters are playing together so that everybody run down the game of the others. The
sanctions of inting have got to be impactful for instance a six months of ban and if he does
int again we could ban him a whole year and detect if the inter is creating a second
account to sanction both. Inter gotta realize this isn’t a five years old game like fortnite or
valorant where you can int, scream in the vocal chat but this could take years to make a
kid grown-up and there’s nothing to do about it. And in the worst case, get a psychologist
to treat a potential superiority complex. But the ultimate solution, the one which will counter
all those inters is… uninstall the game. If you were in my position what will you do ?
Thanks for listening to a desperate and innocent little player like me who just wanna rank
up normally like everybody does. But don’t forget anyway [write on board All ]All
Against Alexandre. Against

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