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Job Interviews

Objective & Method

Job Interview: Objectives

Are you fit for the

Can you do the Job?

Will you do the job?

Job Interview: Objectives

Are you fit for the

Can you do the Job?

Type of Question: Traditional

Will you do the job?
Target: your education;
experience; skills, etc.
Job Interview: Objectives

Are you fit for the

Can you do the Job?
Will you do the job? Company?
[Attitude] [Personality]

Type of Question: Behavioral

Target: Your Motivation; Team-spirit; Problem Solving;
Learning from mistakes.
Sample Question: Traditional

• Tell me about yourself

• What is your greatest strength? Weakness?

• Why did you choose to interview with us?

• What are your short and long term career

Sample Question: Behavioral
• Describe a time you had to make a difficult decision.

• Tell me about a time you worked under a deadline.

• What do you do when a team member is not

performing well?

• Think about a time you made a mistake. What did

you learn from it?
Types of Interviews

Based on Nature
Based on Mode
of Interaction

Interviews Online • Traditional
interviews Interview
Eg.: • Case Interview
HR interview; Eg.: Over Skype; • Stress Interview
Panel interview; Phone
Group Interview
Methods of Preparation
Preparing for interviews

Before After

Before the Interview
1. Research:
ü The company—its product / service line; its market
position; recent projects
ü The position you are applying for—its responsibilities
2. Think: How this job fits your career goals
3. Adjust: Your resume should have the most
relevant skills for the job on top.
4. Have proof: Documents and stories proving your skills.
Eg.: Leadership skills –Class representative
Communication skills – Given presentations
During the Interview
1. Have control over your non-verbal codes. This includes:
ü Dressing formally
ü Arriving in time
ü Proper sitting & walking postures
ü Eye contact
ü Confident voice

2. Follow social etiquettes of interaction.

Eg.: Handshake; greetings; seeking permission to enter

3. Presence of mind: how you are being tested.

Think how each question relates to your fitness for the job.
After the Interview

• Send a ‘Thank you’ email to the HR for the

interview experience.

• Follow up for results after a week.

Don’ts for an interview
• Don’t ask about Salary / perks
• Don’t ask about information that is already given on
company website
• Don’t appear rushed. Adjust your get-up before
walking into the interview room.
• Don’t behave arrogantly to any person in the venue.

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