"Agree To Disagree" Explanation, Justification, Persuasion

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What role do you think that
reasoning plays when it Use chat GPT or Google Bard

comes to arguments and during tests

1. To cancel class

To use your phones during class

How do you think that
Bhuvan convinces the
villagers to put together
a team for the cricket
refers to persuasion
refers to based on the
persuasion based credibility or
on emotion authority of the


refers to
persuasion based
on logic or

Aristotle’s view on persuation

This is exactly what Bhuvan did!
Persuasion is the process of influencing or convincing
someone to adopt a particular belief, attitude, or
behavior. It is a skill that can be used in various aspects
of life, including personal relationships, business,
marketing, politics, and more.

Effective persuasion involves the use of communication

techniques and strategies to appeal to the emotions,
logic, and values of the person or group you are trying
to persuade.
Key principles and strategies of persuasion

Understand Your Audience: To persuade someone, you

need to know their beliefs, values, needs, and concerns.
Tailor your message to resonate with their specific interests
and perspectives.

Establish Credibility: People are more likely to be

persuaded by someone they trust and perceive as credible.
Build your credibility by demonstrating expertise, honesty,
and integrity along with the right information from the
correct sources.

Use Persuasive Language: Choose your words carefully to

create a compelling message. Emphasize benefits, highlight
positive outcomes, and minimize potential drawbacks.
Appeal to Emotions: Emotional appeals can be very
persuasive. Stories, anecdotes, and vivid language can
evoke emotions that make our argument more
memorable and convincing.

Provide Evidence: Back up your claims with solid

evidence, data, and facts. Statistics, testimonials, and
research findings from the right sources can lend
credibility to your argument. #quoraisnotlegit

Address Counterarguments: Acknowledge and refute

potential objections or counterarguments. This shows
that we considered multiple perspectives and
strengthens your position.
Create a Sense of Urgency: Encourage prompt
action by highlighting the immediate benefits
or consequences of the decision you're

Use Social Proof: People are often influenced

by what others are doing. Show examples of
how others have already accepted your
message or idea.

Be Consistent: Maintain consistency in your

message and actions. People are more likely to
be persuaded if they perceive you as reliable
and unwavering in your position.
Build Rapport: Establish a positive and respectful
relationship with our audience. People are more likely
to be persuaded by those they like and feel a
connection with.

Offer Solutions: If you're proposing a change or

advocating for a specific action, provide clear and
practical solutions to address concerns and objections
Practice Active Listening: Understand the concerns
and objections of your audience and respond
empathetically. Listening actively can help you tailor
your persuasive approach.
It's important to note that
ethical persuasion respects
the autonomy and free will of
the individuals you are trying
to persuade.

Manipulative or coercive
tactics should be avoided.
Instead, focus on presenting
a compelling argument and
allowing others to make
informed decisions based on
their own judgment.
Role play Design a campaign asking for the Kohinoor

Divide the class in two groups: CEO and

Labour union

The local Tea company of Dehradun has

decided to open a school and hospital for
its employees. However, the company has Or,
access to limited funds and land.
One solution is to get both the school and
hospital made but to give away 1/3 of the
agricultural land, the other would be to
get either the school or the hospital built.

The team CEO and team Labour union are

to convince each other of thier choice.

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