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Childhood Vaccination Schedule

Ref. EPI Vaccine Guidelines April 2009

How and where is it

Age of Child Vaccines needed
• BCG Bacilles Calmette Guerin • Right arm
At Birth • OPV (0) Oral Polio Vaccine • Drops by mouth

• OPV (1) Oral Polio Vaccine • Drops by mouth

• RV (1) Rotavirus Vaccine • Liquid by mouth
• DTaP-IPV//Hib (1) Diptheria, Tetanus, Acellular • Intramuscular/Left thigh
6 weeks Pertussis, Inactivated Polio Vaccine and
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B combined
• Hep B (1) Hepatitus B Vaccine • Intramuscular/Right thigh
• PCV7 (1) Pneumoccal Conjugated Vaccine • Intramuscular/Right thigh

• DTaP-IPV//Hib (2) Diptheria, Tetanus, Acellular • Intramuscular/Left thigh

Pertussis, Inactivated Polio Vaccine and
10 weeks Haemophilus Influenzae Type B combined
• Hep B (2) Hepatitus B Vaccine • Intramuscular/Right thigh

• RV (2) Rotavirus Vaccine* • Liquid by mouth

• DTaP-IPV//Hib (3) Diptheria, Tetanus, Acellular • Intramuscular/Left thigh
Pertussis, Inactivated Polio Vaccine and
14 weeks Haemophilus Influenzae Type B combined
• Hep B (3) Hepatitus B Vaccine • Intramuscular/Right thigh
• PCV7 (2) Pneumoccal Conjugated Vaccine • Intramuscular/Right thigh

• Measles Vaccine (1) • Intramuscular/Left thigh

9 months • PCV7 (3) Pneumoccal Conjugated Vaccine • Intramuscular/Right thigh

• DTaP-IPV//Hib (4) Diptheria, Tetanus, Acellular • Intramuscular/Left arm

Pertussis, Inactivated Polio Vaccine and
18 months Haemophilus Influenzae Type B combined
• Measles Vaccine (2) • Intramuscular/Right arm

6 years • Td Vaccine Tetanus and reduced strength of • Intramuscular/Left arm

(Both boys and girls) Diptheria Vaccine

12 years • Td Vaccine Tetanus and reduced strength of • Intramuscular/Left arm

(Both boys and girls) Diptheria Vaccine

*The Rotavirus vaccine should NOT be administered after 24 weeks (6 months)

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