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Important Note - Week 1

Kindly note the following points before proceeding to the weekly content for a better learning

1. The notebook LinearRegression_HandsOn.ipynb available in Week 1 - Lecture Video

Materials and used by the faculty in the hands-on videos of the week has been updated to add
additional commentary and explanations to better describe the Python functions used in
them. It is highly recommended to keep the notebook open while consuming these videos in
order to get better clarity on the working of the Python functions.



Week 1 - Lecture Video Materials

The following materials are highly recommended to be downloaded as these files are used in the
hands-on lecture videos so that you can work simultaneously with the faculty while watching the
video content.

Hands-on Notebook - Linear Regression:


The hands-on notebook is the same notebook that the faculty have used while teaching the
concepts in the hands-on lecture videos. By downloading this notebook, you can work along with
the faculty through the video content.

Dataset used in the hands-on lecture video:


The above dataset is used in the hands-on notebook that is used in the video 1.9 Linear
Regression Hands-on by the faculty.

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