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Manage Worksheets and Workbooks Manage Data Cells and Ranges

1.1 Import data into workbooks 2.1 Manipulate data in worksheets

1.1.1 Import data from .txt files 2.1.1 Paste data by using special paste options

1.1.2 Import data from .csv files 2.1.2 Fill cells by using Auto Fill

1.2 Navigate within workbooks 2.1.3 Insert and delete multiple columns or rows

1.2.1 Search for data within a workbook 2.1.4 Insert and delete cells

1.2.2 Navigate to named cells, ranges, or workbook

2.2 Formatelements
cells and ranges

1.2.3 Insert and remove hyperlinks 2.2.1 Merge and unmerge cells

1.3 Format worksheets and workbooks 2.2.2 Modify cell alignment, orientation, and indentation

1.3.1 Modify page setup 2.2.3 Format cells by using Format Painter

1.3.2 Adjust row height and column width 2.2.4 Wrap text within cells

1.3.3 Customize headers and footers 2.2.5 Apply number formats

1.4 Customize options and views 2.2.6 Apply cell formats from the Format Cells dialog box

1.4.1 Customize the Quick Access toolbar 2.2.7 Apply cell styles

1.4.2 Display and modify workbook content2.2.8

in different
Clear cell

1.4.3 Freeze worksheet rows and columns 2.3 Define and reference named
1.4.4 Change window views 2.3.1 Define a named range
1.4.5 Modify basic workbook properties 2.3.2 Name a table
1.4.6 Display formulas 2.4 Summarize data visually

1.5 Configure content for collaboration 2.4.1 Insert Sparklines

1.5.1 Set a print area 2.4.2 Apply built-in conditional formatting

1.5.2 Save workbooks in alternative file formats

2.4.3 Remove conditional formatting
1.5.3 Configure print settings
1.5.4 Inspect workbooks for issues

Manage Tables and Table Data Perform Operations by using Formulas and Functions

3.1 Create and format tables 4.1 Insert references

3.1.1 Create Excel tables from cell ranges

4.1.1 Insert relative, absolute, and mixed references

3.1.2 Apply table styles 4.1.2 Reference named ranges and named tables in formulas

3.1.3 Convert tables to cell ranges 4.2 Calculate and transform data

3.2 Modify tables 4.2.1 Perform calculations by using the AVERAGE(), MAX(), MIN(), and SUM() function

3.2.1 Add or remove table rows and columns

4.2.2 Count cells by using the COUNT(), COUNTA(), and COUNTBLANK() functions

3.2.2 Configure table style options 4.2.3 Perform conditional operations by using the IF() function

3.2.3 Insert and configure total rows 4.3 Format and modify text

3.3 Filter and sort table data 4.3.1 Format text by using RIGHT(), LEFT(), and MID() functions

3.3.1 Filter records 4.3.2 Format text by using UPPER(), LOWER(), and LEN() functions

3.3.2 Sort data by multiple columns 4.3.3 Format text by using the CONCAT() and TEXTJOIN() functions
Manage Charts

5.1 Create charts

5.1.1 Create charts

5.1.2 Create chart sheets

5.2 Modify charts

5.2.1 Add data series to charts

5.2.2 Switch between rows and columns in source data

5.2.3 Add and modify chart elements

5.3 Format charts

5.3.1 Apply chart layouts

5.3.2 Apply chart styles

5.3.3 Add alternative text to charts for accessibility

Account Name January February March April Monthly Average
Contoso Pharmaceutical 25400 62200 11800 18100
Humongous Insurance 57900 38200 29300 68400
Trey Research 65100 71800 77300 36600
Alpine Ski House 41300 60900 73100 64200
Blue Yonder Airline 61700 14900 48300 75800
Margie's Travel 12100 54500 59400 24000
At cell A3, import the data from the Subtitutes text file in the Documents folder. Use the first row of the data source as he

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6

Account Name Code January February March April
Contoso Pharmaceutical $25.400,00 $62.200,00 $11.800,00 $18.100,00
Humongous Insurance $57.900,00 $38.200,00 $29.300,00 $68.400,00
Trey Research $65.100,00 $71.800,00 $77.300,00 $36.600,00
Alpine Ski House $41.300,00 $60.900,00 $73.100,00 $64.200,00
Blue Yonder Airline $61.700,00 $14.900,00 $48.300,00 $75.800,00
Margie's Travel $12.100,00 $54.500,00 $59.400,00 $24.000,00
Graphic Design Institute $50.100,00 $54.700,00 $27.800,00 $21.400,00
School of Fine Art $58.100,00 $23.900,00 $55.000,00 $32.400,00
Bellows College $3.500,00 $25.100,00 $5.400,00 $73.200,00
Use the first row of the data source as headers. Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Monthly Average
You work for Woodgrove Bank, you are preparing information for a meeting. Navigate to the word "Blue" and replace with "G

Woodgrove Bank
Account Name Code January February March
Contoso Pharmaceutical $ 25,400.00 $ 62,200.00 $ 11,800.00
Humongous Insurance $ 57,900.00 $ 38,200.00 $ 29,300.00
Trey Research $ 65,100.00 $ 71,800.00 $ 77,300.00
Alpine Ski House $ 41,300.00 $ 60,900.00 $ 73,100.00
Green Yonder Airline $ 61,700.00 $ 14,900.00 $ 48,300.00
Margie's Travel $ 12,100.00 $ 54,500.00 $ 59,400.00
Graphic Design Institute $ 50,100.00 $ 54,700.00 $ 27,800.00
School of Fine Art $ 58,100.00 $ 23,900.00 $ 55,000.00
Bellows College $ 3,500.00 $ 25,100.00 $ 5,400.00
word "Blue" and replace with "Green" Kembali ke Daftar Isi

April Monthly Average

$ 18,100.00
$ 68,400.00
$ 36,600.00
$ 64,200.00
$ 75,800.00
$ 24,000.00
$ 21,400.00
$ 32,400.00
$ 73,200.00
You work for Woodgrove Bank, you are preparing information for a meeting. Navigate to the range named "Education" and de

Woodgrove Bank
Account Name Code January February March April
Contoso Pharmaceutical $ 25,400.00 $ 62,200.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 18,100.00
Humongous Insurance $ 57,900.00 $ 38,200.00 $ 29,300.00 $ 68,400.00
Trey Research $ 65,100.00 $ 71,800.00 $ 77,300.00 $ 36,600.00
Alpine Ski House $ 41,300.00 $ 60,900.00 $ 73,100.00 $ 64,200.00
Blue Yonder Airline $ 61,700.00 $ 14,900.00 $ 48,300.00 $ 75,800.00
Margie's Travel $ 12,100.00 $ 54,500.00 $ 59,400.00 $ 24,000.00
ange named "Education" and delete the contents of the selected cells Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Monthly Average
At NOD Publishers you are preparing a workbook for the company's annual review. In cell A3, insert a hyperlink to "http://ww
"Company Websites"
Annual Sales Summary
Country or Region Last Year Current Year
United Kingdom $ 10,562,525 $ 12,321,994
France $ 6,335,752 $ 4,983,672
China $ 8,992,570 $ 6,851,693
Germany $ 8,987,835 $ 8,551,102
Australia $ 9,520,485 $ 10,093,539
Italy $ 3,348,134 $ 3,581,635
Spain $ 9,426,070 $ 8,772,250

Last Year
United France China Germany Australia Italy Spain

Last Year
a hyperlink to "" with a ScreenTip that displays
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
You work for Woodgrove Bank, you are preparing information for a meeting. Configure the table into 2 pages with the
second page start with Blue Yonder Airline account name.

Woodgrove Bank
Account Name Code January February March April Monthly Average
Contoso Pharmaceutical $ 25,400.00 $ 62,200.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 18,100.00
Humongous Insurance $ 57,900.00 $ 38,200.00 $ 29,300.00 $ 68,400.00
Trey Research $ 65,100.00 $ 71,800.00 $ 77,300.00 $ 36,600.00
Alpine Ski House $ 41,300.00 $ 60,900.00 $ 73,100.00 $ 64,200.00
Account Name Code January February March April Monthly Average
Blue Yonder Airline $ 61,700.00 $ 14,900.00 $ 48,300.00 $ 75,800.00
Margie's Travel $ 12,100.00 $ 54,500.00 $ 59,400.00 $ 24,000.00
Graphic Design Institute $ 50,100.00 $ 54,700.00 $ 27,800.00 $ 21,400.00
School of Fine Art $ 58,100.00 $ 23,900.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 32,400.00
Bellows College $ 3,500.00 $ 25,100.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 73,200.00
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
You work for Woodgrove Bank, you are preparing information for a meeting. Set the table row height at 20

Woodgrove Bank
Account Name Code January February March April
Contoso Pharmaceutical $ 25,400.00 $ 62,200.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 18,100.00
Humongous Insurance $ 57,900.00 $ 38,200.00 $ 29,300.00 $ 68,400.00
Trey Research $ 65,100.00 $ 71,800.00 $ 77,300.00 $ 36,600.00
Alpine Ski House $ 41,300.00 $ 60,900.00 $ 73,100.00 $ 64,200.00
Blue Yonder Airline $ 61,700.00 $ 14,900.00 $ 48,300.00 $ 75,800.00
Margie's Travel $ 12,100.00 $ 54,500.00 $ 59,400.00 $ 24,000.00
Graphic Design Institute $ 50,100.00 $ 54,700.00 $ 27,800.00 $ 21,400.00
School of Fine Art $ 58,100.00 $ 23,900.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 32,400.00
Bellows College $ 3,500.00 $ 25,100.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 73,200.00
height at 20 Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Monthly Average
02/29/2024 23 731161800.xlsx

You work for Woodgrove Bank, you are preparing information for a meeting. Set the header :
left (current date); center (page number), and right (file name)

Woodgrove Bank
Account Name Code January February March April
Contoso Pharmaceutical $ 25,400.00 $ 62,200.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 18,100.00
Humongous Insurance $ 57,900.00 $ 38,200.00 $ 29,300.00 $ 68,400.00
Trey Research $ 65,100.00 $ 71,800.00 $ 77,300.00 $ 36,600.00
Alpine Ski House $ 41,300.00 $ 60,900.00 $ 73,100.00 $ 64,200.00
Blue Yonder Airline $ 61,700.00 $ 14,900.00 $ 48,300.00 $ 75,800.00
Margie's Travel $ 12,100.00 $ 54,500.00 $ 59,400.00 $ 24,000.00
Graphic Design Institute $ 50,100.00 $ 54,700.00 $ 27,800.00 $ 21,400.00
School of Fine Art $ 58,100.00 $ 23,900.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 32,400.00
Bellows College $ 3,500.00 $ 25,100.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 73,200.00
02/29/2024 24 731161800.xlsx

Kembali ke Daftar Isi

You are preparing inventory data to present to your manager at Lamna Healthcare Company. Add quick print command to Qu

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White
ny. Add quick print command to Quick Access Toolbar.
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Unit Cost Quantity Current Value Projected Value

12.99 15 194.85 214.34
10.50 15 157.5 173.25
10.50 16 168 184.8
10.50 3 31.5 34.65
10.50 8 84 92.4
8.99 15 134.85 148.34
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
8.99 8 71.92 79.11
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
50.00 18 900 990
50.00 15 900 990
You are preparing inventory data to present to your manager at Lamna Healthcare Company. Use the split feature to display t

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White
ny. Use the split feature to display the first column and the last column
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Unit Cost Quantity Current Value Projected Value

12.99 15 194.85 214.34
10.50 15 157.5 173.25
10.50 16 168 184.8
10.50 3 31.5 34.65
10.50 8 84 92.4
8.99 15 134.85 148.34
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
8.99 8 71.92 79.11
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
50.00 18 900 990
50.00 15 900 990
You are preparing inventory data to present to your manager at Lamna Healthcare Company. On the table freeze rows 3 and 4
always remain visible while scroling.

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White
ny. On the table freeze rows 3 and 4 so the title and column headings
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Unit Cost Quantity Current Value Projected Value

12.99 15 194.85 214.34
10.50 15 157.5 173.25
10.50 16 168 184.8
10.50 3 31.5 34.65
10.50 8 84 92.4
8.99 15 134.85 148.34
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
8.99 8 71.92 79.11
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
50.00 18 900 990
50.00 15 900 990
You are preparing inventory data to present to your manager at Lamna Healthcare Company. Create two new blank workbook

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White
ny. Create two new blank workbooks and display all workbooks vertically.
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Unit Cost Quantity Current Value Projected Value

12.99 15 194.85 214.34
10.50 15 157.5 173.25
10.50 16 168 184.8
10.50 3 31.5 34.65
10.50 8 84 92.4
8.99 15 134.85 148.34
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
8.99 8 71.92 79.11
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
50.00 18 900 990
50.00 15 900 990
You are preparing inventory data to present to your manager at Lamna Healthcare Company. Add tag "Product" to the docum

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White
ny. Add tag "Product" to the document properties.
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Unit Cost Quantity Current Value Projected Value

12.99 15 194.85 214.34
10.50 15 157.5 173.25
10.50 16 168 184.8
10.50 3 31.5 34.65
10.50 8 84 92.4
8.99 15 134.85 148.34
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
8.99 8 71.92 79.11
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
50.00 18 900 990
50.00 15 900 990
You are preparing inventory data to present to your manager at Lamna Healthcare Company. Show all formula that use in the

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White
ny. Show all formula that use in the table. Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Unit Cost Quantity Current Value

12.99 15 194.85
10.50 15 157.5
10.50 16 168
10.50 3 31.5
10.50 8 84
8.99 15 134.85
8.99 20 179.8
8.99 8 71.92
8.99 20 179.8
50.00 18 900
50.00 15 750
Client ID Policy Number Renewal Date Years as Member Policy Type Discount
47232 MP-290856 1-Feb-23 5
49525 BP-278391 4-Feb-23 4
88699 SP-782952 7-Feb-23 6
78338 AC-834341 10-Feb-23 2
26205 ND-204943 13-Feb-23 2
26753 DF-852001 16-Feb-23 4
91038 GT-482959 19-Feb-23 3
20482 MP-506424 22-Feb-23 5
97884 BP-138323 25-Feb-23 6
43768 SP-719532 28-Feb-23 4
63236 AC-673966 3-Mar-23 4
78634 ND-664300 6-Mar-23 4
45321 DF-311018 9-Mar-23 4
18525 GT-850597 12-Mar-23 2
80693 MP-410199 15-Mar-23 6
96071 BP-573926 18-Mar-23 6
15081 SP-144046 21-Mar-23 6
40810 AC-833473 24-Mar-23 3
88792 ND-858871 27-Mar-23 5
98773 DF-533336 30-Mar-23 5
80412 GT-289889 2-Apr-23 2
You are updating car insurance policy renewal data for the current months. Save this workbook as comma delimited documen

Humongous Insurance
Policies Due for Renewal

Client ID Policy Number Renewal Date Years as Member Policy Type Discount
47232 MP-290856 1-Feb-23 5
49525 BP-278391 4-Feb-23 4
88699 SP-782952 7-Feb-23 6
78338 AC-834341 10-Feb-23 2
26205 ND-204943 13-Feb-23 2
26753 DF-852001 16-Feb-23 4
91038 GT-482959 19-Feb-23 3
20482 MP-506424 22-Feb-23 5
97884 BP-138323 25-Feb-23 6
43768 SP-719532 28-Feb-23 4
63236 AC-673966 3-Mar-23 4
78634 ND-664300 6-Mar-23 4
45321 DF-311018 9-Mar-23 4
18525 GT-850597 12-Mar-23 2
80693 MP-410199 15-Mar-23 6
96071 BP-573926 18-Mar-23 6
15081 SP-144046 21-Mar-23 6
40810 AC-833473 24-Mar-23 3
88792 ND-858871 27-Mar-23 5
98773 DF-533336 30-Mar-23 5
80412 GT-289889 2-Apr-23 2
omma delimited document tipe. Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Client ID Policy Number Renewal Date Years as Member Policy Type Discount
47232 MP-290856 1-Feb-23 5
49525 BP-278391 4-Feb-23 4
88699 SP-782952 7-Feb-23 6
78338 AC-834341 10-Feb-23 2
26205 ND-204943 13-Feb-23 2
26753 DF-852001 16-Feb-23 4
91038 GT-482959 19-Feb-23 3
20482 MP-506424 22-Feb-23 5
97884 BP-138323 25-Feb-23 6
43768 SP-719532 28-Feb-23 4
63236 AC-673966 3-Mar-23 4
78634 ND-664300 6-Mar-23 4
45321 DF-311018 9-Mar-23 4
18525 GT-850597 12-Mar-23 2
80693 MP-410199 15-Mar-23 6
96071 BP-573926 18-Mar-23 6
15081 SP-144046 21-Mar-23 6
40810 AC-833473 24-Mar-23 3
88792 ND-858871 27-Mar-23 5
98773 DF-533336 30-Mar-23 5
80412 GT-289889 2-Apr-23 2
You are updating car insurance policy renewal data for the current months. Inspect the workbook and remove all document p

Humongous Insurance
Policies Due for Renewal

Client ID Policy Number Renewal Date Years as Member Policy Type Discount
47232 MP-290856 1-Feb-23 5
49525 BP-278391 4-Feb-23 4
88699 SP-782952 7-Feb-23 6
78338 AC-834341 10-Feb-23 2
26205 ND-204943 13-Feb-23 2
26753 DF-852001 16-Feb-23 4
91038 GT-482959 19-Feb-23 3
20482 MP-506424 22-Feb-23 5
97884 BP-138323 25-Feb-23 6
43768 SP-719532 28-Feb-23 4
63236 AC-673966 3-Mar-23 4
78634 ND-664300 6-Mar-23 4
45321 DF-311018 9-Mar-23 4
18525 GT-850597 12-Mar-23 2
80693 MP-410199 15-Mar-23 6
96071 BP-573926 18-Mar-23 6
15081 SP-144046 21-Mar-23 6
40810 AC-833473 24-Mar-23 3
88792 ND-858871 27-Mar-23 5
98773 DF-533336 30-Mar-23 5
80412 GT-289889 2-Apr-23 2
nd remove all document properties. Kembali ke Daftar Isi
You are completing the grade spreadsheet for the current semester at Bellows College. Copy the Task Total column and paste

Bellows College
CS101 Micrsoft Office Application
ID Name Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6
1169815 Alexander, Sean P. 10 25 23 21 25 11
2002584 Argrow, Neketa 24 16 16 13 17 11
3009854 Barnett, Dave 12 12 11 19 13 23
1206458 Bashary, Shay 15 21 14 23 10 20
1182548 Brown, Jo 13 20 15 12 12 24
1195789 Caro, Fernando, 13 24 23 22 21 25
3018848 Casparij, Gitte, 17 22 21 13 19 15
2007894 Cheng, Yao-Qiang 21 17 24 24 22 12
Task Total column and paste the value on N6:N13
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Task 7 Task 8 Task 9 Task 10 Task Total

15 24 25 10 189
25 16 23 15 176
13 23 18 12 156
10 22 24 18 177
15 19 15 22 167
16 15 12 20 191
16 25 11 21 180
14 19 17 17 187
You are completing the grade spreadsheet for the current semester at Bellows College. Fill range M6:M13 using Autofill witho

Bellows College
CS101 Micrsoft Office Application
ID Name Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6
1169815 Alexander, Sean P. 10 25 23 21 25 11
2002584 Argrow, Neketa 24 16 16 13 17 11
3009854 Barnett, Dave 12 12 11 19 13 23
1206458 Bashary, Shay 15 21 14 23 10 20
1182548 Brown, Jo 13 20 15 12 12 24
1195789 Caro, Fernando, 13 24 23 22 21 25
3018848 Casparij, Gitte, 17 22 21 13 19 15
2007894 Cheng, Yao-Qiang 21 17 24 24 22 12
M6:M13 using Autofill without formatting.
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Task 7 Task 8 Task 9 Task 10 Task Total

15 24 25 10 189
25 16 23 15 176
13 23 18 12 156
10 22 24 18 177
15 19 15 22 167
16 15 12 20 191
16 25 11 21 180
14 19 17 17 187
You are completing the grade spreadsheet for the current semester at Bellows College. Insert "Task 8" column between "Task
9" without value for each rows.

Bellows College
CS101 Micrsoft Office Application
ID Name Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6
1169815 Alexander, Sean P. 10 25 23 21 25 11
2002584 Argrow, Neketa 24 16 16 13 17 11
3009854 Barnett, Dave 12 12 11 19 13 23
1206458 Bashary, Shay 15 21 14 23 10 20
1182548 Brown, Jo 13 20 15 12 12 24
1195789 Caro, Fernando, 13 24 23 22 21 25
3018848 Casparij, Gitte, 17 22 21 13 19 15
2007894 Cheng, Yao-Qiang 21 17 24 24 22 12
ask 8" column between "Task 7" and "Task
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Task 7 Task 9 Task 10

15 25 10
25 23 15
13 18 12
10 24 18
15 15 22
16 12 20
16 11 21
14 17 17
You are updating the sales spreadsheet for an online clothing store. Move the cells E8:F32 up to correct the alignment by dele

VanArsdel, Ltd.

Product Quote

Reference Number
Customer Name
Customer Email
Customer Telephone

SKU Product Name Line Total

TGU T-Shirt Green (Unisex) Quantity Unit Price $ 240.00
HGU Hoodie Green (Unisex) 10 $ 24.00 $ 2,400.00
TWU T-Shirt White (Unisex) 100 $ 24.00 $ 9,000.00
30 $ 300.00

$ 11,640.00
Subtotal $ 931.20
Tax $ 12,571.20
rect the alignment by deleting cells E8:F8 Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Merge cell range A3:G3 and Left-align the text.

Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color Unit Cost Quantity Current Value
Healthcare Dress HCD004 Light Green $ 16.99 8 $ 135.92
Medical Scrub Pants MST001 Black $ 9.99 8 $ 79.92
Medical Scrub Pants MST002 Blue $ 9.99 10 $ 99.90
Medical Scrub Pants MST003 Green $ 9.99 12 $ 119.88
Medical Scrub Pants MST004 White $ 10.99 14 $ 153.86
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT110 White $ 19.00 13 $ 247.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT111 Black $ 19.00 5 $ 95.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT112 Blue $ 19.00 5 $ 95.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT113 Green $ 20.00 18 $ 360.00
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Projected Value
You are analyzing insurance sales data for the first six months of the year. Change the horizontal alignment of the
"Agent" names to Left (Indent). Set the indent to 1.

New Policies

Agent January February March April May June Total Inactive Months
Berg 1 4 2 6 7
Butnaru 2 9 4 4 8
Charney 10 2 6 2
Gonzalez 8 1 1 3 10 5
laszlo 9 3 1 3
Patel 6 9 5 2 8
Song 10 6 7 4 1 5
Yu 5 6 10
Beebe 1 6 4 6 6
alignment of the
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Copy format A3:G3 to A4:G4

Lamna Healthcare
Company Product List
Product Product Code Color Unit Cost Quantity Current Value
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green 12.99 15 194.85
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black 10.50 15 157.5
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White 10.50 16 168
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green 10.50 3 31.5
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue 10.50 8 84
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue 8.99 15 134.85
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink 8.99 20 179.8
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White 8.99 8 71.92
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue 8.99 20 179.8
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White 50.00 18 900
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White 50.00 15 900
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Projected Value
On the "Grade Criteria" worksheet, in cell B30, enter a formula that sums the values in the ranges "Total1", "Total2", and "Tot
Use range names in the formula instead of cell references or values.

Bellows College
CS101 Microsoft Office Applications

Maximum Points Total Points Grade

Tasks 0 F
#1 25 600 D-
#2 25 640 D
#3 25 670 D+
#4 25 700 C-
#5 25 740 C
#6 25 770 C+
#7 25 800 B-
#8 25 840 B
#9 25 870 B+
#10 25 900 A-
Assignment 250 950 A
#1 75
#2 105
#3 125
#4 145
#1 100
#2 100
#3 100
Exam Total 300
Grand Total
otal1", "Total2", and "Total3.
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
You are completing the grade spreadsheet for the current semester at Bellows College. Copy the formatting of the title and ap
subtitle of the answer worksheet.

Bellows College
CS101 Microsoft Office Application
ID Name Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7
1169815 Alexander, Sean P. 15 20 25 25 21 15 0
2002584 Angrow, NeKeta 16 21 24 22 25 23 25
3009854 Barnett, Dave 17 22 25 24 25 23 25
1206458 Bashary, Shay 18 23 24 25 16 21 24
1182548 Brown, Jo 19 24 25 20 17 22 25
1195789 Cara, Fernanda 20 25 22 21 18 23 24
3018848 Casparij, Citto 21 19 23 21 19 24 25
2007894 Cheng, Yao-Qiang 22 20 24 22 20 25 22
2017868 Danseglio, Mike 23 21 22 20 21 19 23
2026654 Duffy, Terri Lee 24 22 23 21 22 20 24
he formatting of the title and apply it to the title and

Task 8 Task 9 Task 10 Task Total

25 25 21 192
23 20 20 219
23 21 21 226
22 25 22 220
24 23 23 222
25 21 21 220
20 18 23 213
21 23 14 213
21 23 15 208
22 23 25 226
You are completing the grade spreadsheet for the current semester at Bellows College. Copy the formatting of the title and ap
subtitle of the answer worksheet.

Bellows College
CS101 Microsoft Office Application
ID Name Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7
1169815 Alexander, Sean P. 15 20 25 25 21 15 0
2002584 Angrow, NeKeta 16 21 24 22 25 23 25
3009854 Barnett, Dave 17 22 25 24 25 23 25
1206458 Bashary, Shay 18 23 24 25 16 21 24
1182548 Brown, Jo 19 24 25 20 17 22 25
1195789 Cara, Fernanda 20 25 22 21 18 23 24
3018848 Casparij, Citto 21 19 23 21 19 24 25
2007894 Cheng, Yao-Qiang 22 20 24 22 20 25 22
2017868 Danseglio, Mike 23 21 22 20 21 19 23
2026654 Duffy, Terri Lee 24 22 23 21 22 20 24
he formatting of the title and apply it to the title and

Task 8 Task 9 Task 10 Task Total

25 25 21 192
23 20 20 219
23 21 21 226
22 25 22 220
24 23 23 222
25 21 21 220
20 18 23 213
21 23 14 213
21 23 15 208
22 23 25 226
You are compiling data about courses at Bellows College. Configure A5:F5 to automatically wrap the text.

Bellows College
Enrollment Summary
Program Enrolled
Business 55
Health & Bea 31
IT 21
Other 63

Enrollment Summary

Business Health & Beauty IT Other

y wrap the text. Kembali ke Daftar Isi
In cell B6:D11 format the cells to display the numbers to two decimal places.

Woodgrove Bank

U.S. Dollar Exchange

Currency Last Quarter Average Current Rate Predicted Rate
Euro 0.854 0.86 0.859
Pound Sterling 0.77 0.79 0.78
Yen 112.32 112.38 112.35
Dollar 7.8128 7.8212 7.815
Franc 0.9957 0.998 0.9975
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Configure left indent (1) on Product column

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color Unit Cost Quantity
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green 12.99 15
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black 10.50 15
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White 10.50 16
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green 10.50 3
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue 10.50 8
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue 8.99 15
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink 8.99 20
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White 8.99 8
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue 8.99 20
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White 50.00 18
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White 50.00 15
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Product List
Current Value Projected Value
194.85 214.34
157.5 173.25
168 184.8
31.5 34.65
84 92.4
134.85 148.34
179.8 197.78
71.92 79.11
179.8 197.78
900 990
900 990
Apply the Title style to cell A3

Inventory Prices

SKU Product N Product TyColor In Stock Max InventInventory Inventory Unit Cost Unit Price
HBKU Hoodie BlaHoodie Black 20 200 10% $ 15.00 $ 30.00
HBU Hoodie BluHoodie Blue 42 240 18% $ 15.00 $ 30.00
HGU Hoodie GreHoodie Green 24 150 16% $ 15.00 $ 30.00
HOU Hoodie OraHoodie Orange 120 150 80% $ 15.00 $ 30.00
HPU Hoodie PurHoodie Purple 80 120 67% $ 15.00 $ 30.00
HRU Hoodie RedHoodie Red 20 180 11% $ 15.00 $ 30.00
HWU Hoodie WhiHoodie White 24 300 8% $ 15.00 $ 30.00
SBKU Sweatshirt SweatshirtBlack 21 400 5% $ 12.00 $ 24.00
SBLU Sweatshirt SweatshirtBlue 201 250 80% $ 12.00 $ 24.00
SGU SweatshirtSweatshirtGreen 140 150 93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00
SOU SweatshirtSweatshirtOrange 120 140 86% $ 12.00 $ 24.00
SPU Sweatshirt SweatshirtPurple 20 80 25% $ 12.00 $ 24.00
SRU SweatshirtSweatshirtRed 140 150 93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00
SWU SweatshirtSweatshirtWhite 230 400 57% $ 12.00 $ 24.00
TBKU T-Shirt Bla T-Shirt Black 144 250 58% $ 4.35 $ 8.70
TBLU T-Shirt Blu T-Shirt Blue 250 300 83% $ 4.35 $ 8.70
TGU T-Shirt GreT-Shirt Green 24 290 8% $ 4.35 $ 8.70
TOU T-Shirt OraT-Shirt Orange 115 140 82% $ 4.35 $ 8.70
TPU T-Shirt PurT-Shirt Purple 25 250 10% $ 4.35 $ 8.70
TRU T-Shirt RedT-Shirt Red 50 400 13% $ 4.35 $ 8.70
TWU T-Shirt WhiT-Shirt White 300 450 67% $ 4.35 $ 8.70
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Tax Price with Tax

$ 30.00
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
$ 24.00
$ 24.00
$ 24.00
$ 24.00
$ 24.00
$ 24.00
$ 24.00
$ 8.70
$ 8.70
$ 8.70
$ 8.70
$ 8.70
$ 8.70
$ 8.70
Delete format the text in cell A3

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Unit Cost Quantity Current Value Projected Value

12.99 15 194.85 214.34
10.50 15 157.5 173.25
10.50 16 168 184.8
10.50 3 31.5 34.65
10.50 8 84 92.4
8.99 15 134.85 148.34
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
8.99 8 71.92 79.11
8.99 20 179.8 197.78
50.00 18 900 990
50.00 15 900 990
Name the range A5:B9 "Enrollment" Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Bellows College
Enrollment Summary
Program Enrolled
Business 55
Health & Beauty 31
IT 21
Other 63

Enrollment Summary

Business Health & Beauty IT Other

Name the table "Tasks"

Bellows College
CS101 Micrsoft Office Application
ID Name Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7
1169815 Alexander, Sean P. 10 25 23 21 25 11 15
2002584 Argrow, Neketa 24 16 16 13 17 11 25
3009854 Barnett, Dave 12 12 11 19 13 23 13
1206458 Bashary, Shay 15 21 14 23 10 20 10
1182548 Brown, Jo 13 20 15 12 12 24 15
1195789 Caro, Fernando, 13 24 23 22 21 25 16
3018848 Casparij, Gitte, 17 22 21 13 19 15 16
2007894 Cheng, Yao-Qiang 21 17 24 24 22 12 14
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Task 8 Task 9 Task 10

24 25 10
16 23 15
23 18 12
22 24 18
19 15 22
15 12 20
25 11 21
19 17 17
In cells F7:F15, insert Column sparklines to compare the last, current, and
next term values for each class period. Kembali ke Daftar Isi

School of Fine Art


Title Days Last Term Current Term Next Term Trend

Drawing I Monday 29 21 25
Wednesday 27 30 22
Drawing II Tuesday 24 28 23
Thursday 26 29 23
Tuesday 34 23 28
Painting I Monday 24 25 26
Wednesday 26 27 21
Painting II Tuesday 28 30 35
Thursday 33 22 27
In cells J6:J14, insert Win/Loss sparklines to compare the January through June values.

New Policies

Agent January February March April May June Total Trend
Berg 1 4 2 6 7
Butnaru 2 9 4 4 8
Charney 10 2 6 2
Gonzalez 8 1 1 3 10 5
laszlo 9 3 1 3
Patel 6 9 5 2 8
Song 10 6 7 4 1 5
Yu 5 6 10
Beebe 1 6 4 6 6
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Use conditional formatting to apply the 3 Traffic Lights (Unrimmed) format to the quantity column.

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color Unit Cost Quantity Current Value
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green 12.99 15 194.85
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black 10.50 15 157.5
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White 10.50 16 168
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green 10.50 3 31.5
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue 10.50 8 84
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue 8.99 15 134.85
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink 8.99 20 179.8
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White 8.99 8 71.92
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue 8.99 20 179.8
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White 50.00 18 900
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White 50.00 15 900
y column. Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Projected Value
Use conditional formatting to apply the 3 Arrows (Colored) format to the Current Value column.

Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color Unit Cost Quantity Current Value Projected Value
Healthcare Dress HCD004 Light Green $ 16.99 8 $ 135.92
Medical Scrub Pants MST001 Black $ 9.99 8 $ 79.92
Medical Scrub Pants MST002 Blue $ 9.99 10 $ 99.90
Medical Scrub Pants MST003 Green $ 9.99 12 $ 119.88
Medical Scrub Pants MST004 White $ 10.99 14 $ 153.86
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT110 White $ 19.00 13 $ 247.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT111 Black $ 19.00 5 $ 95.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT112 Blue $ 19.00 5 $ 95.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT113 Green $ 20.00 18 $ 360.00
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Remove all conditional formatting rules from the worksheet

Margie's Travel

Air Miles from London, United Kingdom (LHR)

Country or Region City Airport Code Air Miles Bonus Air Miles
United States New York JFK 3440 275
Australia Sydney SYD 10600 848
United States Seattle SEA 4780 382
Spain Madrid MAD 774 62
France Paris CDG 215 17
Italy Rome FCO 896 72
New Zealand Auckland AKL 11400 912
China Beijing PEK 5060 405
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Convert cells A3:G14 to a table with headers. Apply the Green, Table Style Light 14 style.

Product Product Code Color Unit Cost Quantity Current Value Projected Value
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green 12.99 15 194.85 214.34
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black 10.5 15 157.5 173.25
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White 10.5 16 168 184.8
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green 10.5 3 31.5 34.65
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue 10.5 8 84 92.4
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue 8.99 15 134.85 148.34
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink 8.99 20 179.8 197.78
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White 8.99 8 71.92 79.11
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue 8.99 20 179.8 197.78
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White 50 18 900 990
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White 50 15 900 990
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Apply the White, Table Style Medium 1 style to the table.

Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color Unit Cost Quantity Current Value
Healthcare Dress HCD004 Light Green $ 16.99 8 $ 135.92
Medical Scrub Pants MST001 Black $ 9.99 8 $ 79.92
Medical Scrub Pants MST002 Blue $ 9.99 10 $ 99.90
Medical Scrub Pants MST003 Green $ 9.99 12 $ 119.88
Medical Scrub Pants MST004 White $ 10.99 14 $ 153.86
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT110 White $ 19.00 13 $ 247.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT111 Black $ 19.00 5 $ 95.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT112 Blue $ 19.00 5 $ 95.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT113 Green $ 20.00 18 $ 360.00
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
On the "Classes" worksheet, convert the table to a cell range. Keep the formatting

School of Fine Art


Title Days Last Term Current Term Next Term Trend

Drawing I Monday 29 21 25
Wednesday 27 30 22
Drawing II Tuesday 24 28 23
Thursday 26 29 23
Tuesday 34 23 28
Painting I Monday 24 25 26
Wednesday 26 27 21
Painting II Tuesday 28 30 35
Thursday 33 22 27
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Remove the table row that contains "Agriculture" data. Do not change any content outside the table

Belows College
Last Semester
Program Category Students Enrolled Tutors Available
Accounting & Finance Business 15 8
Aerospace & Aviation Engineering Other 21 3
Beauty Therapy Treatment Health & Beauty 4 5
Business Diploma Business 26 5
Cyber Security Apprentice Business 6 1
Digital Marketing Apprentice IT 1 7
Electrical Engineering Other 19 6
Chemistry Other 3 8
Graphic Design IT 33 3
Health & Social Care Health & Beauty 2 1
Agriculture Other 29 5
Mechanical Engineering Other 15 6
Civic Education Other 12 8
t outside the table Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Average Cost per Student Total

$ 4,300.00 $ 64,500.00
$ 3,300.00 $ 69,300.00
$ 4,600.00 $ 18,400.00
$ 1,100.00 $ 28,600.00
$ 2,000.00 $ 12,000.00
$ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00
$ 3,900.00 $ 74,100.00
$ 2,100.00 $ 6,300.00
$ 2,800.00 $ 92,400.00
$ 1,100.00 $ 2,200.00
$ 2,100.00 $ 60,900.00
$ 1,700.00 $ 25,500.00
$ 4,000.00 $ 48,000.00
Remove the table row that contains "Tailspin Toys" data. Do
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
not change any content outside the table.

Woodgrove Bank
New Account Balances
Account Opening Balance Current Balance
Adventure Works $ 5,001.00 $ 4,501.00
Fourth Coffee $ 6,500.00 $ 9,501.00
Tailspin Toys $ 3,500.00 $ 1,450.00
Fabrikam, Inc $ 9,001.00 $ 8,801.00
Lamna Healthcare $ 8,501.00 $ 15,001.00
Lucerne Publishing $ 7,101.00 $ 9,991.00
Relecloud $ 10,001.00 $ 8,201.00
Proseware, Inc $ 8,991.00 $ 14,501.00
Configure the table style options to automatically shade every other table row

Bellows College
CS101 Micrsoft Office Application
ID Name Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7
1169815 Alexander, Sean P. 10 25 23 21 25 11 15
2002584 Argrow, Neketa 24 16 16 13 17 11 25
3009854 Barnett, Dave 12 12 11 19 13 23 13
1206458 Bashary, Shay 15 21 14 23 10 20 10
1182548 Brown, Jo 13 20 15 12 12 24 15
1195789 Caro, Fernando, 13 24 23 22 21 25 16
3018848 Casparij, Gitte, 17 22 21 13 19 15 16
2007894 Cheng, Yao-Qiang 21 17 24 24 22 12 14
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Task 8 Task 9 Task 10 Task Total

24 25 10
16 23 15
23 18 12
22 24 18
19 15 22
15 12 20
25 11 21
19 17 17
Add a Total Column to the table. Configure the Total Row to display the number of new policies for each
month and for the 6 month total.

New Policies

Agent January February March April May June Total Inactive MTrend
Berg 1 4 2 6 7
Butnaru 2 9 4 4 8
Charney 10 2 6 2
Gonzalez 8 1 1 3 10 5
laszlo 9 3 1 3
Patel 6 9 5 2 8
Song 10 6 7 4 1 5
Yu 5 6 10
Beebe 1 6 4 6 6
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Filter the table data to display only the policies with a "Policy Type" of "MP"

Humongous Insurance
Policies Due for Renewal

Client ID Policy Number Renewal Date Years as Member Policy Type Discount
47232 MP-290856 1-Feb-23 5
49525 BP-278391 4-Feb-23 4
88699 SP-782952 7-Feb-23 6
78338 AC-834341 10-Feb-23 2
26205 ND-204943 13-Feb-23 2
26753 DF-852001 16-Feb-23 4
91038 GT-482959 19-Feb-23 3
20482 MP-506424 22-Feb-23 5
97884 BP-138323 25-Feb-23 6
43768 SP-719532 28-Feb-23 4
63236 AC-673966 3-Mar-23 4
78634 ND-664300 6-Mar-23 4
45321 DF-311018 9-Mar-23 4
18525 GT-850597 12-Mar-23 2
80693 MP-410199 15-Mar-23 6
96071 BP-573926 18-Mar-23 6
15081 SP-144046 21-Mar-23 6
40810 AC-833473 24-Mar-23 3
88792 ND-858871 27-Mar-23 5
98773 DF-533336 30-Mar-23 5
80412 GT-289889 2-Apr-23 2
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Filter the table data to display only the "Blue" color

Inventory Prices

SKU Product Name Product Type Color In Stock Max Inventory

HBKU Hoodie Black (Unisex) Hoodie Black 20 200
HBU Hoodie Blue (Unisex) Hoodie Blue 42 240
HGU Hoodie Green (Unisex) Hoodie Green 24 150
HOU Hoodie Orange (Unisex) Hoodie Orange 120 150
HPU Hoodie Purple (Unisex) Hoodie Purple 80 120
HRU Hoodie Red (Unisex) Hoodie Red 20 180
HWU Hoodie White (Unisex) Hoodie White 24 300
SBKU Sweatshirt Black (Unisex) Sweatshirt Black 21 400
SBLU Sweatshirt Blue (Unisex) Sweatshirt Blue 201 250
SGU Sweatshirt Green (Unisex) Sweatshirt Green 140 150
SOU Sweatshirt Orange (Unisex) Sweatshirt Orange 120 140
SPU Sweatshirt Purple (Unisex) Sweatshirt Purple 20 80
SRU Sweatshirt Red (Unisex) Sweatshirt Red 140 150
SWU Sweatshirt White (Unisex) Sweatshirt White 230 400
TBKU T-Shirt Black (Unisex) T-Shirt Black 144 250
TBLU T-Shirt Blue (Unisex) T-Shirt Blue 250 300
TGU T-Shirt Green (Unisex) T-Shirt Green 24 290
TOU T-Shirt Orange (Unisex) T-Shirt Orange 115 140
TPU T-Shirt Purple (Unisex) T-Shirt Purple 25 250
TRU T-Shirt Red (Unisex) T-Shirt Red 50 400
TWU T-Shirt White (Unisex) T-Shirt White 300 450
Inventory Level % Inventory Notice Unit Cost Unit Price Tax Price with Tax
10% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
18% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
16% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
80% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
67% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
11% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
8% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
5% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
80% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
86% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
25% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
57% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
58% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
83% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
8% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
82% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
10% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
13% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
67% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Perform a multi-level sort. Sort the table data by "Product" (A to Z) and then by "Total Sales" (Largest to

Northwind Traders
Annual Sales Summary
Product Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Sales
Sailbot $ 5,100,000.00 $ 1,950,000.00 $ 2,800,000.00 $ 4,600,000.00 $ 14,450,000.00
Speedboat $ 6,400,000.00 $ 1,750,000.00 $ 7,050,000.00 $ 3,750,000.00 $ 18,950,000.00
Houseboat $ 1,200,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 6,500,000.00 $ 1,350,000.00 $ 15,100,000.00
Jet Ski $ 2,250,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 $ 3,600,000.00 $ 8,750,000.00
Kayak $ 4,000,000.00 $ 4,500,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 2,500,000.00 $ 12,650,000.00
Canoe $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,200,000.00 $ 6,350,000.00 $ 4,750,000.00 $ 21,350,000.00
Fishing boat $ 1,150,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,700,000.00 $ 5,850,000.00 $ 17,750,000.00
Yacht $ 1,250,000.00 $ 4,850,000.00 $ 3,550,000.00 $ 2,550,000.00 $ 12,200,000.00
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Perform a multi-level sort. Sort the table data by "Country or Region" (A to Z) and then by
"City" (A to Z)

Margie's Travel

Air Miles from London, United Kingdom (LHR)

Country or Region City Airport Code Air Miles Bonus Air Miles
United States New York JFK 3440 275
Australia Sydney SYD 10600
United States Seattle SEA 4780
Spain Madrid MAD 774
France Paris CDG 215
Italy Rome FCO 896
New Zealand Auckland AKL 11400
China Beijing PEK 5060

Highest number (Air Miles)

Kembali ke Daftar Isi
You are collecting information about the distances between popular travel
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
destinations. Extend the formula in cell E7 to the end of the table column

Margie's Travel

Air Miles from London, United Kingdom (LHR)

Country or Region City Airport Code Air Miles Bonus Air Miles
United States New York JFK 3440 275
Australia Sydney SYD 10600 848
United States Seattle SEA 4780 382
Spain Madrid MAD 774 62
France Paris CDG 215 17
Italy Rome FCO 896 72
New Zealand Auckland AKL 11400 912
China Beijing PEK 5060 405
Enter a formula in Tax column that multiplies the value in the "Unit Price" column by cell L3

Inventory Prices

SKU Product Name Product Type Color In Stock Max Inventory

HBKU Hoodie Black (Unisex) Hoodie Black 20 200
HBU Hoodie Blue (Unisex) Hoodie Blue 42 240
HGU Hoodie Green (Unisex) Hoodie Green 24 150
HOU Hoodie Orange (Unisex) Hoodie Orange 120 150
HPU Hoodie Purple (Unisex) Hoodie Purple 80 120
HRU Hoodie Red (Unisex) Hoodie Red 20 180
HWU Hoodie White (Unisex) Hoodie White 24 300
SBKU Sweatshirt Black (Unisex) Sweatshirt Black 21 400
SBLU Sweatshirt Blue (Unisex) Sweatshirt Blue 201 250
SGU Sweatshirt Green (Unisex) Sweatshirt Green 140 150
SOU Sweatshirt Orange (Unisex) Sweatshirt Orange 120 140
SPU Sweatshirt Purple (Unisex) Sweatshirt Purple 20 80
SRU Sweatshirt Red (Unisex) Sweatshirt Red 140 150
SWU Sweatshirt White (Unisex) Sweatshirt White 230 400
TBKU T-Shirt Black (Unisex) T-Shirt Black 144 250
TBLU T-Shirt Blue (Unisex) T-Shirt Blue 250 300
TGU T-Shirt Green (Unisex) T-Shirt Green 24 290
TOU T-Shirt Orange (Unisex) T-Shirt Orange 115 140
TPU T-Shirt Purple (Unisex) T-Shirt Purple 25 250
TRU T-Shirt Red (Unisex) T-Shirt Red 50 400
TWU T-Shirt White (Unisex) T-Shirt White 300 450
y cell L3


Inventory Level % Inventory Notice Unit Cost Unit Price Tax Price with Tax
10% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
18% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
16% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
80% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
67% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
11% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
8% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
5% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
80% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
86% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
25% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
57% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
58% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
83% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
8% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
82% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
10% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
13% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
67% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
In the "Projected Value" column, enter a formula that multiplies the value in the "Current Value" column by the
"increase" named range. Use the range name in the formula instead of a cell reference or value

Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color Unit Cost Quantity Current Value
Healthcare Dress HCD004 Light Green $ 16.99 8 $ 135.92
Medical Scrub Pants MST001 Black $ 9.99 8 $ 79.92
Medical Scrub Pants MST002 Blue $ 9.99 10 $ 99.90
Medical Scrub Pants MST003 Green $ 9.99 12 $ 119.88
Medical Scrub Pants MST004 White $ 10.99 14 $ 153.86
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT110 White $ 19.00 13 $ 247.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT111 Black $ 19.00 5 $ 95.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT112 Blue $ 19.00 5 $ 95.00
Scrub Cargo Pants SCT113 Green $ 20.00 18 $ 360.00

Projected Quantity
nt Value" column by the
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
or value

Projected Value
In the "Quarter 2" column, enter a formula that multiplies the value in the "Quarter 1" column by the "Q2_increase" named ra
formula instead of a cell reference or value.

Northwind Traders
Annual Sales Summary
Product Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Sales
Sailboat $277,750 $286,083 $563,833
Speedboat $833,250 $833,250
Houseboat $606,000 $606,000
Jet Ski $1,161,500 $1,161,500
Kayak $555,500 $555,500
Canoe $202,000 $202,000
Fishing Boat $9,494,000 $9,494,000
Yacht $10,100,000 $10,100,000
Total $23,230,000 $23,516,083

Percentage Increase
Quarter 1 101%
Quarter 2 103%
Quarter 3 102%
Quarter 4 101%
the "Q2_increase" named range. Use the range name in the
On the "Summary" worksheet, in cell B15, use a function to display the highest sales amount from the "Total
Sales" column.

Northwind Traders
Annual Sales Summary
Product Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Sales
Sailbot $ 5,100,000.00 $ 1,950,000.00 $ 2,800,000.00 $ 4,600,000.00 $ 14,450,000.00
Speedboat $ 6,400,000.00 $ 1,750,000.00 $ 7,050,000.00 $ 3,750,000.00 $ 18,950,000.00
Houseboat $ 1,200,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 6,500,000.00 $ 1,350,000.00 $ 15,100,000.00
Jet Ski $ 2,250,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 $ 3,600,000.00 $ 8,750,000.00
Kayak $ 4,000,000.00 $ 4,500,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 2,500,000.00 $ 12,650,000.00
Canoe $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,200,000.00 $ 6,350,000.00 $ 4,750,000.00 $ 21,350,000.00
Fishing boat $ 1,150,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,700,000.00 $ 5,850,000.00 $ 17,750,000.00
Yacht $ 1,250,000.00 $ 4,850,000.00 $ 3,550,000.00 $ 2,550,000.00 $ 12,200,000.00

Highest sales
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
In the "Monthly Average" column, use a function to calculate the average monthly balance for each account from
January through April

Woodgrove Bank
Account Name Code January February March April
Contoso Pharmaceutical $ 25,400.00 $ 62,200.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 18,100.00
Humongous Insurance $ 57,900.00 $ 38,200.00 $ 29,300.00 $ 68,400.00
Trey Research $ 65,100.00 $ 71,800.00 $ 77,300.00 $ 36,600.00
Alpine Ski House $ 41,300.00 $ 60,900.00 $ 73,100.00 $ 64,200.00
Blue Yonder Airline $ 61,700.00 $ 14,900.00 $ 48,300.00 $ 75,800.00
Margie's Travel $ 12,100.00 $ 54,500.00 $ 59,400.00 $ 24,000.00
Graphic Design Institute $ 50,100.00 $ 54,700.00 $ 27,800.00 $ 21,400.00
School of Fine Art $ 58,100.00 $ 23,900.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 32,400.00
Bellows College $ 3,500.00 $ 25,100.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 73,200.00
ance for each account from
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Monthly Average
In cell D16 use a function to display the lowest number from the "Air Miles" column.

Margie's Travel

Air Miles from London, United Kingdom (LHR)

Country or Region City Airport Code Air Miles Bonus Air Miles
United States New York JFK 3440 275
Australia Sydney SYD 10600
United States Seattle SEA 4780
Spain Madrid MAD 774
France Paris CDG 215
Italy Rome FCO 896
New Zealand Auckland AKL 11400
China Beijing PEK 5060

Lowest number (Air Miles)

Kembali ke Daftar Isi
In the "inactive Months" column, use a function to count the number of months with no new policies by

New Policies

Agent January February March April May June Total Trend
Berg 1 4 2 6 7
Butnaru 2 9 4 4 8
Charney 10 2 6 2
Gonzalez 8 1 1 3 10 5
laszlo 9 3 1 3
Patel 6 9 5 2 8
Song 10 6 7 4 1 5
Yu 5 6 10
Beebe 1 6 4 6 6
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
In cell E15, use a function to determine how many students do not have an "Task 3" result

Bellows College
CS101 Micrsoft Office Application
ID Name Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8
1169815 Alexander, 10 25 21 25 11 15 24
2002584 Argrow, Ne 24 16 16 13 17 11 25 16
3009854 Barnett, D 12 12 11 19 13 23 13 23
1206458 Bashary, S 15 21 23 10 20 10 22
1182548 Brown, Jo 13 20 12 12 24 15 19
1195789 Caro, Fern 13 24 23 22 21 25 16 15
3018848 Casparij, Gi 17 22 13 19 15 16 25
2007894 Cheng, Yao 21 17 24 24 22 12 14 19
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Task 9 Task 10 Task Total

25 10
23 15
18 12
24 18
15 22
12 20
11 21
17 17
You are resiving a sales summary report for Northwind Traders. In cells F6:F13, use conditional formatting
to apply the Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow Text format to cells that contain values greater than

Northwind Traders
Annual Sales Summary
Product Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Sales
Sailbot $ 5,100,000.00 $ 1,950,000.00 $ 2,800,000.00 $ 4,600,000.00 $ 14,450,000.00
Speedboat $ 6,400,000.00 $ 1,750,000.00 $ 7,050,000.00 $ 3,750,000.00 $ 18,950,000.00
Houseboat $ 1,200,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 6,500,000.00 $ 1,350,000.00 $ 15,100,000.00
Jet Ski $ 2,250,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 $ 3,600,000.00 $ 8,750,000.00
Kayak $ 4,000,000.00 $ 4,500,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 2,500,000.00 $ 12,650,000.00
Canoe $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,200,000.00 $ 6,350,000.00 $ 4,750,000.00 $ 21,350,000.00
Fishing boat $ 1,150,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,700,000.00 $ 5,850,000.00 $ 17,750,000.00
Yacht $ 1,250,000.00 $ 4,850,000.00 $ 3,550,000.00 $ 2,550,000.00 $ 12,200,000.00
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
In the "Discount" column use a function to display "Yes" if the "Years as Member" is
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
greater than 3. Otherwise display "No"

Humongous Insurance
Policies Due for Renewal

Client ID Policy Number Renewal Date Years as Member Policy Type Discount
47232 MP-290856 1-Feb-23 5
49525 BP-278391 4-Feb-23 4
88699 SP-782952 7-Feb-23 6
78338 AC-834341 10-Feb-23 2
26205 ND-204943 13-Feb-23 2
26753 DF-852001 16-Feb-23 4
91038 GT-482959 19-Feb-23 3
20482 MP-506424 22-Feb-23 5
97884 BP-138323 25-Feb-23 6
43768 SP-719532 28-Feb-23 4
63236 AC-673966 3-Mar-23 4
78634 ND-664300 6-Mar-23 4
45321 DF-311018 9-Mar-23 4
18525 GT-850597 12-Mar-23 2
80693 MP-410199 15-Mar-23 6
96071 BP-573926 18-Mar-23 6
15081 SP-144046 21-Mar-23 6
40810 AC-833473 24-Mar-23 3
88792 ND-858871 27-Mar-23 5
98773 DF-533336 30-Mar-23 5
80412 GT-289889 2-Apr-23 2
In the "Policy Type" column use a function to display the first 2 characters of the "Policy Number"
from column B

Humongous Insurance
Policies Due for Renewal

Client ID Policy Number Renewal Date Years as Member Policy Type Discount
47232 MP-290856 1-Feb-23 5
49525 BP-278391 4-Feb-23 4
88699 SP-782952 7-Feb-23 6
78338 AC-834341 10-Feb-23 2
26205 ND-204943 13-Feb-23 2
26753 DF-852001 16-Feb-23 4
91038 GT-482959 19-Feb-23 3
20482 MP-506424 22-Feb-23 5
97884 BP-138323 25-Feb-23 6
43768 SP-719532 28-Feb-23 4
63236 AC-673966 3-Mar-23 4
78634 ND-664300 6-Mar-23 4
45321 DF-311018 9-Mar-23 4
18525 GT-850597 12-Mar-23 2
80693 MP-410199 15-Mar-23 6
96071 BP-573926 18-Mar-23 6
15081 SP-144046 21-Mar-23 6
40810 AC-833473 24-Mar-23 3
88792 ND-858871 27-Mar-23 5
98773 DF-533336 30-Mar-23 5
80412 GT-289889 2-Apr-23 2
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Change the client's name in column A to capital letters in column B

Humongous Insurance
Policies Due for Renewal

Client Client Name Policy Number Renewal Date Years as Member

PILAR ACKERMAN MP-290856 1-Feb-23 5
pamela ansman-Wolfe BP-278391 4-Feb-23 4
Max benson SP-782952 7-Feb-23 6
Robert buChanaN AC-834341 10-Feb-23 2
nancy Brown ND-204943 13-Feb-23 2
SEAN CHAI DF-852001 16-Feb-23 4
Micahel Emanuel GT-482959 19-Feb-23 3
enrique gil MP-506424 22-Feb-23 5
Anne hellung jarsen BP-138323 25-Feb-23 6
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Policy Type Discount

In the "Email Address" column, use a function tp construct email addresses
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
for each person using the first name and ""

Woodgrove Bank
Account Executives

First Name Last Name Emmail Address

Pilar Ackerman
Pamela Ansman-Wolfe
Max Benson
Robert Buchanan
nancy Brown
Sean Chai
Micahel Emanuel
Enrique Gil
Anne Hellung-Jarsen
In the "Email Address" column, use a function to construct email addresses for each person using the
first name and ""

Contact Information

First Name Last Name Email Address

Karen Berg
Tzipi Butnaru
Neil Barney
Howard Gonzales
Rebecca Laszlo
Reshma Patel
Lolan Song
Wei Yu
Ann Beebe
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Create a Clustered Column chart that display the "Program" names and the "Average Cost per Student" data.
The exact size and position of the chart do not matter.

Belows College
Last Semester
Students Tutors Average Cost per
Program Category Total
Enrolled Available Student
Accounting & Finance Business 15 8 $ 4,300.00 $ 64,500.00
Aerospace & Aviation Engineering Other 21 3 $ 3,300.00 $ 69,300.00
Beauty Therapy Treatment Health & Beauty 4 5 $ 4,600.00 $ 18,400.00
Business Diploma Business 26 5 $ 1,100.00 $ 28,600.00
Cyber Security Apprentice Business 6 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 12,000.00
Digital Marketing Apprentice IT 1 7 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00
Electrical Engineering Other 19 6 $ 3,900.00 $ 74,100.00
Chemistry Other 3 8 $ 2,100.00 $ 6,300.00
Graphic Design IT 33 3 $ 2,800.00 $ 92,400.00
Health & Social Care Health & Beauty 2 1 $ 1,100.00 $ 2,200.00
Agriculture Other 29 5 $ 2,100.00 $ 60,900.00
Mechanical Engineering Other 15 6 $ 1,700.00 $ 25,500.00
Civic Education Other 12 8 $ 4,000.00 $ 48,000.00
Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Create a Clustered Column chart that shows the "Air Miles" for all the cities with
the cities as the horizontal axis labels. Place the chart below the table. The exact Kembali ke Daftar Isi
size and position of the chart do not matter

Margie's Travel

Air Miles from London, United Kingdom (LHR)

Country or Region City Airport Code Air Miles Bonus Air Miles
United States New York JFK 3440 275
Australia Sydney SYD 10600 848
United States Seattle SEA 4780 382
Spain Madrid MAD 774 62
France Paris CDG 215 17
Italy Rome FCO 896 72
New Zealand Auckland AKL 11400 912
China Beijing PEK 5060 405
Move the chart to a new chart sheet named "Graduation Chart"

School of Fine Art

Graduation Projection

Session Candidates
First term 25
Second term 17
Third term 32
Fourth term 45


Kembali ke Daftar Isi


Add Quarter4 column to the chart

Northwind Traders
Annual Sales Summary
Product Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Sailbot $ 5,100,000.00 $ 1,950,000.00 $ 2,800,000.00 $ 4,600,000.00
Speedboat $ 6,400,000.00 $ 1,750,000.00 $ 7,050,000.00 $ 3,750,000.00
Houseboat $ 1,200,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 6,500,000.00 $ 1,350,000.00
Jet Ski $ 2,250,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 $ 3,600,000.00
Kayak $ 4,000,000.00 $ 4,500,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 2,500,000.00
Canoe $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,200,000.00 $ 6,350,000.00 $ 4,750,000.00
Fishing boat $ 1,150,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,700,000.00 $ 5,850,000.00
Yacht $ 1,250,000.00 $ 4,850,000.00 $ 3,550,000.00 $ 2,550,000.00


$6,400,000.00 $6,500,000.00
$6,050,000.00 $6,0


$3,000,000.00 $2,800,000.00

$2,000,000.00 $1,750,000.00 $1,650,000.00 $1,650,000.00
$1,200,000.00 $1,250,000.00

Sailbot Speedboat Houseboat Jet Ski Kayak

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3

Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Total Sales
$ 14,450,000.00
$ 18,950,000.00
$ 15,100,000.00
$ 8,750,000.00
$ 12,650,000.00
$ 21,350,000.00
$ 17,750,000.00
$ 12,200,000.00

$6,050,000.00 $6,050,000.00



$1,650,000.00 $1,650,000.00
$1,250,000.00 $1,150,000.00 $1,250,000.00

Jet Ski Kayak Canoe Fishing boat Yacht

ter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3

Swap the data over the axis

Northwind Traders
Annual Sales Summary
Product Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Sailbot $ 5,100,000.00 $ 1,950,000.00 $ 2,800,000.00 $ 4,600,000.00
Speedboat $ 6,400,000.00 $ 1,750,000.00 $ 7,050,000.00 $ 3,750,000.00
Houseboat $ 1,200,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 6,500,000.00 $ 1,350,000.00
Jet Ski $ 2,250,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 $ 3,600,000.00
Kayak $ 4,000,000.00 $ 4,500,000.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 2,500,000.00
Canoe $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,200,000.00 $ 6,350,000.00 $ 4,750,000.00
Fishing boat $ 1,150,000.00 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 4,700,000.00 $ 5,850,000.00
Yacht $ 1,250,000.00 $ 4,850,000.00 $ 3,550,000.00 $ 2,550,000.00

Total Sales
$20,000,000.00 $18,950,000.00
$12,650,000.00 $12,200,000.00

$10,000,000.00 $8,750,000.00


Sailbot Speedboat Houseboat Jet Ski Kayak Canoe Fishing Yacht
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Total Sales
$ 14,450,000.00
$ 18,950,000.00
$ 15,100,000.00
$ 8,750,000.00
$ 12,650,000.00
$ 21,350,000.00
$ 17,750,000.00
$ 12,200,000.00




oe Fishing Yacht
Modify the chart to display "Hours" as the Primary Vertical Axis Title

School of Fine Art

Instructional Hours by Day per Team

Days Monday Tuesday WednesdaThursday Friday Saturday

Instructional Hours 120 150 100 140 90 160

Instructional Hours
160 150
100 90
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Remove the legend and display only the values as data labels above each column

Bellows College
CS101 Micrsoft Office Application
ID Name Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7
1169815 Alexander, Sean P. 10 25 21 25 11 15
2002584 Argrow, Neketa 24 16 16 13 17 11 25
3009854 Barnett, Dave 12 12 11 19 13 23 13
1206458 Bashary, Shay 15 21 23 10 20 10
1182548 Brown, Jo 13 20 12 12 24 15
1195789 Caro, Fernando, 13 24 23 22 21 25 16
3018848 Casparij, Gitte, 17 22 13 19 15 16
2007894 Cheng, Yao-Qiang 21 17 24 24 22 12 14

Chart Title


Caro, F

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9 Task 10
Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Task 8 Task 9 Task 10

24 25 10
16 23 15
23 18 12
22 24 18
19 15 22
15 12 20
25 11 21
19 17 17

Alexander, Sean P.
Argrow, Neketa
Barnett, Dave
Bashary, Shay
Brown, Jo
Caro, Fernando,
Casparij, Gitte,
Cheng, Yao-Qiang

Task 9 Task 10
On the chart display a data table without legend keys

Margie's Travel

Air Miles from London, United Kingdom (LHR)

Country or Region City Airport Code Air Miles Bonus Air Miles
United States New York JFK 3440 275
Australia Sydney SYD 10600 848
United States Seattle SEA 4780 382
Spain Madrid MAD 774 62
France Paris CDG 215 17
Italy Rome FCO 896 72
New Zealand Auckland AKL 11400 912
China Beijing PEK 5060 405

Air Miles




New York Sydney Seattle Madrid Paris Rome Auckland Beijing

United Australia United Spain France Italy New Zea- China
States States land

Air Miles Bonus Air Miles

Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Insert a chart title above the chart, at the top of the plot area. Display the values as data labels to the right of each data bar.

Inventory Prices

SKU Product Name Product Type Color In Stock Max Inventory

HBKU Hoodie Black (Unisex) Hoodie Black 20 200
HBU Hoodie Blue (Unisex) Hoodie Blue 42 240
HGU Hoodie Green (Unisex) Hoodie Green 24 150
HOU Hoodie Orange (Unisex) Hoodie Orange 120 150
HPU Hoodie Purple (Unisex) Hoodie Purple 80 120
HRU Hoodie Red (Unisex) Hoodie Red 20 180
HWU Hoodie White (Unisex) Hoodie White 24 300
SBKU Sweatshirt Black (Unisex) Sweatshirt Black 21 400
SBLU Sweatshirt Blue (Unisex) Sweatshirt Blue 201 250
SGU Sweatshirt Green (Unisex) Sweatshirt Green 140 150
SOU Sweatshirt Orange (Unisex) Sweatshirt Orange 120 140
SPU Sweatshirt Purple (Unisex) Sweatshirt Purple 20 80
SRU Sweatshirt Red (Unisex) Sweatshirt Red 140 150
SWU Sweatshirt White (Unisex) Sweatshirt White 230 400
TBKU T-Shirt Black (Unisex) T-Shirt Black 144 250
TBLU T-Shirt Blue (Unisex) T-Shirt Blue 250 300
TGU T-Shirt Green (Unisex) T-Shirt Green 24 290
TOU T-Shirt Orange (Unisex) T-Shirt Orange 115 140
TPU T-Shirt Purple (Unisex) T-Shirt Purple 25 250
TRU T-Shirt Red (Unisex) T-Shirt Red 50 400
TWU T-Shirt White (Unisex) T-Shirt White 300 450

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

In Stock
data labels to the right of each data bar.

Inventory Level % Inventory Notice Unit Cost Unit Price Tax Price with Tax
10% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
18% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
16% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
80% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
67% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
11% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
8% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
5% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
80% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
86% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
25% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
57% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
58% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
83% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
8% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
82% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
10% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
13% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
67% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70

250 300 350

Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Insert a chart title above the chart, at the top of the plot area. Display the percentage values as data labels to the right of each

Inventory Prices

SKU Product Name Product Type Color In Stock Max Inventory

HBKU Hoodie Black (Unisex) Hoodie Black 20 200
HBU Hoodie Blue (Unisex) Hoodie Blue 42 240
HGU Hoodie Green (Unisex) Hoodie Green 24 150
HOU Hoodie Orange (Unisex) Hoodie Orange 120 150
HPU Hoodie Purple (Unisex) Hoodie Purple 80 120
HRU Hoodie Red (Unisex) Hoodie Red 20 180
HWU Hoodie White (Unisex) Hoodie White 24 300
SBKU Sweatshirt Black (Unisex) Sweatshirt Black 21 400
SBLU Sweatshirt Blue (Unisex) Sweatshirt Blue 201 250
SGU Sweatshirt Green (Unisex) Sweatshirt Green 140 150
SOU Sweatshirt Orange (Unisex) Sweatshirt Orange 120 140
SPU Sweatshirt Purple (Unisex) Sweatshirt Purple 20 80
SRU Sweatshirt Red (Unisex) Sweatshirt Red 140 150
SWU Sweatshirt White (Unisex) Sweatshirt White 230 400
TBKU T-Shirt Black (Unisex) T-Shirt Black 144 250
TBLU T-Shirt Blue (Unisex) T-Shirt Blue 250 300
TGU T-Shirt Green (Unisex) T-Shirt Green 24 290
TOU T-Shirt Orange (Unisex) T-Shirt Orange 115 140
TPU T-Shirt Purple (Unisex) T-Shirt Purple 25 250
TRU T-Shirt Red (Unisex) T-Shirt Red 50 400
TWU T-Shirt White (Unisex) T-Shirt White 300 450

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

In Stock
ge values as data labels to the right of each data bar.

Inventory Level % Inventory Notice Unit Cost Unit Price Tax Price with Tax
10% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
18% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
16% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
80% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
67% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
11% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
8% $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
5% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
80% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
86% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
25% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
93% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
57% $ 12.00 $ 24.00 $ 24.00
58% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
83% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
8% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
82% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
10% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
13% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70
67% $ 4.35 $ 8.70 $ 8.70

250 300 350

Kembali ke Daftar Isi
Apply layout 3 to the chart

Belows College
Last Semester
Students Tutors Average Cost
Program Category
Enrolled Available per Student
Accounting & Finance Business 15 8 $ 4,300.00
Aerospace & Aviation Engineering Other 21 3 $ 3,300.00
Beauty Therapy Treatment Health & Beauty 4 5 $ 4,600.00
Business Diploma Business 26 5 $ 1,100.00
Cyber Security Apprentice Business 6 1 $ 2,000.00
Digital Marketing Apprentice IT 1 7 $ 2,500.00
Electrical Engineering Other 19 6 $ 3,900.00
Chemistry Other 3 8 $ 2,100.00
Graphic Design IT 33 3 $ 2,800.00
Health & Social Care Health & Beauty 2 1 $ 1,100.00
Agriculture Other 29 5 $ 2,100.00
Mechanical Engineering Other 15 6 $ 1,700.00
Civic Education Other 12 8 $ 4,000.00

Bellows College
30 26
21 19
20 15 15
10 8 6 7 6 8 6 8
3 4 5 5 3 3 2 1
1 1
Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty










Account- Aero- Beauty Business Cyber Digital Electrical Chem- Graphic Health & Agricul- Mechan- Civic
ing & space & Therapy Diploma Security Market- Engineer- istry Design Social ture ical En- Educa-
Finance Aviation Treat- Appren- ing Ap- ing Care gineering tion
Engineer- ment tice prentice

Students Enrolled Tutors Available

Kembali ke Daftar Isi

$ 64,500.00
$ 69,300.00
$ 18,400.00
$ 28,600.00
$ 12,000.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 74,100.00
$ 6,300.00
$ 92,400.00
$ 2,200.00
$ 60,900.00
$ 25,500.00
$ 48,000.00


6 8



gricul- Mechan- Civic

ture ical En- Educa-
gineering tion
Apply the Style 7 chart style to the chart

Belows College
Last Semester
Students Tutors Average Cost
Program Category
Enrolled Available per Student
Accounting & Finance Business 15 8 $ 4,300.00
Aerospace & Aviation Engineering Other 21 3 $ 3,300.00
Beauty Therapy Treatment Health & Beauty 4 5 $ 4,600.00
Business Diploma Business 26 5 $ 1,100.00
Cyber Security Apprentice Business 6 1 $ 2,000.00
Digital Marketing Apprentice IT 1 7 $ 2,500.00
Electrical Engineering Other 19 6 $ 3,900.00
Chemistry Other 3 8 $ 2,100.00
Graphic Design IT 33 3 $ 2,800.00
Health & Social Care Health & Beauty 2 1 $ 1,100.00
Agriculture Other 29 5 $ 2,100.00
Mechanical Engineering Other 15 6 $ 1,700.00
Civic Education Other 12 8 $ 4,000.00

Bellows College
35 33
30 26
25 21 19
20 15 15
15 12
10 8 6 7 6 8 6 8
3 4 5 5 3 3 2 1
5 1 1
Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty










Account- Aero- Beauty Business Cyber Digital Electrical Chem- Graphic Health & Agricul- Mechan- Civic
ing & space & Therapy Diploma Security Market- Engineer- istry Design Social ture ical En- Educa-
Finance Aviation Treat- Appren- ing Ap- ing Care gineering tion
Engineer- ment tice prentice

Students Enrolled Tutors Available

Kembali ke Daftar Isi

$ 64,500.00
$ 69,300.00
$ 18,400.00
$ 28,600.00
$ 12,000.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 74,100.00
$ 6,300.00
$ 92,400.00
$ 2,200.00
$ 60,900.00
$ 25,500.00
$ 48,000.00


6 8



gricul- Mechan- Civic

ture ical En- Educa-
gineering tion
Apply the Colorful Palette 2 color to the chart

Lamna Healthcare Company Product List

Product Product Code Color Unit Cost Quantity
V-Neck Shirt VNT408 Green 12.99 15
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD001 Black 10.50 15
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD002 White 10.50 16
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD003 Green 10.50 3
Vet Medical Dentist Jacket VMD004 Blue 10.50 8
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU450 Blue 8.99 15
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU451 Pink 8.99 20
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU452 White 8.99 8
Ladies Plain Uniform LPU453 Light Blue 8.99 20
Lab Coat - Small LAB001 White 50.00 18
Lab Coat - Medium LAB002 White 50.00 15

Lamna Healthcare
Product List
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ica ica ica ica es es es es La b
di di di di La
ed ed ed ed L a L a L a L a
tM tM tM tM
Ve Ve Ve Ve

Current Value Projected Value

Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Current Value Projected Value

194.85 214.34
157.5 173.25
168 184.8
31.5 34.65
84 92.4
134.85 148.34
179.8 197.78
71.92 79.11
179.8 197.78
900 990
900 990
Add the alt text description "Renewal data" to the chart Kembali ke Daftar Isi

Humongous Insurance

Renewal Summary
Month Policies
Jan 16
Feb 14
Mar 20


15 14


Jan Feb Mar

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