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312 LEC

COURSE TASK: Schistosomiasis, Rabies,

Pediculosis, Bubonic Plague, Anthrax,
A big, multicellular organism is referred to as a parasitic worm or helminth. In their adult

phases, it is typically visible to the naked eye. Flatworms or platyhelminths, trematodes or

flukes, and cestodes or tapeworms are the three primary categories of helminths. Each has

distinctive qualities. People are harmed because of these parasites. Helminth infections are one

of the main issues with public health that the world is currently facing. Controlling the global

spread of human worms is a challenge. In rural areas with warm, humid climates and insufficient

sanitary infrastructure, this infection is common. The worm can be spread through direct contact

between infected and uninfected people, as well as through the consumption of tainted food and

water, eating with dirty hands, and barefoot contact with contaminated surfaces.

The journal article by Musa (2017), "Incidence of helminthiasis in human in Iraq," details

the various worm types, how they affect humans, and the kind of parasite that is most common in

that nation. According to the findings, there were 78,486 cases of Enterobiasis, 40 cases of

ascariasis, 90 cases of Hymenolepiasis, and 7 cases of Taenia solium. Patients between the ages

of 14 had helminth infections at greater rates. One of the reasons was a lack of understanding and

awareness of environmental sanitation.

To stop the community from becoming further infected, Iraq must confront the issue. They

might organize an interesting seminar or program that addresses sanitation. This is typical among
312 LEC

younger kids; therefore, the program needs to be both fun and instructional. It will be really

beneficial to teach the children as simple as proper hand hygiene techniques.

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