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23-year-old gentleman and couldn’t help until 4 to 5 days ago when he developed acute onset of
high fever abdominal cramps nausea and profuse watery diarrhea, temperature was up to 102 at
home. Patient has continued to work despite feeling ill, but today became painful. On examination
he is a pleasant young man, who is no acute distress. Blood pressure is 98/64 HE and P clear; chest
clear; cardiac examination regular rate about a hundred abdomen soft diffusively unergative
outpatient. He as an acute viral gastroenteritis with bumblebee hydration. Given the severity of the
symptoms, I am going to go ahead, and treat expectantly with anti-biotics. A plain of stool culture as
well as gram stain began. I’m back with ES Phenergan for nausea, donatolf for abdominal cramping
patient should definitely rest at home for next several days. The follow-up first clear liquid in bad
diet return to clinic p.r.n.

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