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Printed Pages — 4 ROI NO. ...sesseesessereeseeeeesseseee 328632(28) B. E. (Sixth Semester) Examination, Nov.-Dec. 2021 (Old Scheme) (ET & T, Mechatronics Engg. Branch) COMPUTER NETWORK Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 80 Minimum Pass Marks : 28 Note : Part (a) is compulsory and carrying 2 marks. Attempt any two parts from (b), (c) & (d) in each unit and carries 7 marks. Unit-I 1. (a) What do you mean by Topologies? (b) Explain each layer of OSI model with suitable examples? 328632(28) PTO 2. 12] (c) Explain DTE-DCE interface with suitable interfacing diagram in detail. (d) Write short notes on : (any two) @ Balanced Modulator (ii) V-34 and V-90 modems ii) FSK and PSK modems Unit-I (a) Define Data Link layer in brief? (b) Explain Data Link layer of OSI model in detail with suitable example. (c) Explain sliding window ARQ with suitable diagram in detail. (d) Expalin stop & wait method in detail with suitable example. Unit-I (a) Explain IEEE 802-1? (b) Explain Ethernet? What do you mean by switched 328632(28) (3] ethemet & fast Ethernet? (c) Explain FDDI method in detail with suitable example. (d) Explain specification of LAN-IEEE802. 11 in detail with suitable example. Unit-IV 4. (a) What do you mean by IP address? (b) Explain Network layer in detail with suitable example. (c) What do you mean by Transport layer? How it differ from session layer & presentation layer? (d) Explain format of TCP Header? How it is emplemented in TCP services? Unit-V 5. (a) Define High Speed Networks? (b) Explain basics of high speed LAN with suitable example. (c) Define fast Ethernet system with suitable examples. 328632(28) PTO [4] (d) Write short notes on: + (i) Gigabit Ethernet i) FDDI 100) 328632(28)

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