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From: Victor AKA “El diablo en persona”

To: Liam
Subject: Liam calm down, everything bad passes

Hi There,

Liam, how are you? I know that I haven't written to you for a long time
and when I read your last email, I didn't hesitate for a minute to write to
you. I haven't written to you for so long because I'm taking my university

Well, Your email really worried me, you seemed very tired, everything
has changed since I left town, but you know that I will always be there for

As you know, I have always had problems and even though I have left
town I still have them, well I wanted to tell you that I have also gone
through something similar since I arrived here, without my parents,
without my best friends and with a new environment I also feel I felt
overwhelmed but I managed to get out of that bad moment and I think
you can too, well, I'm going to tell you the two things I did to get out of
that moment.
First, avoid taking everything bad with a bad face and even if everything
is bad, try to have a smile.
The Second thing I did was that I put everything I had into solving my
social and school problems.

Well, even if I don't want to, I have to go to study, this weekend I'm going
to town, so see you there

A big hug,

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