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Know Your Why ‘one of the most common questions we get asked in business is “What do you do?” You go to a networking event, you're chatting to someone, you're approaching a new customer and they always ask “what de you do?” “What do you do?” is about job descriptions and activities that set you up to give the kind of ‘answer that doesn't sell what you do, it doesn't motivate or inspire anyone (espectaly you). ‘The question thet wil rolly help ie "Why are you doing te" By tho way, troughout this course, wel develop your quostion formation sls, bacause asking great questions wil holp you make faster progress, build your resilonce and ultimately bus ¢ beter business Anyway back tothe why. thare are some quastione we want you te conadet. Fiat, magine you've suceseded in building the business you want: + What would ite be tka for you? Where would you belving? ‘what would you be wearing? ow would yout spending your time? + whet would your haliays be ke? + Wht would be tke working in ~ and on - your business? Now would your rand and fal reat to your success? + How would you give back and whe would you Nelp? tes the important bi ‘our brains work hough stimulus ftom our senses. We ean bull a really stvong vision of why’ by paying ‘ottention to ana than empliying the ‘data inputs rom our senses. you ware Lo answer the questions ‘edo, what Would you 8ee? What would you hoor? What would you fet? \Whot tastes ane smells would you experience, tucking into tht delicious meal at your Caribbean hotel? Pay Cottention to these visions and revist them regulatynatice the colours, the sounds and how feels. ttnelps {YU build the inner desire to get things done and create your business! Andis fun, [As you proceos through thi courte, we want you te bud ths picture using al of your sonsos because there ‘ore going tobe some chollenges: I twas esy, everyone would be doing i But strengthening your why wil help you nevigate the challenges, ud yout resiionce an uiimately help make your business succes tfyouneve a large enough ‘why then any ‘how is surmourtabl, “wny’ glues you the matveton to get out o bed nthe morning and make things happen. The ‘why’ doen't lust have to ba personal goin ether, Some of us find thata why outside of ourselves can be more rotivational For example Alan's ‘why’ sto help other people, to change the way enlrepreneurship is taught te have on impact on the people we teach, Thiss what gots him out of bedin the morning. (That and a toring amount af ctfea) Idoosnt realy matter wnat yout why’ Is Just 2s long as you have ane th the obstacles that ae coming towards you a you start-up. ‘Write down your anewers Imagine your anawers (your imagination ha no lst). 18 srong enough to get you aver We met another cake maker at a recent course and he wasn’t that inspiring when he: described his business. In fact, he was quite boring! After three or four days of the course he revealed why he was building the business he had a vision of, which was a cake business with no refined sugars at al hat kept people healthy and the ‘why’ was that he was getting fatter eating normal cake and needed to change his diet. He hod bull is businoss to tacklo.@ problom he hadin his own ile and hed a compeling ‘why.’ The why" inspired us to taste his cakes. Tho ‘why’ bought us into what he was doing. The cakes and brownies were DELICIOUS! Wo needed a compelling ‘why’ got us engaged, then we wanted to try the cakes. + Why are you running your business? + what's your story? ‘+ what experiences have you hal that led youto this moment? tfyou can clear arcuate the ‘why’ for your business to your customer, you il inspire them to engage with you “wny'is for more competing than “what!” Why are you doing this? How helpful are you finding this? Let us know any feedback ® @ here Back to the tbran RECEL RESEL RECEL ENTREPRENE| ENTREPRENEU ENTREPRENE| i ea i a i ea Get to the Results Faster Marketing Mini Marketing Mini [Rebel Entrepreneur Experiments 3| Rebel Experiments 2 | Rebel Podcast Entrepreneur Podcast Entrepreneur Podcast 8 2noverbor 2022 18 28 novebar2002 18 28 Novrbor 2022 tthe end ofthe last episode, You area grown-up business nave been ong to you about Toby wont ona to woreto get spending money on advertising, running mating in some actual "Nos" onto find You are inasing in Facebook experiments, gottng out there out adverts, woring hard to grow end testing and measuring the vyourbusiness and results Last episode, Adam. Copyright ©2024 Rebelt

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