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Soar City

Tasks based on 'Soar City'

Story starter
They had travelled so far to see this place. Their journey had
not been easy; she hoped it had been worth it.
The views alone were a sight to behold.
Tall skyscrapers rose high above the fluffy clouds seeming to
touch the very heavens.

In this enchanting city, each building was a masterpiece of

engineering, with transparent walkways and bridges that
hung in the air, it had been built to escape pollution on the
Earth's surface, but now...

Continue the story.

Sentence starters
Use these sentence starters to write your own sentence or

1. From Soar City you could see...

2. The buildings were...
3. This was a special city because...
Word Bank

floating skyscrapers special

soaring buildings walkways

magnificent unusual exploring

marvellous environment views

Question time
Who are the travellers?
Where have they come from?
How have they made the journey?
What is the place they have come to?
What will happen now that they have arrived?
Sentence challenge
Try and make these sentences even more interesting.

1. The buildings were tall.

2. They were in the sky.
3. The views were nice.
Punctuation challenge
Add the missing punctuation to these sentences.

1. their journey had not been easy she hoped it had been
worth it
2. tall skyscrapers rose high above the fluffy white clouds
seeming to touch the very heavens
3. in this enchanting city each building was a masterpiece of
engineering with transparent walkways and bridges that
hung in the air

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