Exit Options

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17 April 2023


Exit Options for Tier 2 Account Holders

Following your exit from your former employer, we would like to explain the options available to you for the on-going management of
your Tier 2 benefits.

The Pensions Act and associated regulations require that you choose one of the following options within three months of your employer
communicating your cessation of employment to us. The options available to you are:

a. Maintain your Tier 2 benefit with Petra Trust: - You will complete a form to elect Petra Trust to keep your funds in the
scheme. You may also choose to continue making your Tier 2 contributions into the Petra Advantage Pension Scheme. Your
funds will be actively invested until such a time that you deem necessary to either transfer it to another administrator or redeem all
benefits if and when you meet the conditions for withdrawal.

b. Transfer your Tier 2 benefits to a new administrator: - You will inform Petra Trust with a formal letter of your decision to
move your assets to your new employer’s scheme or a personal pension scheme if you are self-employed. You must give a
written notice of election to the chosen trustee, and within 30 days of receipt the chosen trustee shall give a notice of election to
Petra trust. You must make sure that each trustee gets the necessary information to enable the transfer to be completed.

If we do not receive your choice within three months of your exit, we will transfer your accrued funds into the Petra Advantage Pension
Scheme’s preservation account as required by law. Your funds will be invested by us until you notify us with your decision on how
you would like to proceed.

Petra Trust remains committed to ensuring that you retire with a bright future.

Yours faithfully,

Kofi D. Fynn

Managing Director

113, Airport West, Dzorwulu, Accra. P O Box CT 3194, Cantonments, Accra

t: +233 (0) 242 43 5037, +233 (0) 302 76 3908. e: info@petraonline.com , w: www.petraonline.com

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