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School of Engineering and Exact Sciences

Bioinstrumentation Laboratory

Practice 5: Transducers Part 1

Professor: Dr. José Daniel Pinzón Vivas

Juan Pablo Cáceres Sabido

Roxen García López
Manuel Andrés Guerrero Rubio
Angel Eduardo Negrete Nieto

March 13th, 2023


The student will use resistive sensors to measure displacement and show it on screen.

Theoretical framework

In the electronics environment, a transducer is a device that converts an electrical signal into
another form of energy or vice versa. As an example, a microphone is a transducer that converts
noise waves into an electrical signal, while a loudspeaker is a transducer that converts an
electrical signal into noise waves.

There are several types of transducers, some of which are described below:

● Electromechanical transducers: transform an electrical signal into a mechanical signal

or vice versa. Examples include speakers, microphones, electric motors, and generators.

● Electrical-optical transducers: transform an electrical signal into an optical signal or

vice versa. Examples integrate optoelectronic devices such as photodiodes and LEDs.

● Electrical-thermal transducers: transform an electrical signal into a thermal one or vice

versa. Examples integrate Seebeck impact-based thermistors and temperature sensors.

● Electrical-chemical transducers: transform an electrical signal into a chemical signal or

vice versa. Examples integrate gas sensors and pH electrodes.

Transducers generally have the option of being active or passive. Active transducers need an
external food intake source to function, whereas passive transducers do not. As an example, a
loudspeaker is an active transducer since it requires an electrical signal to generate noise,
whereas a thermistor is a passive transducer since it does not require an external food intake
source to measure temperature.

In summary, transducers are fundamental devices in electronics that allow the conversion of
one form of energy into another. There are various types of transducers used in different
applications, and they can be active or passive depending on whether they require an external
intake source to function.


● Potentiometer 10 kOhm
● Protractor
● Microcontroller (Arduino or PIC)
● LCD screen.


● We first develop the circuit digitally on the tinkercad platform.

● Then we realize the circuit in a physical way
● And we created the code for arduino
● We tested that the code would work in the physical circuit.
Photo evidence

Observations and data


In conclusion, transducers are essential devices that convert one form of energy into another
form. They are used in a wide range of applications in many fields, including engineering,
physics, medicine, and environmental monitoring. Transducers play a critical role in modern
technology, enabling the measurement and control of various physical parameters, such as
pressure, temperature, flow, and position. They are also used in the design of sensors, actuators,
and control systems.
The importance of transducers lies in their ability to provide accurate and reliable
measurements and to convert one form of energy into another without altering the original
signal. Transducers allow us to monitor and control physical processes in real-time, enabling
us to optimize system performance and improve efficiency. They also provide valuable
information for research, development, and quality control in a wide range of industries.
Overall, transducers are essential components in modern technology, and their importance is
likely to continue to grow in the future. With advances in technology, transducers are becoming
increasingly sophisticated, more accurate, and more versatile.

References. Recovered on February 1st, 2023

Transductores. (2023). Retrieved March 14, 2023, from website:



66734c026a9c090eca39c3b398fd8169. (2019, December 9). ¿Qué es un transductor y

para qué sirve? | AEISA. Retrieved March 14, 2023, from Asesoría y Equipos de

Inspección Sa de CV website:


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