03 Differences Between The Industrial Society and The Information

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- From the industrial society to the information society:

The society has known many changes and names due to the economic resource or commodity on
which it depends, at first it was known as the agricultural society due to its dependence in its
economies on the land, which was the main supplier of national income, then it turned into an
industrial society dependent on various economic resources and financial resources, and now with
the advancement of technology, the society has become known as the post-industrial society, the
Post-Service Society, The Information Society, which is a society characterized by equality and justice
in sharing information and diversity, and also characterized by sharing and exchanging roles. whoIn
order to develop the economy, it is based on quality and the spirit of innovation , and it can be

The most important differences between the industrial society and the
information society are as follows:
In light of the immaterial societies dominated by the globalization of the economy and the rapid
influence of science, as well as the new relationships it has with information, knowledge as an
inexhaustible resource has become the main engine of the wheel of development and a real
indicator of the development of societies and their ability to compete in the economic, scientific and
technological fields.

The main goal of the knowledge society is to provide everyone with the opportunity to access
information and provide mechanisms for acquiring, producing and using knowledge to develop skills
and serve progress through serious investment

In the fields of education, training, scientific research, information systems and technological base
structures. The most important differences between the information society and the knowledge
society can be summarized in the following table:

- The reasons for the emergence of the information society

After the " invention of paper by the Chinese it became the most widespread and common vessel for
writing and books were written by hand. The second invention that left a great impact was printing in
the fifteenth century AD, printing led to the publication of many copies of the same book, followed
by the use of audio and visual media. Other inventions have helped to speed up the transfer of
information: telegraph, telephone, radio and television, and these communication tools are the
building blocks of the information society. The most influential inventions are the computer and its
associated in the early second half of the twentieth century, which brought about a huge information
revolution that affected all aspects of human activity, especially Economic aspects."

The origins of information societies are due to two mutually related developments::

Economic development: the Agricultural Society has lived on raw materials and natural energy such
as: wind, water, animals and human effort. And at the stage of industrial society, relying on
generated energy such as: electricity, gas, nuclear power. As for the post-industrial or information
society, its development depends mainly on information, computer networks and data transmission.

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