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GTM Strategy for Nike's NeoStride

Problem Statement -

Nike is all set to introduce its new aged athletic shoes. The product they
are launching is - 'NeoStride'
NeoStride is a high quality sports shoes collection. It falls under the luxury
category - basically Nike wants to target people with high income and
belongs to the upper class as their desired users.
Collection is all set to launch but it needs a stellar GTM plan to make it a
Your job is to craft GTM strategy for this.

Solution -


Nike's NeoStride is a high-quality sport shoe collection positioned as a luxury product.

Initially, it will be launched in major global cities known for their luxury markets.

Identify Target Audience:

Nike has a wide range of customers.For NeoStride, we're focusing on the upper-class segment.
Nike's typical users for this product can be classified based on their needs:
Lifestyle & Fashion Conscious: Users (Both Men and Women) who seek trendy luxury and
status symbols in their footwear.
Professional Athletes: Professional footballers and athletes who want high performance and
Fitness Enthusiasts: Those who want performance combined with style.
Brand Loyalists: Long-time Nike customers who trust the brand's premium offerings.

For NeoStride, we want to focus on all categories.

Our target user persona is:

Name: Shubman Gill
Age: 32
Occupation: High Income Corporate Executive
Interest: High-end fashion, fitness routines, frequently buys luxury products.
Online Presence: Active on luxury and lifestyle-focused social media, follows high-end brands,
and frequently shops online.
Clarify Value Proposition and Create Brand Identity:

Given that Nike is recognized for its quality and innovation,

Value Proposition: Offer unmatched quality, performance, and style. It should be the shoe of
choice for those who want the best in luxury athletic footwear.
Brand Identity: NeoStride should represent the pinnacle of Nike's craftsmanship, blending
luxury with performance.
What we do not want: A product that's seen as style or pride over substance.
What we want to focus on: Innovative technology, premium materials, exclusive designs, and
limited editions.

Differentiation from Competitors:

● Offer cutting-edge shoe technology for enhanced performance.

● Collaborate with high-end designers for exclusive designs.
● If possible, offer personalized design for each individual use case and shoe.
● Ensure every shoe detail, from packaging to presentation, shows luxury.
● Offer dedicated and seamless After Sales support.

Define Pricing Strategy:

Competitors lens: Direct competitors include luxury athletic footwear from brands like Louis
Vuitton, Gucci, and others.
Pricing: NeoStride should be priced at a premium but should offer clear value in terms of
technology, design, and brand value. We don’t need to focus on reducing the price or quality for
affordability reasons.

Craft Promotional Strategy:

The goal is to establish NeoStride as the luxury athletic shoe of choice and build a loyal
customer base.


● High-quality ads featuring global celebrities and athletes.

● Partnerships with sports persons like Ronaldo/Virat. Also may be sports teams.
● Exclusive launch events in major cities.
● Collaborations with luxury brands or designers.

Ways to Market:

● Exclusive features in high-end fashion magazines.

● Partnerships with luxury retail chains for exclusive displays.
● Social media campaigns via athletes and influencers targeting upper-class audiences.
● Limited time launch offers for Nike brand loyalists.

Choose Distribution Channels:

Given Nike's strong presence both offline and online,

● Exclusive Nike flagship stores in luxury shopping cities.
● High-end department stores.
● Nike's official website with a dedicated NeoStride section.
● Collaborations with luxury online retailers.

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