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Lady Macbeth is a complex character who undergoes a significant transformation throughout the

course of the play. While some critics argue that she is a tragic character, others disagree. In my
opinion, Lady Macbeth is a tragic figure because she is ultimately consumed by guilt and driven to

At the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth is a powerful and ambitious woman who is determined to
help her husband achieve his goals. She is not afraid to use her sexuality to manipulate Macbeth, and
she encourages him to kill King Duncan in order to fulfil the witches’ prophecy. Lady Macbeth is also
a master of rhetoric, and she delivers some of the play’s most memorable speeches. For example, in
Act 1 scene 5, she says, “Come you spirits, that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me
from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty!” This speech reveals Lady Macbeths desire to be
free from the constraints of femininity and her willingness to embrace violence in order to achieve
her goals.

However, as the play progresses, Lady Macbeth’s mental state deteriorates. She is haunted by guilt
and begins to hallucinate. In Act 5 Scene 1, she says, “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!” as she tries to
wash the imagery bloodstains from her hand. This scene is a powerful representation of Lady
Macbeth’s guilt and her inability to escape the consequences of her actions.

While some critics argue that Lady Macbeth is not a tragic character because she does not
experience a reversal of fortune, I believe that her tragic flaw is her overwhelming ambition. Lady
Macbeth is so consumed by her desire for power that she is willing to do anything to achieve it, even
if it means sacrificing her own sanity. In this way, Lady Macbeth is similar to the other tragic
characters, such as Othello and Macbeth himself, who are undone by their own flaws.

In conclusion, Lady Macbeth is a tragic character because she is ultimately consumed by guilt and
driven to madness. While she begins the play as a powerful and ambitious woman, her mental state
deteriorates as she becomes overwhelmed by her guilt. Lady Macbeth’s tragic flaw is her ambition,
which leads her down a path of destruction.

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